Unit 5 World History Study Guide

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What happened to the Catholic Church, in France, after the French Revolution.

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What happened to the Catholic Church, in France, after the French Revolution.

it's power was limited

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What did the Jacobins favor during the French Revolution.

the establishment of a republic

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Who was France ruled by during the Reign of Terror.

Committee of Public Safety

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What does "equality" mean in the slogan "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity".

It meant equality before the law

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What was Louis XVI's purpose in summoning the Estates General in 1789?

To consider the question of government debt

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The Civil Constitution of the Clergy

placed the Church under government control

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The Declaration of the Rights of Man

document stating the principles of the French Revolution. It was drafted by the group calling themselves the National Assembly after taking the Tennis Court Oath

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Purpose of Napoleon's Continental System.

destroy Great Britain's commerce and income

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The representatives of the Third Estate demanded that the Estates General be declared a National Assembly in order to do what.

achieve voting by members rather than estates

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Why were the Russians able to repel Napoleon's invasion in 1812?

the implementation of the "scorched

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Why was the seizure of the Bastille on July 14, 1789 important?

It represented a successful attack on a symbol of the tyranny of the Old Regime

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Tennis Court Oath

a pledge by delegates of the Third Estate not to disband until they had drafted a constitution for France

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Who were the two privileged classes in France under the Old Regime?

nobility and clergy

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Louis XVI

Incompetent leader of France at the beginning of the French Revolution

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Be able to put these events in chronological order... A, D, E, C,B

A. The Tennis Court B. The "Great Fear" C. The Civil Constitution of the Clergy D. The Thermidorian Reaction E. The Execution of Louis XVI

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What were some causes of the French Revolution of 1789?

Widespread discontent, Unfair taxation, unjust administration of the law

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Old Regime of France

Political system of France before Revolution.

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Battle that ended Napoleon's reign in France.

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St. Helena

Place of Napoleon's final exile.

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Radical party that controlled the Committee of Public Safety.

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Merchants and professionals in city

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nobles who left France to escape the revolution there.

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neoclassicist artist who painted Napoleon Crossing the Alps and Death of Marat.

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People who do not want to change existing political and social conditions.

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Girondist who ended the life of Marat.

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Coup d'etat

an attempted overthrow of government.

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Be able to identify and describe 2 of the major causes of the French Revolution using at least 3 examples of specific factual information in your answer.

Examples: Economic Issues, Political Instability, Social inequality.

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