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________- Naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be profitable.
Mohs scale
It is measured by ________ which shows its hardness, measured by its resistance to scratching.
solid inorganic substances
Minerals are ________ with clearly defied composition and properties.
Gold copper nickel zinc and iron
In Quebec__,__ _________ are the minerals most extract.
powder trace
It is a(n) ________ that is left when it is rubbed against a rough surface.
________- light absorbing defects in the atomic structure or impurities in the crystal can produce minerals with a variety of colors.
________ are generally made of two or more minerals, mixed through geological process.
Mid oceanic ridges
________ occur along divergent plate boundaries, where new ocean floor is created as the Earths tectonic plates spread apart.
Elements with specific and non- alternative color are known as …
color of a mineral
The ________ depends on its chemical structure.
Hardness of a mineral
________ depends on the strength of the bonds; how close the atoms are to each other.
Hardness of a mineral
The ________ depends in its atomic structure.
minerals with varying color are known as…
minerals that allow light to pass straight through them
minerals who light through, but it is impossible to distinguish an object
minerals that do not let any light go through them
no. 1 on the Mohs scale
Talc- very fragile
no.10 on Mohs scale
Diamond- very hard
able to be pressed permanently out of shape without breaking
Naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be profitable