Montgomery bus boycott, Brown v. Board of Education, the Little Rock Nine, Autherine Lucy and Emmett Till's murder
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Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
what was the name of the racist organisation that lynched blacks?
Jim Crow Laws
What was the name for the group of discriminatory racist laws in the South?
what year was the NAACP founded?
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
what does NAACP stand for?
The Crisis
what was the name of the NAACP magazine?
In what year was Brown v. Board of Education?
Supreme Court
Which court ruled on Brown v. Board of Education?
Oliver and Linda Brown
What was the name of the father and daughter who sued the Topeka Board of Education leading to Brown v. Board of Education?
Earl Warren
What was the name of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1954?
Topeka, Kansas
Where did Linda Brown and her father, Oliver Brown, live?
inferiority, hearts and minds, equal protection under the law
the psychological effect of segregated schooling is to breed feelings of “_________” in the “_______________” of young blacks and thus infringes their rights to “___________________”. - Chief Justice Earl Warren on his ruling on Brown v. Board of Education in 1954
Which Amendment to the Constitution stated that all US citizens should have equal protection under the law?
Brown versus Board II (1955)
In which Supreme Court ruling (and in which year) did Chief Justice Earl Warren hold that school systems must abolish their racially dual systems “with all deliberate speed”?
Cooper versus Aaron (1958)
In which Supreme Court ruling (and in which year) did Chief Justice Earl Warren rule that official resistance and community violence shouldn’t be allowed to delay the implementation of desegregation efforts?
Griffin versus Prince Edward County (1964)
In which Supreme Court ruling (and in which year) did Chief Justice Earl Warren declare illegal the practice of closing all public schools in the Southern states and instead providing citizens with vouchers to attend private schools?
February 1956
When was Autherine Lucy admitted to the University of Alabama?
Autherine Lucy
What was the name of the black student admitted to the University of Alabama?
“for her own protection”
Why was Autherine Lucy suspended from university?
she was expelled
What happened to Autherine Lucy after winning her case?
President Eisenhower
“And I personally believe if you try to go too far too fast in laws in this delicate field that has involved the emotions of so many millions of Americans you’re making a mistake. I believe that we have got to have laws that go along with education and understanding and if you go beyond that at any one time you cause trouble rather than benefit” - Who said this after the Autherine Lucy case?
Central High School
What was the name of the high school that black students decided to go to in 1957 in Little Rock, Arkansas?
What year was the Little Rock Nine?
Little Rock, Arkansas
Which city (+ state) did nine black students enroll in a previously white high school?
Elizabeth Eckford
What was the name of the teenage girl who had to walk to school in Little Rock alone?
Hazel Bryan
What was the name of the woman shouting at Elizabeth Eckford in the famous photograph?
Orval Faubus
Who was the Governor of Arkansas in 1957?
The National Guard
Who did Governor Orval Faubus decided to place around Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas?
his vacation home in Newport, Rhode Island
Where did President Eisenhower have a meeting with Governor Faubus to attempt to persuade him to let the black children into the school?
the city police
Who did Governor Faubus replace the National Guard with?
paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division
Who did Eisenhower send to Little Rock, Arkansas to restore peace?
mob rule
“___________ will not be allowed to overrule the decisions of our court” - President Eisenhower explaining why he was sending troops to Arkansas
Emmett Till
What was the name of the boy who was murdered in Money, Mississippi?
Where was Emmett Till from?
How old was Emmett Till?
Mose Wright
What is the name of Emmett Till’s uncle who he was visiting in Money, Mississippi?
“bye baby”
What did Emmett Till supposedly say to the cashier in the store?
Jet magazine
In which magazine was a picture of Emmett Till’s body displayed?
Mamie Till
What was the name of Emmett Till’s mother?
“so all the world can see what they did to my boy”
What reason did Mamie Till give for having an open casket funeral for Emmett Till?
28th August 1955
When was Emmett Till killed?
J. W. Milam and Roy Bryant
Who were accused of killing Emmett Till?
4000 dollars
For how much did J. W. Milam and Roy Bryant sell their story of the night of the murder of Emmett Till?
William Branford Huie
Who did J. W. Milam and Roy Bryant sell their story of the night of the murder of Emmett Till to?
Carolyn Bryant
What was the name of the cashier who Emmett Till supposedly flirted with?
James F. Blake
What was the name of the bus driver on the bus that Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on?
Rosa Parks
What was the name of the woman who refused to give up her seat to a white person on a bus in Montgomery, sparking the Montgomery bus boycott?
Browder v. Gayle
What was the name of the federal lawsuit that was filed due to the Montgomery bus boycott?
W.E.B. DuBois, Mary White Ovington, Moorfield Storey and Ida B. Wells
Who founded the NAACP?
December 1st 1955
When did Rosa Parks refuse to give up her seat?
Martin Luther King Jr.
What was the name of the relatively inexperienced man who delivered the keynote speeches for the Montgomery bus boycott?
Before the Montgomery bus boycott, what fraction of the bus riders were black?
Ralph Abernathy
Who was the other preacher at the church during the Montgomery bus boycott whose preaching style complemented MLK’s incredibly well?
White Citizen’s Council
What was the name of the white segregationist group that held rallies against blacks due to the Montgomery bus boycott?
How many black leaders were indicted under an old anti-boycott law by the white officials of Montgomery?
November 13th 1956
When did the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously declare bus segregation unconstitutional?
How many teenagers enrolled in Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas?
How old was Elizabeth Eckford?
How many paratroopers did President Eisenhower send to Little Rock, Arkansas?
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
What was the name (and the year) of the Supreme Court Case that introduced the idea of “separate but equal”?
E.D. Nixon
Who was the president of the Alabama branch of the NAACP?
Jo Ann Robinson
Who was the president of the Women’s Political Council?
Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA)
What was the name of the organisation set up in Montgomery to coordinate the bus boycott?
How many black people regularly used the buses in Montgomery before the boycott?