Bacteria: Gram Negative and Beyond

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Neisseria meningitidis

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Neisseria meningitidis

Which gram negative diplococci is transmitted by droplets (respiratory and throat secretions) and causes meningitis and meningococcemia?

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Neisseria meningitidis

Which gram negative diplococci is a carrier state in the nasopharynx of 5% of the population (naturally immune)?

  • causes meningitis

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military recruits and college students

Which populations are common/concerning for Neisseria meningitidis infection with meningitis and meningococcemia?

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Neisseria meningitidis

Which gram negative diplococci causes sudden onset of fever, headache, stiff neck, vomiting, petechial rash, and myalgias and has vaccination and chemoprophylaxis?

<p>Which gram negative diplococci causes sudden onset of <strong>fever</strong>, <strong>headache</strong>, <strong>stiff</strong> <strong>neck</strong>, <strong>vomiting</strong>, <strong>petechial</strong> <strong>rash</strong>, and <strong>myalgias</strong> and has <strong>vaccination</strong> and <strong>chemoprophylaxis</strong>?</p>
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Which condition involves sudden onset of fever, headache, stiff neck, vomiting, petechial rash, and myalgias though infection by a gram negative diplococci?

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Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Which gram negative cocci infects through sexual or vertical transmission causing sudden onset of burning/frequent urination, purulent discharge, swelling and erythema in genitals, vaginal itching/burning (often co-infected with chlamydia)?


  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

  • Neonatal conjunctivitis

  • Septic arthritis

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Which condition involves sudden onset of burning/frequent urination, purulent discharge, swelling and erythema in genitals, vaginal itching/burning though infection by a gram negative cocci?

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Moraxella catarrhalis

Which gram negative cocci causes otitis media and COPD exacerbations and is a carrier state in the upper respiratory tract in 28-100% of humans in the first year of life, and 1-10.4% in adults?

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airborne droplet

What route is Moraxella catarrhalis transmitted?

  • causes otitis media, COPD exacerbations

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Vibrio cholera

Which enteric tract gram negative bacilli causes watery diarrhea (rice water) without cell invasion and causes cholera, with vaccination available for travelers?

<p>Which <strong>enteric tract</strong> gram negative bacilli causes watery diarrhea (rice water) <strong>without</strong> cell invasion and causes <strong>cholera, </strong>with<strong> vaccination</strong> available for <strong>travelers</strong>?</p>
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What route is Vibrio cholera transmitted (contaminated water)?

  • causes abrupt onset of watery diarrhea (rice-water)

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Escherichia coli (E. coli)

Which enteric tract gram negative bacilli causes watery diarrhea without cell invasion and causes:

  • UTIs

  • Neonatal meningitis (at birth/first 28 days of life)

  • Gram-negative sepsis (hospitalized patients)

  • Nosocomial (hospital-acquired) pneumonia

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Escherichia coli (E. coli)

What bacteria causes watery diarrhea without cell invasion from these common risk foods: undercooked hamburger, unpasteurized beverages, raw cheeses?

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Where is E. coli located in the body as part of normal flora?

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Escherichia coli (E. coli)

Which enteric tract gram negative bacilli is transmitted through fecal-oral, urethral migration, or aspiration routes and is a common cause of UTIs?

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Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC)

Which enteric tract gram negative bacilli causes watery diarrhea without cell invasion through fecal-oral route causes traveler’s diarrhea (rice water, self-limited)?

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Shigella sp.

Which enteric tract gram negative bacilli causes bloody diarrhea with mucus and fever?

  • never part of normal gut flora

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What route is Shigella spp. transmitted?

  • contaminated water

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Nontyphoidal Salmonella sp.

Which enteric tract gram negative bacilli causes bloody diarrhea, fever, nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain?

  • most common cause of bacterial enterocolitis in US

  • never part of normal gut flora

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What route is Nontyphoidal Salmonella spp. transmitted?

  • turtles, undercooked eggs, chickens

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Salmonella typhi

Which enteric tract gram negative bacilli causes fever, headache, bacteremia and disseminates to liver, gallbladder, spleen? tdiarrhea with systemic invasion?

  • never part of normal gut flora

  • can become chronic carrier (Typhoid Mary)

  • Travel Vaccines are available

<p>Which <strong>enteric tract</strong> gram negative bacilli causes <strong>fever, headache, bacteremia </strong>and disseminates to liver, gallbladder, spleen? tdiarrhea <strong>with systemic</strong> invasion?</p><ul><li><p><strong>never</strong> part of normal gut flora</p></li><li><p><strong>can become chronic carrier (Typhoid Mary)</strong></p></li><li><p><strong>Travel Vaccines are available</strong></p></li></ul>
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What route is Salmonella typhi transmitted?

  • contaminated water or food

  • humans are the only reservoir

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Yersinia enterocolitica

Which enteric tract gram negative bacilli causes fever, headache, bacteremia, and diarrhea and spreads from small intestine to underlying lymphoid tissue?

  • most commonly affects young individuals (5-15yo)

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What route is Yersinia enterocolitica transmitted?

  • contaminated water or food

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Campylobacter jejuni

Which enteric tract gram negative bacilli causes bloody diarrhea, headache, fever, abdominal cramps?

  • more common in children

  • transmitted by poultry/unpasteurized milk/contaminated water

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What route is Campylobacter jejuni transmitted?

  • contaminated water/unpasteurized milk

  • poultry

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Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)

Which enteric gram negative bacilli is the most common cause of duodenal ulcers and chronic gastritis?

  • second leading cause of gastric (stomach) ulcers behind NSAIDs

  • Unknown route of transmission

  • Many endoscopy medical professionals acquire this bacteria

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Bacteroides sp.

Which enteric gram negative bacilli is normal flora of GI and upper respiratory and common cause of anaerobic infections (sepsis, peritonitis, abscesses)?

  • Most common post-op infection most common following bowel surgery

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Fusobacterium sp.

Which enteric gram negative bacilli is normal flora of GI and upper respiratory and causes:

  • periodontal disease

  • aspiration pneumonia

  • otitis media

  • abdominal/pelvic abscesses

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Klebsiella pneumoniae

Which nosocomial gram negative bacilli is normal flora of colon and mouth and causes:

  • sepsis

  • UTIs in hospitalized patients (nosocomial)

  • pneumonia (currant jelly sputum) - alcohol use disorder

<p>Which <strong>nosocomial</strong> gram negative bacilli is normal flora of <strong>colon and mouth </strong>and causes:</p><ul><li><p><strong>sepsis</strong></p></li><li><p><strong>UTIs in hospitalized patients (nosocomial)</strong></p></li><li><p><strong>pneumonia (currant jelly sputum) - </strong>alcohol use disorder</p></li></ul>
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What route is Klebsiella pneumoniae transmitted in hospital-settings?

  • not airborne

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alcohol use disorder patients

Which population is common/concerning for Klebsiella pneumoniae infection with pneumonia (currant jelly sputum)?

  • usually transmitted in hospital settings

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Proteus mirabilis

Which nosocomial gram negative bacilli is normal flora of colon, found in soil and causes UTIs (nosocomial and community-acquired)?

<p>Which <strong>nosocomial </strong>gram negative bacilli is <strong>normal flora of colon, </strong>found in <strong>soil </strong>and causes <strong>UTIs</strong> (nosocomial and community-acquired)?</p>
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Enterobacter sp.

Which nosocomial gram negative bacilli is normal flora of colon and causes hospital-acquired infections by invasive procedures?

<p>Which<strong> nosocomial</strong> gram negative bacilli is <strong>normal flora of colon </strong>and causes <strong>hospital-acquired infections by invasive procedures?</strong></p>
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Serratia sp, Acinetobacter sp

Which nosocomial gram negative bacilli are part of normal flora, found in soil and water, and cause hospital-acquired infections through invasive procedures?

<p>Which <strong>nosocomial </strong>gram negative bacilli are <strong>part of normal flora, found in soil and water</strong>,<strong> </strong>and cause <strong>hospital-acquired infections through invasive procedures?</strong></p>
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Which common nosocomial gram negative bacilli is normal flora in the colon and skin of 10% of patients and is resistant to many antibiotics, causing:

  • pneumonia

  • UTIs

  • wound infections (osteomyelitis, burn infection, surgical wounds)

  • sepsis via IV lines

  • endocarditis

  • malignant external otitis - elderly diabetic patients

<p>Which common <strong>nosocomial</strong> gram negative bacilli is <strong>normal flora in the colon and skin</strong> of<strong> 10% of patients</strong> and is <strong>resistant to many antibiotics, causing:</strong></p><ul><li><p><strong>pneumonia</strong></p></li><li><p><strong>UTIs</strong></p></li><li><p><strong>wound</strong> <strong>infections</strong> (osteomyelitis, burn infection, surgical wounds)</p></li><li><p><strong>sepsis</strong> via <strong>IV lines</strong></p></li><li><p><strong>endocarditis</strong></p></li><li><p><strong>malignant external otitis </strong>- elderly diabetic patients</p></li></ul>
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Which nosocomial gram negative bacilli is transmitted via medical devices and hands of health care workers and causes:

  • pneumonia

  • UTIs

  • wound infections (osteomyelitis, burn infection, surgical wounds)

  • sepsis via IV lines

  • endocarditis

  • malignant external otitis - elderly diabetic patients

<p>Which <strong>nosocomial</strong> gram negative bacilli is transmitted via <strong>medical devices and hands of health care workers and causes:</strong></p><ul><li><p><strong>pneumonia</strong></p></li><li><p><strong>UTIs</strong></p></li><li><p><strong>wound</strong> <strong>infections</strong> (osteomyelitis, burn infection, surgical wounds)</p></li><li><p><strong>sepsis</strong> via <strong>IV lines</strong></p></li><li><p><strong>endocarditis</strong></p></li><li><p><strong>malignant external otitis </strong>- elderly diabetic patients</p></li></ul>
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elderly diabetic patients

Which population is common/concerning for Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection with malignant external otitis (otitis externa migrates to mastoid bone)?

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external malignant otitis
diabetic osteomyelitis

What conditions are frequently caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa? (BE PSEUDO)

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Haemophilus influenzae

Which respiratory tract gram negative bacilli is a common cause of otitis media and chronic bronchitis (non-encapsulated strains) transmitted by airborne droplet?

Type B: meningitis, epiglottitis, septic arthritis - Vaccination Available

<p>Which <strong>respiratory tract</strong> gram negative bacilli is a common cause of <strong>otitis media and chronic bronchitis </strong>(non-encapsulated strains) transmitted by <strong>airborne droplet?</strong></p><p>Type B: <strong>meningitis</strong>, <strong>epiglottitis</strong>, <strong>septic</strong> <strong>arthritis - Vaccination Available</strong></p>
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Bordetella pertussis

Which respiratory tract gram negative bacilli causes pertussis (whooping cough) transmitted by airborne droplet?

Vaccination Available

<p>Which <strong>respiratory tract</strong> gram negative bacilli causes <strong>pertussis (whooping cough) </strong>transmitted by<strong> airborne droplet?</strong></p><p><strong>Vaccination Available</strong></p>
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Legionella pneumophila

Which respiratory tract gram negative bacilli causes Pontiac Fever and LegionnairesDisease transmitted through aerosolized contaminated water?

  • Pontiac Fever: flu-like with sudden onset and sudden resolution

  • LegionnairesDisease: very high fevers and severe pneumonia

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Yersinia pestis

Which zoonotic tract gram negative bacilli causes plague through contact with contaminated fluid or tissue of infected animal or inhalation of droplets (person-to- person)?

  • rodents harbor disease, fleas are vectors that carry to humans

  • high suspicion of patient with high fever camping in Southwest US

  • Can be fatal

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Francisella tularensis

Which zoonotic tract gram negative bacilli causes high fever and ulceroglandular reaction (ulcer at site of invasion and high fever) from handling infected rabbits, tick bites, deerfly bites?

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Brucella sp

Which zoonotic tract gram negative bacilli causes Brucellosis from direct contact with infected meat/ingestion of milk products → undulant fever?

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Pasteurella multocida

Which zoonotic tract gram negative bacilli causes wound and bone/joint infections from cat/dog bites?

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Chlamydia trachomatis

Which obligate intracellular gram negative bacilli causes chlamydia infection of eyes and genitals?

  • conjunctivitis, urethritis, cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, epididymitis, lymphogranuloma venereum

  • Complications: Reactive arthritis syndrome, Perihepatitis

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Chlamydia psittaci

Which obligate intracellular gram negative bacilli causes fever of abrupt onset, pronounced headache, and dry cough from birds, infection by inhaling dust from feathers or dried feces?

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What condition involves fever of abrupt onset, pronounced headache, and dry cough?

  • usually a recent history of bird exposure

  • infection can also be asymptomatic

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bird handlers

Which population is common/concerning for Chlamydia psittaci infection with psittacosis?

  • fever of abrupt onset, pronounced headache, and dry cough in otherwise healthy patient

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Chlamydia pneumoniae

Which obligate intracellular gram negative bacilli causes bronchitis and pneumonia?

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Rickettsia rickettsi

Which obligate intracellular gram negative bacilli causes fever and rash of palms and soles transmitted by tick bite?

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patients in North Carolina, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma

Which population is most common/concerning for Rickettsia rickettsi infection by tick bite with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF)?

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Bartonella henselae

Which obligate intracellular gram negative bacilli requires cat bite or scratch causing regional lymph node enlargement, low grade fever/malaise, and rash?

  • “cat scratch fever”

  • usually self-limited

  • Complications: bacteremia and endocarditis

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Treponema pallidum

Which gram negative spirochete causes painless ulcers marking syphilis, transmitted through sexual contact or vertical transmission?

  • always test during pregnancy due to vertical transmission

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Borrelia burgdorferi

Which gram negative spirochete is transmitted via tick bite to produce the classic bullseye rash of Lyme disease?

  • Northeast, Midwest, and Northwestern US

  • Most common tick-borne illness in the US

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Haemophilus ducreyi

Which gram negative bacilli is transmitted sexually and through skin-to-skin contact causes chancroid - painful skin ulcer and inguinal lymphadenopathy with ulceration?

  • US cases are low, seen more in other countries

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Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Which acid-fast bacteria is transmitted via inhaled respiratory secretions and causes tuberculosis (TB) latent or active disease of the lungs?

  • ¼ of world population is infected with TB bacteria

  • cell-mediated immunity → PPD injection local skin swelling/redness

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Mycobacterium leprae

Which acid-fast bacteria is transmitted via inhaled respiratory secretions and causes leprosy (Hansen’s disease)?

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Nontuberculous Mycobacteria spp.

Which acid-fast bacteria is transmitted via inhalation or ingestion and causes lung infections in immunocompromised patients?

  • NTM or mycobacteria other than tuberculosis (MOTTs)

  • rare in healthy immunocompetent people

  • usually infects those on chemotherapy, low CD4 counts

    • mycobacterium avian-complex (MAC) disease

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Mycoplasma pneumoniae

Which bacteria without cell walls is transmitted via respiratory droplets and causes mild, self-limited bronchitis and pneumonia?

  • gradual onset fever, sore throat, malaise, dry hacking cough (mild symptoms)

  • number one cause of “Walking Pneumonia” in teens/adults

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Ureaplasma urealyticum

Which bacteria without cell walls causes urethritis (lower urinary tract infection) and is:

  • normal flora of the GU tract

  • transmitted via sexual contact

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Actinomyces israelii

Which gram positive anaerobe bacilli that looks like fungi causes hard, nontender swelling that drains pus through sinus tracts and is:

  • normal flora of the oral cavity

  • transmitted via broken tissue

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Nocardia asteroides

Which gram positive/acid fast aerobe that looks like fungi causes lung infection, nodules, empyema (pus in pleural cavity) in immunocompromised hosts and may disseminate to the body:

  • transmitted via inhalation or traumatic inoculation (contaminated water/soil contact with damaged skin)

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