Unit 5a Vocab

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Scientific Revolution

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10 Terms


Scientific Revolution

Intellectual and cultural transformation; shaped a new conception of the material world between 1500s to 1700s (Europe); instead of relying on the authority of religion, leading figures believed that knowledge was acquired through rational inquiry based on evidence (product of human minds alone)

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Scientific Rev. Scientists

  • Copernicus (Poland)

  • Galileo (Italy)

  • Descartes (France)

  • Newton (England)

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collective group of people; treated as a unit (w/ certain rights to regulate and control its own members)

Europe’s legal revolution was based on this term.

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“neutral zones of intellectual autonomy”

Universities in Europe; where scholars could pursue their studies with relative freedom.

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Islamic universities; based on the teachings of Quran

(very different compared to European universities)

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Polish scientist; First to argue (1543) about the idea of a sun-centric system; sparked the S.R.

Famous book: “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres”

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German mathematician; showed how planets orbited in a elliptical orbit, not perfectly (nor divine-like)

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Italian scientist; dev. a better telescope that questioned the cosmos

Famous Books:

  • The Starry Messenger

  • Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems

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English scientist; created laws of motion that became the culmination of S.R.

Main core: universal gravitation

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French philosopher; agreed w the understanding that the universe could be explained through human reason alone.

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