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excitatory, product of tryosine
emotional response, complex movements, cognitive function
-key neurotransmitter regulated with anti-psychotic meds for schizo
inhibitory, 2x receptors in the body
-emotional regulation, sex, temp regulation, pain management
excitatory, most common neurotransmitters in system
learning, sleep, mood, memory, attention
neuromodulation- regulates histamine, glutamate, S, D, GABA
-sleep wake (alertness and wakefulness), GI, allergic response, cardiac stimulation
inhibitory neurotransmitter, amino acid
-neural development, improves sleeplessness, minimizes depression
excitatory amino acid and neurotransmitter, work with dopamine
-motor function, affect, cognition and function
-high levels can serve as precursor to manifestations of psychosis
Excitatory and inhibitory, receptors mostly found in skeletal muscle
-sleep wake and primary neurotransmitter in muscle function
-alzheimer’s meds are used to increase the concentration of acetylcholine
most prescribed meds to treat anxiety. regulates GABA by creating a major inhibitory effect causing large amounts of dopamine to be released
-can lead to addiction and CNS sedation
-can be reversed using fluzamenil
partial serotonin receptor agonist and weak dopamine antagonist and used to treat chronic anxiety.
nurse education for anxiolytics
used to treat symptoms of anxiety not the cause, plan days when one will be on a benzo and risk of addiction
monoamine oxidase inhibitors, increasing the amount of time MA transmitter (S and D) can function before being degraded
side effects: weight gain, sedation, sexual dysfunction, and insomnia
avoid foods with tryamine (in aged and fermented food)
blocking reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine in presynaptic receptors
-dry mouth and constipation and ortho hypo
-takes a few weeks to take effect
block serotonin reuptake selectively in the presynaptic receptors
side effects: nausea, agitation, sexual dysfunction
serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake are selectively blocked in the presynaptic gap
-appetite suppresion
antidepressant education
can lead to worsening depression, and exhibition of unusal behaviors and most antidepressants take a few weeks to work
serotonin syndrome
causes: intentional OD, LSD, ST. johns wort
restlessness, tachycardia, high BP, muscle rigidity, sweating, loss of muscle control
care: stabilize vitals, benzos for sedation, serotonin agonst like cyproheptadine
activation syndrome
impulsivity, and suicidal ideation that may present after stating an SSRI
lithium toxcity early
confusion, poor coordination, GI upset, coarse tremorl
lithium toxicity advanced
2.0-2.5; seizures and stupor, diluted urine, resp complications tinnitus, jerking movements
lithium severe toxcity
2.5+ resp issues leading to death, cure is hemodialysis
neuroleptic malignant syndrome
fever, encephalopathy, vital sign instability, elevated creatine and kinase, rigidity
-discontinue meds, cooling measures, fluids
relief agent for antipsychotic eps symtpoms
acute dystonia
muscle rigity and spasms
severe feelings of restlessness
pseudo parkinsons
slumped posture, shuffling gait, drooling, tremors
tardive dyskinesia
permanent involuntary movement of face, tongue, neck, and upper and lower extremities, smack their lips, tilt head
alc withdraw symtpoms and what medication to balance symtpoms
CNS excitement, like high HR BP, nausea, vomiting, increased seizure risk, hallucinations
opiates withdraw symptoms and medication to balance symtpoms
muscle aches, goose flesh, GI discomfort, sweating
methadone or buprenorphine
a process in which neurotransmitters are reabsorbed by the synapse that secreted it
brain’s ability to adapt synaptic connections, particularly in response to stress or learning or after experiencing an injury
-adaptive process can take weeks to months
what does neuroplasticity help explain in relation to mental illness
how manifestations can increase over time like major depressive disorder and cannot be cured through a single dose of medication
-important to educate patients their medication will not immediately work
antipsychotics (neuroleptics) use
to treat manifestations present in shizophrenia spectrum
first gen
“conventional meds” that work by blocking dopamine receptors. incredibly potent and can be effective with treating severe manifestations
ex: haloperidol, loxapine, chlorpromazine
2nd gen antipsychotics
unconventional/atypical; block dopamine to a lesser degree and inhibit reuptake of serotonin
side effects of neuroleptics
anticholinergic, ortho hypo, photosensitivity, decrease sex drive, menstrual irregularities, and weight gain
neuroleptic education
continue meds even when they feel better, importance of routine lab testing, more likely to be successful with a support person.
mood stabilizers
lithium and anticonvulsants
unknown why it calms people down but it regulates reuptake of MA (serotonin and dopamine) transmitters preventing manic or depressive episodes
inhibit kindling process (cascading effect that causes seizures) which is linked with production of manic or bipolar episodes. also increases levels of GABA, causing an increase neurological effects
adverse effects for lithium
diarrhea, nausea, increased thirst, fine hand tremors, weight gain
treats insomnia and sleep wake disorders
ex: benzos, melatonin receptor agonist, nonbenzo hypnotics
acts on gaba receptor sites (nonbenzo hypnotics)
side effects: headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea
never use prior to operating vehicles or while consuming alc or any CNS depressants
treat ADHD and narcolepsy; can become addicitive
cause release of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine and also blocks their reuptake
decrease hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentiveness
side effects: anticholingeric, heart palpatations, decreased appetite leading to weight loss
teaching: support person for decreased appetite and avoid stimulants