The future tense is used to say that you “will do” something.
The endings will all be the same for the -er, -ar, and -ir.
You do NOT have to remove the -er, -ar, or -ir ending
-é | -emos |
-ás | éis (Not used in some schools) |
-á | -án |
Will Speak- Hablar
Hablaré | Hablaremos |
Hablarás | Hablaréis |
Hablará | Hablarán |
Will Eat- Comer
Comeré | Comeremos |
Comerás | Comeréis |
Comerá | Comerán |
Will Go- Ir
Iré | Iremos |
Irás | Iréis |
Irá | Irán |
There are some irregulars in the future tense.
The 2 that used to be irregular are Ir and Ser. In the future tense, they are not considered irregulars.
Poner (To put)- Pondr
Tener (To have)- Tendr *Almost like a chicken tender
Venir (To come)- Vendr
Salir (To leave)- Saldr
Hacer (To do)- Har *Just like what a pirate says
Decir (To say)- Dir
For the next part, the irregulars don’t have an “e” right before the “r”.
There is a sentence that you can use to easily remember these words.
I want = Querer- Querr
To know = Saber- Sabr
If I am able to/can = Poder- Podr
Take that “e” out of Haber- Habr