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[Knowt] AP world history prep

Unit 1: 1200-1450 (how states built themselves up and how the maintained control over civilizations)

  • Civilizations grow

  • Religions spread

  • Technology: (gunpowder paper)

  • Decline of small states and local religion and old technology

  • State building: organized political community under one government

Song Dynasty

  • Golden age, extension of the tang dynasty

  • Gunpowder and made its way around the world

  • Grand canal which helped boost trade around the regions and helped have a consistent culture throughout the empire (unified)

  • Champa rice which boosted populations

  • Cultural progress with confucianism because its teachings showed how society should be organized (filial piety was introduced and made family an important part to the people and obligation and obedience to one’s family, and heads of state)

  • Civil service examination which was essential to work in the imperial bureaucracy they had to be well versed in confucian principles

  • Allowed people to not all come from noble families and allowed for meritocracy (government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability)

Abbasid Caliphate

  • Fractured by invaders and falling apart

  • Muslims states arose

  • Delhi sultanate which was not from the abbasid caliphate but of muslims themselves

  • Muslims turks gained power in india they had a hard time converting the masses to islam

  • Mamluk sultanate

  • Slave empire in which the egyptian state enslaved people that weren’t muslims and forced them to serve in the military but eventually the mamluks overthrew the government and created the mamluk sultanate


How they built their empire

Vijayanagara Empire

Built their states and expanded by means of trade

Chola Kingdom

Built their states and expanded by means of trade


Built their state by centralizing power by such an extent and gained a tremendous amount of wealth as exemplified by Mansa Musa

The Aztecs

Ruling remotely by using tribute systems by using tribute systems which were areas that the Aztecs had conquered had to pay the Aztecs tributes of corn, beans, cloth, and other goods. In exchange, the Aztecs let the conquered people govern themselves. The tributes brought great wealth to Aztec cities such as Tenochtitlán. They enforced using their powerful military. (human sacrifice)

The incas

Mita System, all citizens had mandatory public service


Feudalism which had rigid class layers, feudal lords lost majority of power due to the rise of more powerful centralized monarchs


  • Islam

  • was able to create a system of shared beliefs and language which united the regions in afro eurasia

  • Confucianism

  • Dynastic rulers used principles of confucianism to justify their rule over the people and all the bureaucratic rulers were confucian because they had to pass the civil service exam which was confucian

  • Confusiciam created a patriarchal society, where women didn’t have much power over men (Powerless against father and husband) What is Confucianism? | History Today

  • Not allowed to participate in public life

  • Inherit property or carry family life

  • Every person had a place in society, and that everyone had to fulfill civil duties as well as respect others

  • Built upon ancient values of religion in order to establish social values and created schools

  • Made school broadly available (so anyone not just nobles could get education)

  • Filial piety is an attitude of respect for parents, ancestors in societies,

  • Confucianism created a code of conduct and helped keep citizens in order and ensured laws were followed (gave citizens reason to follow these laws

  • Confusiciasm is related to hinduism in the sense that hinduism had karma which kept people in line while confucianism had filial piety and teachings which were important to society, this helped keep an organized system and motivated people to do good in life

  • Buddhism

  • Theravada: personal spiritual journey

  • Mahayana: journey for all beings

  • Tibetan: more outward and focused on cultic practices

  • Hinduism

  • Hindu rulers used the caste system

  • Bhakti movement was the strong attachment to one god

  • Catholics/christianity

  • Individual european states were weak but the catholic church provided a way to organize society apart from the state

  • Powerful states emerged including france and the holy roman empire which created a struggle for power between the church and state

  • Following the pope in rome in western europe and eastern is eastern orthodox (byzantine empire)

  • Many crusades between roman catholics between eastern orthodox, muslims, jews

  • Judaism

  • Al andalus which is where muslims are as well

  • Not a majority group anywhere

  • Blamed for the plague and a lot of violence occurring

  • All religions spread during this period and sent massive numbers of missionaries to mass convert  populations which weakened local indigenous religion

  • Conversions by military invasion

  • Muslims invaded northern india (delhi sultanate)

  • Not by force but many converted in order to avoid the jizya tax and some converted for better opportunities in government standings

  • People in lower castes that did not have the opportunity to get good jobs were able to live among the middle and upper class so converting was better for them those who were in higher castes did not appreciate this however

  • Many conversions occurred from trade

  • Merchants were not only carrying goods, but whole cultural structures with them which also spread

Technological Advantages

  • Champa rice which helped feed the growing population

  • Paper was helped made from china to the west (huge spike in literacy rates in europe and africa)

  • Medical and mathematical advancements were made

  • House of wisdom in Baghdad in the Abbasid Dynasty which was translation of the great advancements of european and asian works of the past

  • Nomadic people

  • Healthy measure of political stability and safety

  • Increased trade (silk road)

  • Increased cross cultures interactions

  • Prior to this period the nomadic people had a huge role in the transfer of technology between different states

  • During this period they lost this power

  • While merchants and traders arrose the role of the nomadic people began to diminish

Unit 2: 1200-1450 (what were the similarities and differences in exchange with the mongols)

Trade routes

  • Silk road

  • Connected China with Europe while passing through central asia and southwest asia

  • Transported through the camel caraback and most were luxury goods such as chinese silk

  • Conduit for culture such as the spread of buddhism and changing these religions slightly (buddhism was strictly atheist but new forms of buddhism spread such as the mahayana buddhism) which made the buddha into a deity which is in turn a form of syncretism

  • Different diseases spread (black death)

  • Indian Ocean

  • South east asia, south asia, and southwest asia linked by sea

  • Largest sea based communication

  • Variety of common and luxury goods

  • Ships can carry a lot more goods than camels and for cheaper

  • Porcelain, cotton, pepper, spices, wheat, ivory, gold, sugar, rice

  • There were predictable yearly storms called monsoons which was what made trade possible in only some time of the year

  • New maritime innovations like the compass and astrolabe, chinese janks

  • Prosperity and success due to the massive economic revival and China during the Song and Tang dynasty and they transported massive amounts of good throughout the indian ocean

  • Rise of islam which is very positive toward merchant activity and land was connected through Islam

  • Trans-Saharan

  • North africa and the mediterranean with sub saharan africa

  • Mainly manufactured goods (cloth, glasswork, books) and agricultural products (yams, grain, kola nuts)

  • Introduction of arabian camels (they could go a great deal without water which made it possible for trade to occur

  • Trade of gold and copper and there was taxes which caused a social hierarchy (royalty → elite classes → merchants → military/religous → peasants → slaves )

  • They all depended greatly on the establishment of large states

  • When the mongols controlled all the land in which the silk road stretched out

  • When these trade routes were secure and protected the merchants felt safe to travel and this led them to think about other things such as new technology

  • This transfer of new technology allowed them to transport goods faster at a more efficient rate

  • Magnetic compass, lateen sails, saddle,stern post rudder made travel along these routes more manageable and profitable

  • All the countries around the known world became unified and exchanged cultures

  • Merchants shared their religious beliefs along these trade routes

  • Missionaries also traveled these routes to spread their religion far and wide

  • New agriculture was also introduced such as champa rice from Vietnam to China and bananas from indonesia to west africa (bantu) led to large scale migration of people because they didn’t just rely on the crops they grew (yam), were able to go wherever bananas were found

  • Caused the growth of major cities

  • Silk road produced Chang’an in China

  • Indian ocean produced calicut in India and Srivijaya in southeast Asia

  • Trans Saharan produced Timbuktu and Mali


  • Different because each trading route specialized in trading different kinds of goods


  • Each route required new technologies in order to facilitate trade


  • Not the same religions traveled along the routes




Silk Roads

Silk, porcelain, gunpowder, horses, textiles

Saddles (helped merchants travel farther and bare heavier loads)Caravanserai (little travel stops so that merchants can stop and refresh themselves before moving on)

BuddhismNeo ConfucianismIslam

Indian Ocean

Gold, ivory, fruit, textiles, pepper, rice

Maritime technology:AstrolabeCompassSternpost rudderLateen sail

ChristianityBuddhismNeo ConfucianismIslam


Horses, salt, gold, slaves



Cultural Consequences:

  • Zen buddhism is an innovation of buddhism that originated in china and through trade spread to korea, japan, and vietnam

  • The upper class hated the idea of zen buddhism while the common folk embraced it

  • African bantu civilization converting to Islam which led to the swahili language (arabic from muslim and the bantu langugae made swahili)

  • Science and technological advancements (especially medical advancements and requiring medical examinations to get licenses)

  • Made people want to travel around the world

  • Eben Battuta was a muslim who made it is mission to travel all through Dal-Al Islam and kept notes of all the people

  • Marco Polo found his way to China

  • When both stories were published the people had enthusiasm and had desire for goods  form those places and other things which made them travel and somehow receive goods from these places

Environmental Consequences:

  • As merchants traveled they introduced agriculture to new places that have never seen these crops before (such as champa rice and led to terrace farming which made land that was unfarmable to become farmable) (bananas which came from indonesia to to sub saharan africa was introduced to the bantu africa it allowed them to travel and live not only where yams grew and whole populations began to migrate)

  • As populations migrate there are consequences to the land that is being used such as overgrazing or deforestation which led to the extreme erosion in the soil

  • The mongols conquests for more land led to the spread of disease such as the bubonic plague and came from trade routes like ships and caravanserai (places where merchants rested along the trade routes and were in close contact with animals which had fleas)

  • The balck death transformed europe because with all the death the surviving workers found that they could get better wages and working conditions


  • Biggest land based empire in history but small cultural impact

  • Led by Genghis Khan

  • Since the covered such a large part of the land they established the peace of the mongols which allowed trade to prosper in other large states

  • They had a strong centralized government to keep them together but after the fall of the mongols, other states followed and had a strong centralized government as well to consolidate their own power

  • If one member of a unit rebelled the entire unit was massacred (genghis led by fear)

  • The conquests of china led to the unification of China and it was believed that the mongols were given the mandate of heaven and allowed to rule over the people

  • The mongols who conquered persia became muslim (The sacking of Baghdad gave more cultural influence ot the mongols than the mongols had to Persia)

Unit 3: How did land-based empires gain and maintain power form 1450-1750

  • Consolidating power and legitimizing power

  • Centralizing a bureaucracy

  • Qing dynasty reestablished the civil service examination and anyone who wanted to work in the government had to pass the exam so everyone would think the same things and the Ming dynasty which proceeded it was the last native chinese dynasty

  • The ottomans consolidated power with the devshirme system which made ottomans enslaved chrisitian boys from poor families and made them serve in the government and military

  • Thorough education in politics and art and once educated the joined the janissaires

  • The songhai empire

  • Consolidated power by controlling trade routes, alliances, and military expansion

  • As well as putting their king up for rituals

  • The aztec empire used the tribute system

  • Different states owed goods to the conquerors and the rulers of the Aztecs could rule the empire without being directly involved

  • Good for collecting taxes from their subjects

  • Mughal empire appointed zamindars which collected taxes based on land holdings and production

  • The ottomans had tax farming which had tax farmers that went to collect taxes for them which were corrupt and took some of the money for taxes and kept it for themselves

  • The Aztecs made different tribute lists that asked each tribute state for different items and sometimes people for rituals

  • Taxes are good for supporting large military conquests

  • Eurasian countries relied on gunpowder based weapons

  • Americas were fierce and intimidated people

  • Ottomans had an elite group of soldiers (janissaries) and safavids had the (ghulams) and the aztecs had the blood tax which gave them fierce soldiers

How did religion consolidate power?

  • Islamic rulers used the title khalif which showed they were the successors to muhammed

  • Europe used the doctrine of the divine right of kings showing that they are the gods king of will and they carry out god's will and this led to the rise of absolutism

  • Real unifying force but sometimes religion can challenge the authority

  • In Europe there was the protestant reformation which challenged the catholic church and led to a split between catholic and protestant

  • The ottoman and safavid conflict because even if both were muslim they were different types of muslim

  • Timerlane depended on the power of his military to expand which was good and bad because he used the power of his military to stabilize the merchants of trade routes but it was bad because the huge military required a lot of money and the to keep the military affected the economy and ravaged the state which caused the ottoman, safavids, and mughal empires to rise Timerlane timeline | Timetoast timelines

  • The ottomans sacked constantinople under Mehmed II with gunpowder and benefited tremendously because it was in the center of all the big trading routes, later the empire peaked under the rule of Suleman who conquered many territories

  • Safavids conquered many empires using gunpowder and used Shia muslim but denied any other relgion which set conflict with the Sunni ottomans

  • Mughal empires, conquested northern empires using gunpowder. Akbar used people called Zamindars to collect taxes and Akbar was open to every religion and new religions

  • Fall of the gunpowder empires because they couldn’t modernize their economy or military

  • Japan during this time period was set up like European feudalism with the Daimyo employing warriors to protect the land called samurai and many conflicts over daimyo caused land to be fractured socially and politically

  • Over time some daimyo rose to power and unified these states which was called the tokugawa shogunate which gave all power from the daimyo to the shogun

  • New monarchies were set up all over europe, which in feudalism power was centralized in the hands of the elite but now the decentralized power was in the hands of the king which centralized power

  • Catholic church lost power and power was given to the kings and people began to question the authority of the church because they didn’t help during the black death

  • Church was corrupt so they instituted ways to gain money such as selling indulgences (which was a way to get into heaven by paying a fee) and simony was to buy their way into the church rather than who was the most qualified

  • Martin Luther posted the abuses of the catholic church and since the invention of the printing press his ideas were posted and spread and people embraced them and this led into the protestant reformation

  • The church did reform themselves and became less corrupt but still hated the protestants

  • Taxation, military, religion were ways to centralize power

  • Consolidation of power causes the middle class to grow


  • Rulers would have art made of them to look fierce and legitimize their empire

Monumental Architecture

  • Giant structures built by these empires whose features far out strip their functionality

  • Like the taj mahal which was built as a tomb but it was essentially to show how much power he had and he was in charge

  • Louis the 14th built the palace of versailles which was huge and unnecessary but it was used to show legitimizing the power of the guy living there

Unit 4: States establishing sea based empires 1450-1740

  • Europe established a more prominent role as a world power

  • Muslims controlled many trade routes and ports so europeans tried to find other ways to Asia

  • Using maps of wind patterns and maps of the stars, lateen sails, compass, astrolabe

  • The portuguese created the caravel these ships were smaller so they were highly navigable and they were fast (combination of square sails and lateen sails)

  • The dutch created the fluyt, which were built for trade and they were able to carry large amounts of cargo and they could sail these ships with smaller crews and were cheaper (the dutch had an advantage with maritime trade)

  • Mongols in the previous time periods were open to other cultural beliefs however europeans were not, and due to the mass death of natives due to disease, the cultural beliefs of the natives were wiped clean

  • States sponsored expeditions for gold, god, and glory

  • Mercantilism made these rulers expand their means by sea because as they expanded these trading posts that meant for more gold

  • States were measured in gold and silver

  • Favorable balance of trade (more exports than imports)

  • Colonies exist to serve the mother countries (mainly raw materials)

  • Joint stock companies were introduced where exploration was not financed by the government but instead by joint investors

  • British and dutch east india companies

  • Commercial revolution occurred because goods were not traded for other goods but now they are traded for gold and silver

  • Triangular trade expanded the economy, it was a massive system of trade that sprang in the atlantic ocean and it was manufactured goods being traded from europe to west africa, enslaved people were transported to the americas, and raw materials were traded back to Europe

  • The indian ocean route continued to flourish byt new rivalries between the european and the muslims arose to control those routes and the portuguese lost to the muslims

  • Development of monopolies where one entity had total control over the government, the spanish had total control at given ports

  • Spanish monopoly of tobacco in the americas

  • Continuity of traditional regional markets in response to markets

  • Peasant and artisan foods that flourished

  • Europeans were christian and christianity was a missionary religion it was their duty to convert people into their religion

  • Nothing puts empires glory more than controlling many empires, and as exploration grew there was more competition to claim some empires before other states did

  • Change and continuity: people all over the world have already began to explore the sea BUT NOW there were large scale state sponsorship of state exploration

  • Portugal was behind spain so they could only expand into the sea

  • Bartholomeu dias who sailed to the tip of africa and vasco de gama sailed around africa and into india and claimed that part of india as his own Portuguese Trade Port Empire - Chapter 22: Transoceanic Encounters and  Global Connections

  • Eventually portugal made it to China but the christian missionaries made it their goal to convert the people of china into christianity

  • Fransicans: convert the mass of chinese people

  • Jesuits: convert the elite

  • They had some success but were mostly rejected as barbarians so not much impact

  • Portuguese established the trading post empire where they established small amounts of land as trading posts along the african coast and throughout indian ocean

  • They traded with the african leaders giving them gunpowder weapons in exchange for african people

  • These african states had an advantage from trading with the africans they got wealth, and also culture (kingdom of congo and christian influence in the art coming from the Congo SYNCRETISM!!!)

  • There was also conflict due to the spread of religion like the sunni shi’a split and was intensified with ottoman and safavid conflict

  • Protestant reformation which was a split between roman catholics and the protestants and came from different interpretations of the doctrine of salvation

  • While African states were open to european influence states like Japan closed themselves off, the japanese were tolerant at first but as they saw a growing influence they shut it down and closed off all trade with the europeans and closed off all religion with them

  • Complete monopoly of the spice trade and to charge all over the ports

  • Spain sponsored sea based exploration

  • Magellan circumnavigated the globe and set a trading post in the Philippines

  • Columbus was on the search for gold across the sea and ended up in the aztec and inca empires were there were alot of gold and silver

  • Spain decided to enslave the natives and later the africans to make their state wealthy

  • Spain introduced the Hacienda system of labor (the spanish government granted haciendas (land grants) to conquistadors and spanish nobles that were willing to make the journey across the sea and that land was under their control and when people of lower class worked in these lands they would not stop because of the low wages and debt they owed to the land owners

  • Encomienda system was also introduced by Spain and the beneficiary was granted responsibility over the natives (the natives got education, christianity, protection and the natives had to give tribute which was mostly labor) similar to feudal europe

  • Mit’a system came from the incas but was also used by the spanish but the mit’a system provided labor for the incan empire and they did that by compelling certain people to work on public projects for certain number of days in a given year

  • The silver buried in the earth (potosi mines), they decided to compel native villages to send a portion of men to do the dangerous work of silver mining for next to no wages

  • Chattel slavery in which people owned other people as property in north america people used indentured servitude which was people having to work for other people for a certain amount of years and then they were free but once people completed their years they never became free so chattel slavery solved the problems of slavery

  • The africans did not know the land as the natives did and there was no term so no freedom but they had to endure the middle passage in which many died due to disease because they were packed so tightly and suffocation

  • The need of african men arose so as more men were taken the women were left and this introduced polygyny which was where one man had several wives but as men arrived to America they were seperated from their families

  • Led to the columbian exchange: devastation to the natives but expansive wealth to the europeans

  • Until columbus arrived to the Americas both north and south america were completely isolated and the native americans had no immunity to the european diseases and the most devastating was smallpox and caused large scale death of the native populations (can compare this to the black death in the former period) Columbian Exchange | Diseases, Animals, & Plants | Britannica

  • Malaria, flu, etc

  • Sharing of animals and food and the exchange between the two had massive effects

  • Pigs, cows, wheat, horses, and grapes from europe

  • Introduction of horses led to the mass hunting of animals by native populations and excess food and they had a competitive advantage

  • America had cacao, maize, and potato

  • When introduced to the europeans it led to a expansion of diet and massive population growth

  • Spain and Portugal were desperately fighting for who gained control over the america territory but eventually created the treaty of tordesillas (portugal got east of the line and spain got the west)

  • Conflict led to change in the trans atlantic trade route there was still continuity in the indian ocean trade route

  • Trade along the indian ocean had always been facilitated by the religious ties but when the portuguese came there was military might introduced

  • Europeans found if they devoted these colonies to agriculture they could become massively rich, but not many europeans that could do this mass scale agriculture so they enslaved the natives to make them do the work

  • Natives knew the land better than the colonists so they would escape the conditions (portuguese dealt with this in their brazilian sugarcane colony)

  • As a result they imported slave laborers from africa, and as the demand of agriculture spiked so did the demand for slave labor (trans atlantic slave trade) but even so the columbian exchange boosted african population by introducing new food sources

  • The environmental impact that the columbian exchange had was massive

  • When europeans arrived they used the farmland more aggressively so it led to mass deforestation and depletion of the soil (greater strain on the water supply and pollution)

  • The english established an explorer named john cabot

  • Passage to Asia but didn't find a route but instead claimed all the land from newfoundland to chesapeake bay and established a new colony called Jamestown

  • After driving the french out of India during the seven years war, they had great control over India, and established the British East India company

  • Very restricted by the Mughal empire and had little territory in India but due to hindu and muslim conflict the british took advantage of that and consolidated power

  • The french wanted to find a new route to asia, but instead found canada

  • Rich in natural resources and gave up on going to Asia, after one year of establishing rule in Canada they established Quebec and instead of having permanent settlements like the english they set up trading ports with the natives (french had better relationships with the natives)

  • The dutch sent henry hudson to find a new route to Asia but instead he found a river later named hudson river and called the colony new Amsterdam

  • As portugal expanded their territory into Africa they experienced some resistance from their allies

  • Russian resistance came from the serfs which worked on land for little pay and practically slaves, and soon was a resistance of runaway slaves known as cosacks which were skilled fighters and they rose up but were crushed by the state and Catherine the Great was even harsher to them

  • Mughal rulers were muslim but majority of the empire were hidnu so they rose up against the government because they believed it was an invasion of the beliefs and the uprising was successful and brought the mughal empire to an end

  • In the spanish colonies the pueblo revolt happened where natives killed many spanish colonists and burned their churches but the spanish came back and reclaimed the territory

  • The metacom war was a final attempt to rid the spanish from native lands but the british got a victory

  • As the growing african populations in british colonies increased the british thought since they were less than the british they were happy with providing labor but they were wrong and the stono rebellion occurred

  • Social hierarchies

  • Ottoman Empire had a warrior aristocracy, had these warriors fought with the islamic scholars (who had the power) for power, the janissaries also wanted power and because the sultans weren’t good sultans people often fought for their positions

  • Jewish diaspora led them to the ottoman empire but they had to pay the jeziya (tax for people who aren’t muslim and similar to the beard and tax during the delhi sultanate)

  • Women had indirect power and used harem politics to promote their sons into higher rankings

  • The Qing Dynasty were manchurian not chinese but still kept the civil service exam and the bureaucracy (legitimizes power)

  • Majority were Han chinese, and there were specific styles that men in the government had to follow and if you didn't you would be executed

  • Hairstyles were a big part of culture

  • In europe there was the nobility and the royalty and due to absolutism thinking both classes conflicted

  • In Russia the hierarchy had conflict with the boyars who were under the tzar, and the merchants, and peasants and most of the peasants fell into debt and worked for the nobles as serfs

  • The tsar didn’t listen to the boyars so there was armed conflict between them, but the boyars lost so they were moved to Moscow where ivan can watch them

  • In the americas there was the Casta system and is similar to the caste system but instead in the casta system you could marry up but it didn’t happen

Unit 5: The Enlightenment (1750-1900)

  • France’s idea of Empiricism which is the idea that reality is discerned through the senses and it was different than the idea of getting information from the bible

  • John Locke didn’t believe in the divine right and said human beings are subjected to the divine rights of life, and liberty and the rights were granted by being human beings and human beings are in a social contract with the government  (humans give some of their rights for protection from the government)

  • If the government is corrupt the people can revolt

  • These principles led to revolution and breakup of empires, and led to nationalism

  • Adam Smith introduced Laissez-faire economics rather than mercantilism

  • Capitalism where government has no control over the economy and the government will equal itself out

  • New brand of enlightenment religion called deism where there was a god but that god made life and looks over humans but doesn’t intervenue

  • Conservatives resisted enlightenment philosophies

  • Women gained power to voice their opinions

Unit 6: Effects of Industrialization (1750-1900)

  • New wave of empire building, caused by culture, nationalism, and economics

  • Europeans believed in the superiority of the white race and the white culture and they were the protectors of the other people (white man’s burden)

  • Science, darwinism only the fittest survived and had social darwinism (why shouldn’t strong nations take over the weak nation)

  • Religion, european had a missionary seal to convert the world, and these european countries established schools, to teach religion as well as education and they also built hospitals and abolished the slave trade

  • Nationalism, flexing their state by colonizing a lot of economies, britain looking all around the world for colonies and was wanting india and french took india as well, nationalism drove japan into empire building as well, with interests in Korean economy and this angered qing politics in china and a war broke out (sino-japanese war) and since japan was already modernized from the Meiji restoration war, they won and established korea as an empire of their own

  • Industrial powers required more raw materials and new markets to sell these goods, british, dutch and french governments started trade agreements with india and gave them a right to establish trading posts but they could also defend the trading posts

  • The british wanted a shorter sea based route to asian trading ports so they built the suez canal through egypt, and british seized control of the canal from the Ottoman empire

  • British entered diplomatic agreements with the leaders that were agreeable to both sides, and became colonizing by force because of strong opposition from the africans

  • France ousted the ottomans from west africa and established a settler colony people from the mother country relocate to that place, huge influx of european immigrants living in Algeria

  • Scramble for africa, as more lands were being claimed of africa, competition for claiming began to heat up, and as citizens saw the competition of Africa, people knew that all this land grabbing will start a war

  • Berlin conference, imperial leaders deciding how to carve up Africa in a way that pleased everyone without causing war, the boundaries spread long uniting africans tribes and united rival groups together and endless troubles and unrest in the future (no africans at the berlin conference)

  • Western european nations were pushed into the interior of Africa to establish colonies

  • King leopold II of Belgium, claimed Congo as a colony of his personal holding, and as this occurred he grew rich and enacted brutal policies (8 million people died) and forced labor for ivory and rubber, later the belgian state took over the colony and policies were nicer

  • Britain began to claim more territory of the Mughal empire and conquered all of india, using their troops and recruited indian soldiers (sepoys) to join their effort

  • China used economic imperialism, the weakened china sought opportunity for european imperialism to take over China, and they used their military might for trading rights with China and China had to agree and they carved up China into spheres of influence

  • British established a penal colony in Australia and where britain sent all of its convicts, settlers were living there too and the British wanted them to be kind to the natives there, and the settlers took their lands and despite the natives rise up they died in the effort, but new zealand was settled as a settler colony but the maori people were kicked out and put in another colony and war broke out and the maori hated british

  • American colonies had an urge to conquer westword (sea to shining sea) but had to fight natives like the indian removal act which led to the removal of american indians of the east to midwest (trail of tears) they believe this is the manifest destiny, America wanted overseas colonies like Philippines, guam, puerto rico, and cuba

  • Catherine the II expanded with half of Poland from the ottomans, and Manchuria

Response to the colonization

  • Sure of nationalism from the colonies against the imperial powers

  • The cherokee indians used assimilation and had a constitutional government and adopted many american cultural customs which worked until gold was found

  • Ghost dance, indians in the north west that their ancestors would drive the white man out of their lands, so they had ritualistic dances to hasten that event

  • Xhosa did not want to be colonized and their cattle was believed to be dying off because of european cattle so they killed their own cattle so that the europeans would get out of their lands

  • The balkans were ruled by the ottoman empire but as the ottoman empire was losing their power, and resentment was forming among balkan empires so they had a strong amount of nationalism and those rose up and gained their independence

  • As states were growing they needed more raw materials and more food

  • Africa engaged in subsistence farming which they only grew enough for them to live on, but when europeans came they had cash crop farm (not for a family to live on but for sale) whole plantations were devoted for coffee, rubber, sugar increase of fertilizer use caused colonies for just fertilizer

  • Industrialization caused a growing middle class, and when they earned more money  they wanted more beef so colonies in Argentina and Uruguay raised lots of beef

  • Because mother countries needed raw materials to provide for industrialization they used their colonies

  • Cotton, 80% from America, but when war broke out no cotton exports to egypt and india exported cotton to europe

  • Rubber, grown in south america so natives had to work at rubber extraction plantations

  • Palm oil, coming from west africa lubricated factories

  • Diamonds, diamond rush in south africa and large exports of diamonds from south africa and when Rhodes was elected as prime minister of south africa it was his racist policies that laid the foundation for apartheid

  • Consequences: increasingly interconnected global economy

  • These countries relied on each other (raw materials to factories and manufactured goods to colonies again) and the urban populations needed more food and there wasn’t enough grown food so they imported food from their colonies (refrigerator)

  • Narrowing and weakening of the colonial economies

  • Colonial people grew cash crops at the expense of other agricultural necessities, when a economy is dependent on a single agricultural export, then if something goes wrong with that crop then they are in big trouble financially


  • Migration through labor systems, slavery and a movement for the abolition of slavery but the deamnd for raw materials so they have to find low wage labor done by enslaved people, so indentured servitude was introduced the agreement allowed them to work a number of years in order to pay for their passage to the new land then they were free, many stayed in the country to work and sent money back to their families, and migrants influenced the culture of the receiving country

  • Contract labor, chinese and indian workers that would agree for low wages, and these people did the work of past laborers did the work of former enslaved people

  • Penal labor, where convicts had to do hard labor in order to work for the government and then sent to their parent country

  • Some people were tricked into signing coerced contracts

  • Mass poverty in India led to the diaspora of people out of India some worked for 5 years and others stayed in the placed where they traveled for work

  • China accepted the indentured servitude as well because of poverty and famine and the hope of opportunity elsewhere

  • Migration has home society and receiving society

  • Migration happening had an effect on gender roles at home, women's role became larger and wider in society and other places men waited for another male person to stay in their place until they returned (gender roles stayed the same) and women had a voice when they were reconstituted because women had the whole burden of the family when the men were gone

  • When people migrated they brought their culture with them (ethnic enclave) which affected the society of the receiving society (food, language, religion)

  • Most counties with the immigrants had a hate relationship with the immigrants, and since immigrants worked in the jobs that paid lower wages than native people, jobs obten went to the immigrants

  • When Britain was trading with China, britain wanted more chinese goods that china wanting british goods which caused britain to lose more money under their mercantilist policies, so the british east india company forced indian farmers to start manufacturing opium which is an addictive drug and the british smuggled this drug into china and sold it to the people, and as more people got addicted, the more money they made

Unit 7: Interwar period (1900)

  • Russia was behind industrially, so when the russians revolted against these new reforms, they were shot in the sunday blood massacre 1905

  • The bolsheviks overthrew the tsar led by lenin and now lenin established a communist government abolishing free trade, nationalized factories and redistributing agriculture from the farmers to the working class

  • The idea of communism made the rest of the world uneasy (especially the western democratic powers)

  • Main causes of WWI

  • Militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism

  • Militarism: desire of a state to develop and maintain a powerful military in order to aggressively advance their own interests

  • Countries had heavy recruitment, large sums of money put into the military and recruitment of the navy

  • Industrial revolution brought a stockhold of weapons

  • Alliances: an agreement between two states for mutual self defense, due to the military power demonstrated by these countries, secret alliances were formed

  • Imperialism: an arrangement in which one country brings another country under its political or economic dominion

  • 1750-1900 countries were fighting for mass colonization of Africa and other countries and a long standing quest for global dominance and long standing colonial holdings caused bitter rivalries between these powers

  • Nationalism: A strong identification with one’s own nation and people, often to the exclusion of other people

  • Rising surge of nationalism combined with the other reasons caused the romanticism of war

  • New and improved technology led to the extension of the war

  • Machine guns were improved upon leading to the wear

  • Chemical warfare

  • teargas which made the eyes of their enemy water uncontrollably a irritated their lungs

  • Chlorine gas: which when inhaled turned into hydraulic acid

  • Trench warfare: one of the defining methods of fighting but rain often made the trenches wet causing trench foot (a fungal infection of the foot) and spread of disease and discomfort was common in the trenches

  • Long and drawn out war leading to a no mans land and both had this new technology and each side was afraid of the other (little progress could be made)

  • Total war: all the countries involved used all of their resources both military and domestic

  • Factories were churning war materials and women were working in the factories because the men were fighting

  • Food was rationed among the population

  • Media was censored against those who sought to undermine the war effort

  • Everyone suffered the burden of trying to win the war

  • Governments produced propaganda to change people's opinions by exaggerating and having misinformation

  • Depicting the enemy as monsters

  • Zimmerman telegram invited the US to join the war against Germany

  • The war was so big because of the centuries of colonial activity that was before it

  • Countries used people from their colonies to fight the war and in return promised them freedom from the mother country but did not keep their promises

  • Treaty of versailles caused the reparations paid by Germany, war guilt clause was placed on Germany

  • While not only were the great powers in debt but their colonies were in debt as well because they depended on their mother country

  • The United States crashed

  • John Maynard Keyenes brought a different economic idea than the laissez faire economic approach (little government affair in the economy they will always correct themselves)

  • We shouldn't wait for the economy to fix itself, instead the government should get involved and stimulate the economy back into good health by spending money (borrowing money or deficit spending)

  • FDR used this and made the new deal which was borrowing money in order to make jobs and put millions of people to work

  • The bolshevik government was in an economic collapse and huge famine and Lenin presented a new economic plan which was a rollback of communist policies which intended to spur the economy back by reintroducing private trade back to Russia

  • Joseph Stalin got in power and introduced the 5 year plans

  • To further industrialize Russia so they could catch up by cultivating agriculture and the government confiscated private land and set agricultural quotas for the farmers and most of their food was taken to feed the others

  • In mexico a group named PRI which helped Mexico economically

  • Nationalized Mexico’s oil industry which used to be owned by foreign investors

  • Facism: an authoritatian and nationalistic system of government and social organizaiton

  • Glorification of military might and necessity of arm struggle and they often blame their problems on ethnic minorities, and facists governments wielded a heavy hand in the economy

  • Italy was the first facist government thanks to Mussolini and organized Italy into something called corporatism which was each sector of the economy was like different organs of the same body and each organ was free as long as it served the purpose of the greater whole. Italy in fact controlled every aspect of the state

  • In brazil there is a slow transition from an agricultural economy to an industrialized one

  • Vargas was elected because people assumed he’d bring democratic principles to Brazil but instead he organized the Brazilian government like Mussolini’s italian government

  • Industry did grow rapidly but he also consolidated power by removing individual freedom from people

  • “New state” program limited Vargas limited the freedom of his press and imprisoned his political opponents

  • Imperialism after world war one was still happening and wherever there was colonies, nationalistic movements were brewing

Unit 8: Cold war and Decolonization 1900

  • Two meetings in order to figure out how to get the world back to order

  • Yalta conference, Roosevelt pressed for free elections in Eastern europe, but the soviet union wanted eastern europe under soviet influence so that eastern europe was a buffer between them and europe (stemmed from the idea of the invasions of european powers coming into the Soviet Union and stalin wanted to stop that)

  • Roosevelt felt that there was nothing he could do because he didn’t want to cause another war so he allowed Stalin to have eastern europe and stalin vaguely assured that they would have free elections

  • Potsdam conference

  • Truman was at the conference rather than roosevelt and also wanted free elections but soviet troops were already in Eastern Europe so the soviet union refused furthering the rivalry between the United States and Soviet Union

  • After WWII both of these countries have great amounts of power

  • United states has power because all of the fighting happened in other countries (except pearl harbor) so there wasn’t much damage to infrastructure, United States offered $12 billion dollars in aid to Europe which is known as the marshall plan

  • Despite extravagant losses the Soviet Union was so big that they were able to sustain large amounts of death and Stalin has been building the industrial capacity of the Soviet Union (catching them up with Europe), also all the other european countries were gone from the war

  • After the bombing of Hiroshima, it was the first time Russia saw this weapon that could do a great deal of damage and since Russia and America were allied, Russia didn’t understand why America would hide such important information from them

  • This explosive technology contextualized the cold war (hostility between two countries without there being any war)

  • Around WWI colonization was at its peak, and colonies were established everywhere, and colonial soldiers fought in WWI on behalf of it’s parent countries with the hope that sacrifice will allow them to be free and independent

  • Wilson was excited that countries could have self determination but it didn’t happen during the interwar periods, and during WWII the colonial soldier returned

  • After the war the mother countries were so broke that they had no money to suppress rising revolts (using their soldiers) from the colonies and they also had american and soviet aid to gain independence

Cold war

  • The United States and Soviet union had competing systems of economics (capitalism and communism) they also had different styles of running the government (democracy and authoritarian)

  • They were conflicting because capitalism and communism have the ideologies to spread (the united states wanted a capitalist world while the soviets wants a communist world)

  • They fought indirectly by economically influencing other countries to be economically dependent on them (NEO IMPERIALISM!!!) such as the soviet block which had many eastern european countries, and when they were under the sphere of communism, Stalin implemented 5 year plans on these countries and didn’t allow any other parties

  • Any economies in the soviet block were made to serve the soviet union and not themselves

  • The United States made countries dependent on them using the Marshall plan which was made from America’s booming economy after WWII the United States offered millions of dollars in aid to European countries and since these countries were so desperate they were willing to try communism but if America helped their economic instabilities they would stay capitalist!!

  • Marshall plan was part of the containment plan which was not to eradicate communism, but to stop it from spreading, and Truman introduced the Truman Doctrine which promised military aid to countries that were being threatened by the spread of communism

  • Wars that were fought were the arms and space race

  • The arms race was a competition to build bigger and better bombs but no matter how destructive the bombs were, none of them were firedat each other because if either one of them did it would be mutual assured destruction which meant no matter who started the nuclear war, no one would be victorious because no one would survive

  • The space race was another way the two countries fought, with the soviets sending the first satellite in space (sputnik), and later the americans send their own satellite in space, but the space race ended when america successfully landed a man on the moon

  • Since the cold war had become on the world stage the Non aligned movement began which was where countries that were previously colonized didn’t want anything to do with the conflict

  • Cold war introduced the military alliances

  • After WWII the soviet union introduced the communist block, and because of this western europe saw all the communist governments and decided to create neutral military alliance called NATO which was the alliance of nations against communism

  • Soviets created the warsaw pact in response to NATO

  • Proxy wars were also there (indirect fighting)

  • Proxy wars were small localized wars in asia, africa, india, etc but they took this global significance when america and russia took different sides

  • Korean war (allies separated Korea into the North and South where north was occupied by the soviets and the south was occupied by the americans) North Korea invaded South korea in order to create a single state under its leadership and United States came to the aid of south korea and soviet union came to the aid of north korea and sent troops to north korea and guns

  • The united nations pushed north korea all the way to the chinese border and china feared that they will invade china so they sent troops to aid north korea and with that fortification they pushed south korea back

  • Angola civil war

  • a colony of rival groups and these groups worked together to fight against Portugal for their independence and once they gained this they were in conflict for which group should have power, the soviet union backed one of the groups and united states backed another group and the angola civil war became another proxy war

  • Contra war

  • The sandinista national liberation front was a socialist group in nicaragua who was in power and a group of contras who were trying to overthrow the sandinistas which were backed up by soviet union

  • Nuclear proliferation

  • Cuban missile crisis, after the failure of America getting Cuba the communist leader Nikita Khryschev shipped many nuclear missiles to Cuba, even though the soviet union had already developed missiles, the missiles are even closer to America, later the US discovered the missile sites and they were outraged

  • Kennedy ordered a naval blockade to surround Cuba, which caused war tensions for around 13 days but no missiles were fired and the US backed down but this showed how problematic the buildup of nuclear weapons is

  • This caused the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, which called on nuclear powers to prevent non nuclear nations from developing such disastrous weapons

  • Spread of Communism

  • Bitter conflict in China between the chinese communists and china nationalists but when Japan invaded northern china, both communists and nationalists united in order to deal with the japanese (happening around WWII) and the japanese were defeated, the communists and nationalists were fighting again and the chinese civil war was also going on during this period, and communism won

  • Mao Zedong proclaimed the people's republic of china, where China nationalized it’s industry and redistributed land to peasants (great leap forward) and peasant lands were collectivized by the state (similar thing to what Stalin did but millions of people died due to starvation and famine) but Mao Zedong didn’t want the people to rebel so he sent them to reeducation camps which made you think Mao’s policies are good or death

  • Agriculture was falling heavily during this time but Mao wanted to hide it so he kept exporting grain and many dead

  • Iran’s president said he would favor Hitler so russia and britain invaded iran and set up shah sympathetic to their interests, but the people overthrew the shah which made Britain and Russia put their own member instead harsh but introduces womens welfare and social welfare

  • White revolution: government bought land from wealthy landowners and resold it to the peasants for cheaper, it only helped some but misses most people

  • Vietnam declared independence from Japan, and France and communism took over north vietnam and seized land from wealthy landowners and gave it to the poor

  • India became an independent state after being colonized by the British, and they instituted land reforms with mixed success but the state of kerala was where it was very successful (laws where tenants could purchase land and have full ownership of land were passed)

  • Africa, in Ethiopia Mariam led to an overthrow of the Ethiopian government which was nothing but a puppet of western powers, the rebellion was successful so he established a socialist government in place which gave much appreciation from the Russians, and under this government land redistribution was a high priority

  • Decolonization

  • Negotiated independence and armed resistance

  • Negotiated independence, an example is India’s independence from Britain where Gandhi used means of non violence and civil disobedience and this worked because the british were broke and exhausted after WWII so they didn’t have the resources or the power to maintain colonial rule in India, so through negotiation with Britain, India became an independent state (muslim minority saw that when India was dreaming of an independent state they also wanted one and formed the muslim league to advocate for it

  • Another example of negotiated independence is french west africa, and france ruled these states with small occupational forces, and relied on the cooperation of the colonies to maintain power, but when france couldn’t maintain power in west africa they negotiated independence by 1959

  • Ghana also faced a similar form of decolonization from Britain, the president was a nationalist leader who wanted to return to the former glory and established a national anthem, flags, and monuments

  • Armed conflict

  • Algeria began to rise up against french colonial rule, because of france losing indo china, they didn’t want to lose algeria so the french stopped protests with strict laws and violence and the nationalistic algerians started war against france

  • Vietnam was a colony of France, (indochina) and in the north the goal was to oust the french from vietnam all together and unite the country under a communist rule and went to the vietnam independence war which resulted in two countries north and south vietnam

  • Egypt was technically an independent nation but troops were in egypt to protect the Suez canal, but after WWII there was an overthrow of the egyptian king and the establishment of the republic of egypt, once the president was in power he nationalized the suez canal (british troops were at the canal, but it was leased to france for 99 years this was all a symbol of colonial oppression and he wanted to be rid of it and furthermore leading to the suez crisis, which led to france sending their allies, and britain sending troops to lands surrounding the canal while the united states and soviet union didn’t intervenue the UN brokered an agreement to make the Suez Canal an international waterway under Egypt

  • Both types of decolonization

  • Nigeria negotiated their independence with Britain but a civil war broke out over who gets to be in power which started with the igbo people trying to be their own country of biafra and their land was rich in oil so the government said no violently and the north won

  • The qyebecois separatists movement in Canada, quebec was a strongly influenced french colony in canada but the british controlled most of canada so there was a division between the french catholics in Quebec and the british protestants in Canada, with Quebec wanting to be a separate state, a liberal party was gaining power and a growing nationalism was among them, and they all flared up into violence which was a series of bombings (quebec stayed with canada)

  • New independent states

  • Israel, jews want a newly independent state of israel, but they wanted it in Palestine because it was their ancestral homeland, but now it has huge populations of arab muslims, jews began to migrate from europe to palestine due to british favor for them, and the influx of jews pinched the muslims there and they felt threatened and opposed them, but after WWII and the holocaust there was world wide sympathy for the jews which led to more migration to Palestine and more opposition from the muslims, UN partitioned jewish and arab sections and they thought the partition would be like the partition of india but war broke out and the united states backed the jews and neighboring arab countries backed palestine, isreal ended up winning

  • Cambodia, a communist party overthrew the government and established communism in Cambodia and under his leadership over 2 million cambodians were slaughtered or died of starvation because of famine and the people were not happy and wanted to dispose of him, vietnam helped with overthrowing the government but they decided to stay after but eventually left and cambodia was free and democratic

  • India and pakistan, the partition of india and pakistan caused mass migration and violence broke out through the great turmoil of these countries and india was a democracy and pakistan was authoritarian, there were fights over territory but the idea of proliferation was on stake in Kashmir because both powers had nuclear weapons

  • How governments took a strong role in the economic developments of these new nations

  • Sri lankan economy was struggling and she instituted socialist policies like land redistribution and nationalization of industries and restrictions on free trade, but they were unsuccessful but it shows government getting involved in economy

  • India, india had rampant inflation and growing poverty, all which seriously threatened the indian economy, she jailed her opposition and the reformation or corrupt laws, an increase of national production and alleviation of inflation

  • Tanzania, socialist policies and less reliant on foreign aid

  • Metropoles is a home country of a colonial power, allowed metropoles and former colonies to maintain strong cultural and economic ties

  • The end of the cold war

  • Military advancements, mutual assured destruction would occur if they fired any of the missiles, president Regan initiated the SDI (strategic defense initiative) which rendered any attack on the United States as obsolete, by sending defense systems into space that saw if any nuclear attack was on its way and shoot them down with lasers but this costed too much and it was too advanced but the steps put power toward United States

  • Failure of the communist takeover of Afghanistan, repressive policies and became deeply unpopular among the people of Afghanistan and the newly elected president was murdered, and the new president wasn’t soviet but then they killed him and set another soviet friendly president and when war broke out between the people and the soviet union, the soviet union lost to the guerilla tactics of the Afghan people but this put alot of economic strain on them because they were seen as a world power (major cause of the fall of the soviet union

  • Public discontent and economic weakness in the soviet union, the economy of the soviet union was terrible, government had full control of agriculture and trade was limited, an example of this would be the Prague spring in the soviet union which resulted in mass protests in czechoslovakia, the soviet union crushed the outcry but their sentiment was spreading, and they kept having to put more resources that they didn't have to stopping the outcry of the people

  • New president came into the soviet union and introduced more liberal policies such as perestroika which allowed for some elements of free enterprise and glasnost which allowed for the opening for the political process and the granting of freedom of soviet controlled colonies and when the freedom in the colonies were established, the colonies wanted more and democratic reforms began sweeping through those nations

Unit 9: Advances in Technology and Exchange After 1900

  • Communication technologies

  • The radio was introduced, this allowed people to actually hear the voices of the people delivering information to them at a distance and eliminating the filter between the people and the listener

  • The television allowed people to see the person rather than just hearing them, and cellphones allowed information to be in our pockets and we could communicate with anyone around the world

[Knowt] AP world history prep

Unit 1: 1200-1450 (how states built themselves up and how the maintained control over civilizations)

  • Civilizations grow

  • Religions spread

  • Technology: (gunpowder paper)

  • Decline of small states and local religion and old technology

  • State building: organized political community under one government

Song Dynasty

  • Golden age, extension of the tang dynasty

  • Gunpowder and made its way around the world

  • Grand canal which helped boost trade around the regions and helped have a consistent culture throughout the empire (unified)

  • Champa rice which boosted populations

  • Cultural progress with confucianism because its teachings showed how society should be organized (filial piety was introduced and made family an important part to the people and obligation and obedience to one’s family, and heads of state)

  • Civil service examination which was essential to work in the imperial bureaucracy they had to be well versed in confucian principles

  • Allowed people to not all come from noble families and allowed for meritocracy (government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability)

Abbasid Caliphate

  • Fractured by invaders and falling apart

  • Muslims states arose

  • Delhi sultanate which was not from the abbasid caliphate but of muslims themselves

  • Muslims turks gained power in india they had a hard time converting the masses to islam

  • Mamluk sultanate

  • Slave empire in which the egyptian state enslaved people that weren’t muslims and forced them to serve in the military but eventually the mamluks overthrew the government and created the mamluk sultanate


How they built their empire

Vijayanagara Empire

Built their states and expanded by means of trade

Chola Kingdom

Built their states and expanded by means of trade


Built their state by centralizing power by such an extent and gained a tremendous amount of wealth as exemplified by Mansa Musa

The Aztecs

Ruling remotely by using tribute systems by using tribute systems which were areas that the Aztecs had conquered had to pay the Aztecs tributes of corn, beans, cloth, and other goods. In exchange, the Aztecs let the conquered people govern themselves. The tributes brought great wealth to Aztec cities such as Tenochtitlán. They enforced using their powerful military. (human sacrifice)

The incas

Mita System, all citizens had mandatory public service


Feudalism which had rigid class layers, feudal lords lost majority of power due to the rise of more powerful centralized monarchs


  • Islam

  • was able to create a system of shared beliefs and language which united the regions in afro eurasia

  • Confucianism

  • Dynastic rulers used principles of confucianism to justify their rule over the people and all the bureaucratic rulers were confucian because they had to pass the civil service exam which was confucian

  • Confusiciam created a patriarchal society, where women didn’t have much power over men (Powerless against father and husband) What is Confucianism? | History Today

  • Not allowed to participate in public life

  • Inherit property or carry family life

  • Every person had a place in society, and that everyone had to fulfill civil duties as well as respect others

  • Built upon ancient values of religion in order to establish social values and created schools

  • Made school broadly available (so anyone not just nobles could get education)

  • Filial piety is an attitude of respect for parents, ancestors in societies,

  • Confucianism created a code of conduct and helped keep citizens in order and ensured laws were followed (gave citizens reason to follow these laws

  • Confusiciasm is related to hinduism in the sense that hinduism had karma which kept people in line while confucianism had filial piety and teachings which were important to society, this helped keep an organized system and motivated people to do good in life

  • Buddhism

  • Theravada: personal spiritual journey

  • Mahayana: journey for all beings

  • Tibetan: more outward and focused on cultic practices

  • Hinduism

  • Hindu rulers used the caste system

  • Bhakti movement was the strong attachment to one god

  • Catholics/christianity

  • Individual european states were weak but the catholic church provided a way to organize society apart from the state

  • Powerful states emerged including france and the holy roman empire which created a struggle for power between the church and state

  • Following the pope in rome in western europe and eastern is eastern orthodox (byzantine empire)

  • Many crusades between roman catholics between eastern orthodox, muslims, jews

  • Judaism

  • Al andalus which is where muslims are as well

  • Not a majority group anywhere

  • Blamed for the plague and a lot of violence occurring

  • All religions spread during this period and sent massive numbers of missionaries to mass convert  populations which weakened local indigenous religion

  • Conversions by military invasion

  • Muslims invaded northern india (delhi sultanate)

  • Not by force but many converted in order to avoid the jizya tax and some converted for better opportunities in government standings

  • People in lower castes that did not have the opportunity to get good jobs were able to live among the middle and upper class so converting was better for them those who were in higher castes did not appreciate this however

  • Many conversions occurred from trade

  • Merchants were not only carrying goods, but whole cultural structures with them which also spread

Technological Advantages

  • Champa rice which helped feed the growing population

  • Paper was helped made from china to the west (huge spike in literacy rates in europe and africa)

  • Medical and mathematical advancements were made

  • House of wisdom in Baghdad in the Abbasid Dynasty which was translation of the great advancements of european and asian works of the past

  • Nomadic people

  • Healthy measure of political stability and safety

  • Increased trade (silk road)

  • Increased cross cultures interactions

  • Prior to this period the nomadic people had a huge role in the transfer of technology between different states

  • During this period they lost this power

  • While merchants and traders arrose the role of the nomadic people began to diminish

Unit 2: 1200-1450 (what were the similarities and differences in exchange with the mongols)

Trade routes

  • Silk road

  • Connected China with Europe while passing through central asia and southwest asia

  • Transported through the camel caraback and most were luxury goods such as chinese silk

  • Conduit for culture such as the spread of buddhism and changing these religions slightly (buddhism was strictly atheist but new forms of buddhism spread such as the mahayana buddhism) which made the buddha into a deity which is in turn a form of syncretism

  • Different diseases spread (black death)

  • Indian Ocean

  • South east asia, south asia, and southwest asia linked by sea

  • Largest sea based communication

  • Variety of common and luxury goods

  • Ships can carry a lot more goods than camels and for cheaper

  • Porcelain, cotton, pepper, spices, wheat, ivory, gold, sugar, rice

  • There were predictable yearly storms called monsoons which was what made trade possible in only some time of the year

  • New maritime innovations like the compass and astrolabe, chinese janks

  • Prosperity and success due to the massive economic revival and China during the Song and Tang dynasty and they transported massive amounts of good throughout the indian ocean

  • Rise of islam which is very positive toward merchant activity and land was connected through Islam

  • Trans-Saharan

  • North africa and the mediterranean with sub saharan africa

  • Mainly manufactured goods (cloth, glasswork, books) and agricultural products (yams, grain, kola nuts)

  • Introduction of arabian camels (they could go a great deal without water which made it possible for trade to occur

  • Trade of gold and copper and there was taxes which caused a social hierarchy (royalty → elite classes → merchants → military/religous → peasants → slaves )

  • They all depended greatly on the establishment of large states

  • When the mongols controlled all the land in which the silk road stretched out

  • When these trade routes were secure and protected the merchants felt safe to travel and this led them to think about other things such as new technology

  • This transfer of new technology allowed them to transport goods faster at a more efficient rate

  • Magnetic compass, lateen sails, saddle,stern post rudder made travel along these routes more manageable and profitable

  • All the countries around the known world became unified and exchanged cultures

  • Merchants shared their religious beliefs along these trade routes

  • Missionaries also traveled these routes to spread their religion far and wide

  • New agriculture was also introduced such as champa rice from Vietnam to China and bananas from indonesia to west africa (bantu) led to large scale migration of people because they didn’t just rely on the crops they grew (yam), were able to go wherever bananas were found

  • Caused the growth of major cities

  • Silk road produced Chang’an in China

  • Indian ocean produced calicut in India and Srivijaya in southeast Asia

  • Trans Saharan produced Timbuktu and Mali


  • Different because each trading route specialized in trading different kinds of goods


  • Each route required new technologies in order to facilitate trade


  • Not the same religions traveled along the routes




Silk Roads

Silk, porcelain, gunpowder, horses, textiles

Saddles (helped merchants travel farther and bare heavier loads)Caravanserai (little travel stops so that merchants can stop and refresh themselves before moving on)

BuddhismNeo ConfucianismIslam

Indian Ocean

Gold, ivory, fruit, textiles, pepper, rice

Maritime technology:AstrolabeCompassSternpost rudderLateen sail

ChristianityBuddhismNeo ConfucianismIslam


Horses, salt, gold, slaves



Cultural Consequences:

  • Zen buddhism is an innovation of buddhism that originated in china and through trade spread to korea, japan, and vietnam

  • The upper class hated the idea of zen buddhism while the common folk embraced it

  • African bantu civilization converting to Islam which led to the swahili language (arabic from muslim and the bantu langugae made swahili)

  • Science and technological advancements (especially medical advancements and requiring medical examinations to get licenses)

  • Made people want to travel around the world

  • Eben Battuta was a muslim who made it is mission to travel all through Dal-Al Islam and kept notes of all the people

  • Marco Polo found his way to China

  • When both stories were published the people had enthusiasm and had desire for goods  form those places and other things which made them travel and somehow receive goods from these places

Environmental Consequences:

  • As merchants traveled they introduced agriculture to new places that have never seen these crops before (such as champa rice and led to terrace farming which made land that was unfarmable to become farmable) (bananas which came from indonesia to to sub saharan africa was introduced to the bantu africa it allowed them to travel and live not only where yams grew and whole populations began to migrate)

  • As populations migrate there are consequences to the land that is being used such as overgrazing or deforestation which led to the extreme erosion in the soil

  • The mongols conquests for more land led to the spread of disease such as the bubonic plague and came from trade routes like ships and caravanserai (places where merchants rested along the trade routes and were in close contact with animals which had fleas)

  • The balck death transformed europe because with all the death the surviving workers found that they could get better wages and working conditions


  • Biggest land based empire in history but small cultural impact

  • Led by Genghis Khan

  • Since the covered such a large part of the land they established the peace of the mongols which allowed trade to prosper in other large states

  • They had a strong centralized government to keep them together but after the fall of the mongols, other states followed and had a strong centralized government as well to consolidate their own power

  • If one member of a unit rebelled the entire unit was massacred (genghis led by fear)

  • The conquests of china led to the unification of China and it was believed that the mongols were given the mandate of heaven and allowed to rule over the people

  • The mongols who conquered persia became muslim (The sacking of Baghdad gave more cultural influence ot the mongols than the mongols had to Persia)

Unit 3: How did land-based empires gain and maintain power form 1450-1750

  • Consolidating power and legitimizing power

  • Centralizing a bureaucracy

  • Qing dynasty reestablished the civil service examination and anyone who wanted to work in the government had to pass the exam so everyone would think the same things and the Ming dynasty which proceeded it was the last native chinese dynasty

  • The ottomans consolidated power with the devshirme system which made ottomans enslaved chrisitian boys from poor families and made them serve in the government and military

  • Thorough education in politics and art and once educated the joined the janissaires

  • The songhai empire

  • Consolidated power by controlling trade routes, alliances, and military expansion

  • As well as putting their king up for rituals

  • The aztec empire used the tribute system

  • Different states owed goods to the conquerors and the rulers of the Aztecs could rule the empire without being directly involved

  • Good for collecting taxes from their subjects

  • Mughal empire appointed zamindars which collected taxes based on land holdings and production

  • The ottomans had tax farming which had tax farmers that went to collect taxes for them which were corrupt and took some of the money for taxes and kept it for themselves

  • The Aztecs made different tribute lists that asked each tribute state for different items and sometimes people for rituals

  • Taxes are good for supporting large military conquests

  • Eurasian countries relied on gunpowder based weapons

  • Americas were fierce and intimidated people

  • Ottomans had an elite group of soldiers (janissaries) and safavids had the (ghulams) and the aztecs had the blood tax which gave them fierce soldiers

How did religion consolidate power?

  • Islamic rulers used the title khalif which showed they were the successors to muhammed

  • Europe used the doctrine of the divine right of kings showing that they are the gods king of will and they carry out god's will and this led to the rise of absolutism

  • Real unifying force but sometimes religion can challenge the authority

  • In Europe there was the protestant reformation which challenged the catholic church and led to a split between catholic and protestant

  • The ottoman and safavid conflict because even if both were muslim they were different types of muslim

  • Timerlane depended on the power of his military to expand which was good and bad because he used the power of his military to stabilize the merchants of trade routes but it was bad because the huge military required a lot of money and the to keep the military affected the economy and ravaged the state which caused the ottoman, safavids, and mughal empires to rise Timerlane timeline | Timetoast timelines

  • The ottomans sacked constantinople under Mehmed II with gunpowder and benefited tremendously because it was in the center of all the big trading routes, later the empire peaked under the rule of Suleman who conquered many territories

  • Safavids conquered many empires using gunpowder and used Shia muslim but denied any other relgion which set conflict with the Sunni ottomans

  • Mughal empires, conquested northern empires using gunpowder. Akbar used people called Zamindars to collect taxes and Akbar was open to every religion and new religions

  • Fall of the gunpowder empires because they couldn’t modernize their economy or military

  • Japan during this time period was set up like European feudalism with the Daimyo employing warriors to protect the land called samurai and many conflicts over daimyo caused land to be fractured socially and politically

  • Over time some daimyo rose to power and unified these states which was called the tokugawa shogunate which gave all power from the daimyo to the shogun

  • New monarchies were set up all over europe, which in feudalism power was centralized in the hands of the elite but now the decentralized power was in the hands of the king which centralized power

  • Catholic church lost power and power was given to the kings and people began to question the authority of the church because they didn’t help during the black death

  • Church was corrupt so they instituted ways to gain money such as selling indulgences (which was a way to get into heaven by paying a fee) and simony was to buy their way into the church rather than who was the most qualified

  • Martin Luther posted the abuses of the catholic church and since the invention of the printing press his ideas were posted and spread and people embraced them and this led into the protestant reformation

  • The church did reform themselves and became less corrupt but still hated the protestants

  • Taxation, military, religion were ways to centralize power

  • Consolidation of power causes the middle class to grow


  • Rulers would have art made of them to look fierce and legitimize their empire

Monumental Architecture

  • Giant structures built by these empires whose features far out strip their functionality

  • Like the taj mahal which was built as a tomb but it was essentially to show how much power he had and he was in charge

  • Louis the 14th built the palace of versailles which was huge and unnecessary but it was used to show legitimizing the power of the guy living there

Unit 4: States establishing sea based empires 1450-1740

  • Europe established a more prominent role as a world power

  • Muslims controlled many trade routes and ports so europeans tried to find other ways to Asia

  • Using maps of wind patterns and maps of the stars, lateen sails, compass, astrolabe

  • The portuguese created the caravel these ships were smaller so they were highly navigable and they were fast (combination of square sails and lateen sails)

  • The dutch created the fluyt, which were built for trade and they were able to carry large amounts of cargo and they could sail these ships with smaller crews and were cheaper (the dutch had an advantage with maritime trade)

  • Mongols in the previous time periods were open to other cultural beliefs however europeans were not, and due to the mass death of natives due to disease, the cultural beliefs of the natives were wiped clean

  • States sponsored expeditions for gold, god, and glory

  • Mercantilism made these rulers expand their means by sea because as they expanded these trading posts that meant for more gold

  • States were measured in gold and silver

  • Favorable balance of trade (more exports than imports)

  • Colonies exist to serve the mother countries (mainly raw materials)

  • Joint stock companies were introduced where exploration was not financed by the government but instead by joint investors

  • British and dutch east india companies

  • Commercial revolution occurred because goods were not traded for other goods but now they are traded for gold and silver

  • Triangular trade expanded the economy, it was a massive system of trade that sprang in the atlantic ocean and it was manufactured goods being traded from europe to west africa, enslaved people were transported to the americas, and raw materials were traded back to Europe

  • The indian ocean route continued to flourish byt new rivalries between the european and the muslims arose to control those routes and the portuguese lost to the muslims

  • Development of monopolies where one entity had total control over the government, the spanish had total control at given ports

  • Spanish monopoly of tobacco in the americas

  • Continuity of traditional regional markets in response to markets

  • Peasant and artisan foods that flourished

  • Europeans were christian and christianity was a missionary religion it was their duty to convert people into their religion

  • Nothing puts empires glory more than controlling many empires, and as exploration grew there was more competition to claim some empires before other states did

  • Change and continuity: people all over the world have already began to explore the sea BUT NOW there were large scale state sponsorship of state exploration

  • Portugal was behind spain so they could only expand into the sea

  • Bartholomeu dias who sailed to the tip of africa and vasco de gama sailed around africa and into india and claimed that part of india as his own Portuguese Trade Port Empire - Chapter 22: Transoceanic Encounters and  Global Connections

  • Eventually portugal made it to China but the christian missionaries made it their goal to convert the people of china into christianity

  • Fransicans: convert the mass of chinese people

  • Jesuits: convert the elite

  • They had some success but were mostly rejected as barbarians so not much impact

  • Portuguese established the trading post empire where they established small amounts of land as trading posts along the african coast and throughout indian ocean

  • They traded with the african leaders giving them gunpowder weapons in exchange for african people

  • These african states had an advantage from trading with the africans they got wealth, and also culture (kingdom of congo and christian influence in the art coming from the Congo SYNCRETISM!!!)

  • There was also conflict due to the spread of religion like the sunni shi’a split and was intensified with ottoman and safavid conflict

  • Protestant reformation which was a split between roman catholics and the protestants and came from different interpretations of the doctrine of salvation

  • While African states were open to european influence states like Japan closed themselves off, the japanese were tolerant at first but as they saw a growing influence they shut it down and closed off all trade with the europeans and closed off all religion with them

  • Complete monopoly of the spice trade and to charge all over the ports

  • Spain sponsored sea based exploration

  • Magellan circumnavigated the globe and set a trading post in the Philippines

  • Columbus was on the search for gold across the sea and ended up in the aztec and inca empires were there were alot of gold and silver

  • Spain decided to enslave the natives and later the africans to make their state wealthy

  • Spain introduced the Hacienda system of labor (the spanish government granted haciendas (land grants) to conquistadors and spanish nobles that were willing to make the journey across the sea and that land was under their control and when people of lower class worked in these lands they would not stop because of the low wages and debt they owed to the land owners

  • Encomienda system was also introduced by Spain and the beneficiary was granted responsibility over the natives (the natives got education, christianity, protection and the natives had to give tribute which was mostly labor) similar to feudal europe

  • Mit’a system came from the incas but was also used by the spanish but the mit’a system provided labor for the incan empire and they did that by compelling certain people to work on public projects for certain number of days in a given year

  • The silver buried in the earth (potosi mines), they decided to compel native villages to send a portion of men to do the dangerous work of silver mining for next to no wages

  • Chattel slavery in which people owned other people as property in north america people used indentured servitude which was people having to work for other people for a certain amount of years and then they were free but once people completed their years they never became free so chattel slavery solved the problems of slavery

  • The africans did not know the land as the natives did and there was no term so no freedom but they had to endure the middle passage in which many died due to disease because they were packed so tightly and suffocation

  • The need of african men arose so as more men were taken the women were left and this introduced polygyny which was where one man had several wives but as men arrived to America they were seperated from their families

  • Led to the columbian exchange: devastation to the natives but expansive wealth to the europeans

  • Until columbus arrived to the Americas both north and south america were completely isolated and the native americans had no immunity to the european diseases and the most devastating was smallpox and caused large scale death of the native populations (can compare this to the black death in the former period) Columbian Exchange | Diseases, Animals, & Plants | Britannica

  • Malaria, flu, etc

  • Sharing of animals and food and the exchange between the two had massive effects

  • Pigs, cows, wheat, horses, and grapes from europe

  • Introduction of horses led to the mass hunting of animals by native populations and excess food and they had a competitive advantage

  • America had cacao, maize, and potato

  • When introduced to the europeans it led to a expansion of diet and massive population growth

  • Spain and Portugal were desperately fighting for who gained control over the america territory but eventually created the treaty of tordesillas (portugal got east of the line and spain got the west)

  • Conflict led to change in the trans atlantic trade route there was still continuity in the indian ocean trade route

  • Trade along the indian ocean had always been facilitated by the religious ties but when the portuguese came there was military might introduced

  • Europeans found if they devoted these colonies to agriculture they could become massively rich, but not many europeans that could do this mass scale agriculture so they enslaved the natives to make them do the work

  • Natives knew the land better than the colonists so they would escape the conditions (portuguese dealt with this in their brazilian sugarcane colony)

  • As a result they imported slave laborers from africa, and as the demand of agriculture spiked so did the demand for slave labor (trans atlantic slave trade) but even so the columbian exchange boosted african population by introducing new food sources

  • The environmental impact that the columbian exchange had was massive

  • When europeans arrived they used the farmland more aggressively so it led to mass deforestation and depletion of the soil (greater strain on the water supply and pollution)

  • The english established an explorer named john cabot

  • Passage to Asia but didn't find a route but instead claimed all the land from newfoundland to chesapeake bay and established a new colony called Jamestown

  • After driving the french out of India during the seven years war, they had great control over India, and established the British East India company

  • Very restricted by the Mughal empire and had little territory in India but due to hindu and muslim conflict the british took advantage of that and consolidated power

  • The french wanted to find a new route to asia, but instead found canada

  • Rich in natural resources and gave up on going to Asia, after one year of establishing rule in Canada they established Quebec and instead of having permanent settlements like the english they set up trading ports with the natives (french had better relationships with the natives)

  • The dutch sent henry hudson to find a new route to Asia but instead he found a river later named hudson river and called the colony new Amsterdam

  • As portugal expanded their territory into Africa they experienced some resistance from their allies

  • Russian resistance came from the serfs which worked on land for little pay and practically slaves, and soon was a resistance of runaway slaves known as cosacks which were skilled fighters and they rose up but were crushed by the state and Catherine the Great was even harsher to them

  • Mughal rulers were muslim but majority of the empire were hidnu so they rose up against the government because they believed it was an invasion of the beliefs and the uprising was successful and brought the mughal empire to an end

  • In the spanish colonies the pueblo revolt happened where natives killed many spanish colonists and burned their churches but the spanish came back and reclaimed the territory

  • The metacom war was a final attempt to rid the spanish from native lands but the british got a victory

  • As the growing african populations in british colonies increased the british thought since they were less than the british they were happy with providing labor but they were wrong and the stono rebellion occurred

  • Social hierarchies

  • Ottoman Empire had a warrior aristocracy, had these warriors fought with the islamic scholars (who had the power) for power, the janissaries also wanted power and because the sultans weren’t good sultans people often fought for their positions

  • Jewish diaspora led them to the ottoman empire but they had to pay the jeziya (tax for people who aren’t muslim and similar to the beard and tax during the delhi sultanate)

  • Women had indirect power and used harem politics to promote their sons into higher rankings

  • The Qing Dynasty were manchurian not chinese but still kept the civil service exam and the bureaucracy (legitimizes power)

  • Majority were Han chinese, and there were specific styles that men in the government had to follow and if you didn't you would be executed

  • Hairstyles were a big part of culture

  • In europe there was the nobility and the royalty and due to absolutism thinking both classes conflicted

  • In Russia the hierarchy had conflict with the boyars who were under the tzar, and the merchants, and peasants and most of the peasants fell into debt and worked for the nobles as serfs

  • The tsar didn’t listen to the boyars so there was armed conflict between them, but the boyars lost so they were moved to Moscow where ivan can watch them

  • In the americas there was the Casta system and is similar to the caste system but instead in the casta system you could marry up but it didn’t happen

Unit 5: The Enlightenment (1750-1900)

  • France’s idea of Empiricism which is the idea that reality is discerned through the senses and it was different than the idea of getting information from the bible

  • John Locke didn’t believe in the divine right and said human beings are subjected to the divine rights of life, and liberty and the rights were granted by being human beings and human beings are in a social contract with the government  (humans give some of their rights for protection from the government)

  • If the government is corrupt the people can revolt

  • These principles led to revolution and breakup of empires, and led to nationalism

  • Adam Smith introduced Laissez-faire economics rather than mercantilism

  • Capitalism where government has no control over the economy and the government will equal itself out

  • New brand of enlightenment religion called deism where there was a god but that god made life and looks over humans but doesn’t intervenue

  • Conservatives resisted enlightenment philosophies

  • Women gained power to voice their opinions

Unit 6: Effects of Industrialization (1750-1900)

  • New wave of empire building, caused by culture, nationalism, and economics

  • Europeans believed in the superiority of the white race and the white culture and they were the protectors of the other people (white man’s burden)

  • Science, darwinism only the fittest survived and had social darwinism (why shouldn’t strong nations take over the weak nation)

  • Religion, european had a missionary seal to convert the world, and these european countries established schools, to teach religion as well as education and they also built hospitals and abolished the slave trade

  • Nationalism, flexing their state by colonizing a lot of economies, britain looking all around the world for colonies and was wanting india and french took india as well, nationalism drove japan into empire building as well, with interests in Korean economy and this angered qing politics in china and a war broke out (sino-japanese war) and since japan was already modernized from the Meiji restoration war, they won and established korea as an empire of their own

  • Industrial powers required more raw materials and new markets to sell these goods, british, dutch and french governments started trade agreements with india and gave them a right to establish trading posts but they could also defend the trading posts

  • The british wanted a shorter sea based route to asian trading ports so they built the suez canal through egypt, and british seized control of the canal from the Ottoman empire

  • British entered diplomatic agreements with the leaders that were agreeable to both sides, and became colonizing by force because of strong opposition from the africans

  • France ousted the ottomans from west africa and established a settler colony people from the mother country relocate to that place, huge influx of european immigrants living in Algeria

  • Scramble for africa, as more lands were being claimed of africa, competition for claiming began to heat up, and as citizens saw the competition of Africa, people knew that all this land grabbing will start a war

  • Berlin conference, imperial leaders deciding how to carve up Africa in a way that pleased everyone without causing war, the boundaries spread long uniting africans tribes and united rival groups together and endless troubles and unrest in the future (no africans at the berlin conference)

  • Western european nations were pushed into the interior of Africa to establish colonies

  • King leopold II of Belgium, claimed Congo as a colony of his personal holding, and as this occurred he grew rich and enacted brutal policies (8 million people died) and forced labor for ivory and rubber, later the belgian state took over the colony and policies were nicer

  • Britain began to claim more territory of the Mughal empire and conquered all of india, using their troops and recruited indian soldiers (sepoys) to join their effort

  • China used economic imperialism, the weakened china sought opportunity for european imperialism to take over China, and they used their military might for trading rights with China and China had to agree and they carved up China into spheres of influence

  • British established a penal colony in Australia and where britain sent all of its convicts, settlers were living there too and the British wanted them to be kind to the natives there, and the settlers took their lands and despite the natives rise up they died in the effort, but new zealand was settled as a settler colony but the maori people were kicked out and put in another colony and war broke out and the maori hated british

  • American colonies had an urge to conquer westword (sea to shining sea) but had to fight natives like the indian removal act which led to the removal of american indians of the east to midwest (trail of tears) they believe this is the manifest destiny, America wanted overseas colonies like Philippines, guam, puerto rico, and cuba

  • Catherine the II expanded with half of Poland from the ottomans, and Manchuria

Response to the colonization

  • Sure of nationalism from the colonies against the imperial powers

  • The cherokee indians used assimilation and had a constitutional government and adopted many american cultural customs which worked until gold was found

  • Ghost dance, indians in the north west that their ancestors would drive the white man out of their lands, so they had ritualistic dances to hasten that event

  • Xhosa did not want to be colonized and their cattle was believed to be dying off because of european cattle so they killed their own cattle so that the europeans would get out of their lands

  • The balkans were ruled by the ottoman empire but as the ottoman empire was losing their power, and resentment was forming among balkan empires so they had a strong amount of nationalism and those rose up and gained their independence

  • As states were growing they needed more raw materials and more food

  • Africa engaged in subsistence farming which they only grew enough for them to live on, but when europeans came they had cash crop farm (not for a family to live on but for sale) whole plantations were devoted for coffee, rubber, sugar increase of fertilizer use caused colonies for just fertilizer

  • Industrialization caused a growing middle class, and when they earned more money  they wanted more beef so colonies in Argentina and Uruguay raised lots of beef

  • Because mother countries needed raw materials to provide for industrialization they used their colonies

  • Cotton, 80% from America, but when war broke out no cotton exports to egypt and india exported cotton to europe

  • Rubber, grown in south america so natives had to work at rubber extraction plantations

  • Palm oil, coming from west africa lubricated factories

  • Diamonds, diamond rush in south africa and large exports of diamonds from south africa and when Rhodes was elected as prime minister of south africa it was his racist policies that laid the foundation for apartheid

  • Consequences: increasingly interconnected global economy

  • These countries relied on each other (raw materials to factories and manufactured goods to colonies again) and the urban populations needed more food and there wasn’t enough grown food so they imported food from their colonies (refrigerator)

  • Narrowing and weakening of the colonial economies

  • Colonial people grew cash crops at the expense of other agricultural necessities, when a economy is dependent on a single agricultural export, then if something goes wrong with that crop then they are in big trouble financially


  • Migration through labor systems, slavery and a movement for the abolition of slavery but the deamnd for raw materials so they have to find low wage labor done by enslaved people, so indentured servitude was introduced the agreement allowed them to work a number of years in order to pay for their passage to the new land then they were free, many stayed in the country to work and sent money back to their families, and migrants influenced the culture of the receiving country

  • Contract labor, chinese and indian workers that would agree for low wages, and these people did the work of past laborers did the work of former enslaved people

  • Penal labor, where convicts had to do hard labor in order to work for the government and then sent to their parent country

  • Some people were tricked into signing coerced contracts

  • Mass poverty in India led to the diaspora of people out of India some worked for 5 years and others stayed in the placed where they traveled for work

  • China accepted the indentured servitude as well because of poverty and famine and the hope of opportunity elsewhere

  • Migration has home society and receiving society

  • Migration happening had an effect on gender roles at home, women's role became larger and wider in society and other places men waited for another male person to stay in their place until they returned (gender roles stayed the same) and women had a voice when they were reconstituted because women had the whole burden of the family when the men were gone

  • When people migrated they brought their culture with them (ethnic enclave) which affected the society of the receiving society (food, language, religion)

  • Most counties with the immigrants had a hate relationship with the immigrants, and since immigrants worked in the jobs that paid lower wages than native people, jobs obten went to the immigrants

  • When Britain was trading with China, britain wanted more chinese goods that china wanting british goods which caused britain to lose more money under their mercantilist policies, so the british east india company forced indian farmers to start manufacturing opium which is an addictive drug and the british smuggled this drug into china and sold it to the people, and as more people got addicted, the more money they made

Unit 7: Interwar period (1900)

  • Russia was behind industrially, so when the russians revolted against these new reforms, they were shot in the sunday blood massacre 1905

  • The bolsheviks overthrew the tsar led by lenin and now lenin established a communist government abolishing free trade, nationalized factories and redistributing agriculture from the farmers to the working class

  • The idea of communism made the rest of the world uneasy (especially the western democratic powers)

  • Main causes of WWI

  • Militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism

  • Militarism: desire of a state to develop and maintain a powerful military in order to aggressively advance their own interests

  • Countries had heavy recruitment, large sums of money put into the military and recruitment of the navy

  • Industrial revolution brought a stockhold of weapons

  • Alliances: an agreement between two states for mutual self defense, due to the military power demonstrated by these countries, secret alliances were formed

  • Imperialism: an arrangement in which one country brings another country under its political or economic dominion

  • 1750-1900 countries were fighting for mass colonization of Africa and other countries and a long standing quest for global dominance and long standing colonial holdings caused bitter rivalries between these powers

  • Nationalism: A strong identification with one’s own nation and people, often to the exclusion of other people

  • Rising surge of nationalism combined with the other reasons caused the romanticism of war

  • New and improved technology led to the extension of the war

  • Machine guns were improved upon leading to the wear

  • Chemical warfare

  • teargas which made the eyes of their enemy water uncontrollably a irritated their lungs

  • Chlorine gas: which when inhaled turned into hydraulic acid

  • Trench warfare: one of the defining methods of fighting but rain often made the trenches wet causing trench foot (a fungal infection of the foot) and spread of disease and discomfort was common in the trenches

  • Long and drawn out war leading to a no mans land and both had this new technology and each side was afraid of the other (little progress could be made)

  • Total war: all the countries involved used all of their resources both military and domestic

  • Factories were churning war materials and women were working in the factories because the men were fighting

  • Food was rationed among the population

  • Media was censored against those who sought to undermine the war effort

  • Everyone suffered the burden of trying to win the war

  • Governments produced propaganda to change people's opinions by exaggerating and having misinformation

  • Depicting the enemy as monsters

  • Zimmerman telegram invited the US to join the war against Germany

  • The war was so big because of the centuries of colonial activity that was before it

  • Countries used people from their colonies to fight the war and in return promised them freedom from the mother country but did not keep their promises

  • Treaty of versailles caused the reparations paid by Germany, war guilt clause was placed on Germany

  • While not only were the great powers in debt but their colonies were in debt as well because they depended on their mother country

  • The United States crashed

  • John Maynard Keyenes brought a different economic idea than the laissez faire economic approach (little government affair in the economy they will always correct themselves)

  • We shouldn't wait for the economy to fix itself, instead the government should get involved and stimulate the economy back into good health by spending money (borrowing money or deficit spending)

  • FDR used this and made the new deal which was borrowing money in order to make jobs and put millions of people to work

  • The bolshevik government was in an economic collapse and huge famine and Lenin presented a new economic plan which was a rollback of communist policies which intended to spur the economy back by reintroducing private trade back to Russia

  • Joseph Stalin got in power and introduced the 5 year plans

  • To further industrialize Russia so they could catch up by cultivating agriculture and the government confiscated private land and set agricultural quotas for the farmers and most of their food was taken to feed the others

  • In mexico a group named PRI which helped Mexico economically

  • Nationalized Mexico’s oil industry which used to be owned by foreign investors

  • Facism: an authoritatian and nationalistic system of government and social organizaiton

  • Glorification of military might and necessity of arm struggle and they often blame their problems on ethnic minorities, and facists governments wielded a heavy hand in the economy

  • Italy was the first facist government thanks to Mussolini and organized Italy into something called corporatism which was each sector of the economy was like different organs of the same body and each organ was free as long as it served the purpose of the greater whole. Italy in fact controlled every aspect of the state

  • In brazil there is a slow transition from an agricultural economy to an industrialized one

  • Vargas was elected because people assumed he’d bring democratic principles to Brazil but instead he organized the Brazilian government like Mussolini’s italian government

  • Industry did grow rapidly but he also consolidated power by removing individual freedom from people

  • “New state” program limited Vargas limited the freedom of his press and imprisoned his political opponents

  • Imperialism after world war one was still happening and wherever there was colonies, nationalistic movements were brewing

Unit 8: Cold war and Decolonization 1900

  • Two meetings in order to figure out how to get the world back to order

  • Yalta conference, Roosevelt pressed for free elections in Eastern europe, but the soviet union wanted eastern europe under soviet influence so that eastern europe was a buffer between them and europe (stemmed from the idea of the invasions of european powers coming into the Soviet Union and stalin wanted to stop that)

  • Roosevelt felt that there was nothing he could do because he didn’t want to cause another war so he allowed Stalin to have eastern europe and stalin vaguely assured that they would have free elections

  • Potsdam conference

  • Truman was at the conference rather than roosevelt and also wanted free elections but soviet troops were already in Eastern Europe so the soviet union refused furthering the rivalry between the United States and Soviet Union

  • After WWII both of these countries have great amounts of power

  • United states has power because all of the fighting happened in other countries (except pearl harbor) so there wasn’t much damage to infrastructure, United States offered $12 billion dollars in aid to Europe which is known as the marshall plan

  • Despite extravagant losses the Soviet Union was so big that they were able to sustain large amounts of death and Stalin has been building the industrial capacity of the Soviet Union (catching them up with Europe), also all the other european countries were gone from the war

  • After the bombing of Hiroshima, it was the first time Russia saw this weapon that could do a great deal of damage and since Russia and America were allied, Russia didn’t understand why America would hide such important information from them

  • This explosive technology contextualized the cold war (hostility between two countries without there being any war)

  • Around WWI colonization was at its peak, and colonies were established everywhere, and colonial soldiers fought in WWI on behalf of it’s parent countries with the hope that sacrifice will allow them to be free and independent

  • Wilson was excited that countries could have self determination but it didn’t happen during the interwar periods, and during WWII the colonial soldier returned

  • After the war the mother countries were so broke that they had no money to suppress rising revolts (using their soldiers) from the colonies and they also had american and soviet aid to gain independence

Cold war

  • The United States and Soviet union had competing systems of economics (capitalism and communism) they also had different styles of running the government (democracy and authoritarian)

  • They were conflicting because capitalism and communism have the ideologies to spread (the united states wanted a capitalist world while the soviets wants a communist world)

  • They fought indirectly by economically influencing other countries to be economically dependent on them (NEO IMPERIALISM!!!) such as the soviet block which had many eastern european countries, and when they were under the sphere of communism, Stalin implemented 5 year plans on these countries and didn’t allow any other parties

  • Any economies in the soviet block were made to serve the soviet union and not themselves

  • The United States made countries dependent on them using the Marshall plan which was made from America’s booming economy after WWII the United States offered millions of dollars in aid to European countries and since these countries were so desperate they were willing to try communism but if America helped their economic instabilities they would stay capitalist!!

  • Marshall plan was part of the containment plan which was not to eradicate communism, but to stop it from spreading, and Truman introduced the Truman Doctrine which promised military aid to countries that were being threatened by the spread of communism

  • Wars that were fought were the arms and space race

  • The arms race was a competition to build bigger and better bombs but no matter how destructive the bombs were, none of them were firedat each other because if either one of them did it would be mutual assured destruction which meant no matter who started the nuclear war, no one would be victorious because no one would survive

  • The space race was another way the two countries fought, with the soviets sending the first satellite in space (sputnik), and later the americans send their own satellite in space, but the space race ended when america successfully landed a man on the moon

  • Since the cold war had become on the world stage the Non aligned movement began which was where countries that were previously colonized didn’t want anything to do with the conflict

  • Cold war introduced the military alliances

  • After WWII the soviet union introduced the communist block, and because of this western europe saw all the communist governments and decided to create neutral military alliance called NATO which was the alliance of nations against communism

  • Soviets created the warsaw pact in response to NATO

  • Proxy wars were also there (indirect fighting)

  • Proxy wars were small localized wars in asia, africa, india, etc but they took this global significance when america and russia took different sides

  • Korean war (allies separated Korea into the North and South where north was occupied by the soviets and the south was occupied by the americans) North Korea invaded South korea in order to create a single state under its leadership and United States came to the aid of south korea and soviet union came to the aid of north korea and sent troops to north korea and guns

  • The united nations pushed north korea all the way to the chinese border and china feared that they will invade china so they sent troops to aid north korea and with that fortification they pushed south korea back

  • Angola civil war

  • a colony of rival groups and these groups worked together to fight against Portugal for their independence and once they gained this they were in conflict for which group should have power, the soviet union backed one of the groups and united states backed another group and the angola civil war became another proxy war

  • Contra war

  • The sandinista national liberation front was a socialist group in nicaragua who was in power and a group of contras who were trying to overthrow the sandinistas which were backed up by soviet union

  • Nuclear proliferation

  • Cuban missile crisis, after the failure of America getting Cuba the communist leader Nikita Khryschev shipped many nuclear missiles to Cuba, even though the soviet union had already developed missiles, the missiles are even closer to America, later the US discovered the missile sites and they were outraged

  • Kennedy ordered a naval blockade to surround Cuba, which caused war tensions for around 13 days but no missiles were fired and the US backed down but this showed how problematic the buildup of nuclear weapons is

  • This caused the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, which called on nuclear powers to prevent non nuclear nations from developing such disastrous weapons

  • Spread of Communism

  • Bitter conflict in China between the chinese communists and china nationalists but when Japan invaded northern china, both communists and nationalists united in order to deal with the japanese (happening around WWII) and the japanese were defeated, the communists and nationalists were fighting again and the chinese civil war was also going on during this period, and communism won

  • Mao Zedong proclaimed the people's republic of china, where China nationalized it’s industry and redistributed land to peasants (great leap forward) and peasant lands were collectivized by the state (similar thing to what Stalin did but millions of people died due to starvation and famine) but Mao Zedong didn’t want the people to rebel so he sent them to reeducation camps which made you think Mao’s policies are good or death

  • Agriculture was falling heavily during this time but Mao wanted to hide it so he kept exporting grain and many dead

  • Iran’s president said he would favor Hitler so russia and britain invaded iran and set up shah sympathetic to their interests, but the people overthrew the shah which made Britain and Russia put their own member instead harsh but introduces womens welfare and social welfare

  • White revolution: government bought land from wealthy landowners and resold it to the peasants for cheaper, it only helped some but misses most people

  • Vietnam declared independence from Japan, and France and communism took over north vietnam and seized land from wealthy landowners and gave it to the poor

  • India became an independent state after being colonized by the British, and they instituted land reforms with mixed success but the state of kerala was where it was very successful (laws where tenants could purchase land and have full ownership of land were passed)

  • Africa, in Ethiopia Mariam led to an overthrow of the Ethiopian government which was nothing but a puppet of western powers, the rebellion was successful so he established a socialist government in place which gave much appreciation from the Russians, and under this government land redistribution was a high priority

  • Decolonization

  • Negotiated independence and armed resistance

  • Negotiated independence, an example is India’s independence from Britain where Gandhi used means of non violence and civil disobedience and this worked because the british were broke and exhausted after WWII so they didn’t have the resources or the power to maintain colonial rule in India, so through negotiation with Britain, India became an independent state (muslim minority saw that when India was dreaming of an independent state they also wanted one and formed the muslim league to advocate for it

  • Another example of negotiated independence is french west africa, and france ruled these states with small occupational forces, and relied on the cooperation of the colonies to maintain power, but when france couldn’t maintain power in west africa they negotiated independence by 1959

  • Ghana also faced a similar form of decolonization from Britain, the president was a nationalist leader who wanted to return to the former glory and established a national anthem, flags, and monuments

  • Armed conflict

  • Algeria began to rise up against french colonial rule, because of france losing indo china, they didn’t want to lose algeria so the french stopped protests with strict laws and violence and the nationalistic algerians started war against france

  • Vietnam was a colony of France, (indochina) and in the north the goal was to oust the french from vietnam all together and unite the country under a communist rule and went to the vietnam independence war which resulted in two countries north and south vietnam

  • Egypt was technically an independent nation but troops were in egypt to protect the Suez canal, but after WWII there was an overthrow of the egyptian king and the establishment of the republic of egypt, once the president was in power he nationalized the suez canal (british troops were at the canal, but it was leased to france for 99 years this was all a symbol of colonial oppression and he wanted to be rid of it and furthermore leading to the suez crisis, which led to france sending their allies, and britain sending troops to lands surrounding the canal while the united states and soviet union didn’t intervenue the UN brokered an agreement to make the Suez Canal an international waterway under Egypt

  • Both types of decolonization

  • Nigeria negotiated their independence with Britain but a civil war broke out over who gets to be in power which started with the igbo people trying to be their own country of biafra and their land was rich in oil so the government said no violently and the north won

  • The qyebecois separatists movement in Canada, quebec was a strongly influenced french colony in canada but the british controlled most of canada so there was a division between the french catholics in Quebec and the british protestants in Canada, with Quebec wanting to be a separate state, a liberal party was gaining power and a growing nationalism was among them, and they all flared up into violence which was a series of bombings (quebec stayed with canada)

  • New independent states

  • Israel, jews want a newly independent state of israel, but they wanted it in Palestine because it was their ancestral homeland, but now it has huge populations of arab muslims, jews began to migrate from europe to palestine due to british favor for them, and the influx of jews pinched the muslims there and they felt threatened and opposed them, but after WWII and the holocaust there was world wide sympathy for the jews which led to more migration to Palestine and more opposition from the muslims, UN partitioned jewish and arab sections and they thought the partition would be like the partition of india but war broke out and the united states backed the jews and neighboring arab countries backed palestine, isreal ended up winning

  • Cambodia, a communist party overthrew the government and established communism in Cambodia and under his leadership over 2 million cambodians were slaughtered or died of starvation because of famine and the people were not happy and wanted to dispose of him, vietnam helped with overthrowing the government but they decided to stay after but eventually left and cambodia was free and democratic

  • India and pakistan, the partition of india and pakistan caused mass migration and violence broke out through the great turmoil of these countries and india was a democracy and pakistan was authoritarian, there were fights over territory but the idea of proliferation was on stake in Kashmir because both powers had nuclear weapons

  • How governments took a strong role in the economic developments of these new nations

  • Sri lankan economy was struggling and she instituted socialist policies like land redistribution and nationalization of industries and restrictions on free trade, but they were unsuccessful but it shows government getting involved in economy

  • India, india had rampant inflation and growing poverty, all which seriously threatened the indian economy, she jailed her opposition and the reformation or corrupt laws, an increase of national production and alleviation of inflation

  • Tanzania, socialist policies and less reliant on foreign aid

  • Metropoles is a home country of a colonial power, allowed metropoles and former colonies to maintain strong cultural and economic ties

  • The end of the cold war

  • Military advancements, mutual assured destruction would occur if they fired any of the missiles, president Regan initiated the SDI (strategic defense initiative) which rendered any attack on the United States as obsolete, by sending defense systems into space that saw if any nuclear attack was on its way and shoot them down with lasers but this costed too much and it was too advanced but the steps put power toward United States

  • Failure of the communist takeover of Afghanistan, repressive policies and became deeply unpopular among the people of Afghanistan and the newly elected president was murdered, and the new president wasn’t soviet but then they killed him and set another soviet friendly president and when war broke out between the people and the soviet union, the soviet union lost to the guerilla tactics of the Afghan people but this put alot of economic strain on them because they were seen as a world power (major cause of the fall of the soviet union

  • Public discontent and economic weakness in the soviet union, the economy of the soviet union was terrible, government had full control of agriculture and trade was limited, an example of this would be the Prague spring in the soviet union which resulted in mass protests in czechoslovakia, the soviet union crushed the outcry but their sentiment was spreading, and they kept having to put more resources that they didn't have to stopping the outcry of the people

  • New president came into the soviet union and introduced more liberal policies such as perestroika which allowed for some elements of free enterprise and glasnost which allowed for the opening for the political process and the granting of freedom of soviet controlled colonies and when the freedom in the colonies were established, the colonies wanted more and democratic reforms began sweeping through those nations

Unit 9: Advances in Technology and Exchange After 1900

  • Communication technologies

  • The radio was introduced, this allowed people to actually hear the voices of the people delivering information to them at a distance and eliminating the filter between the people and the listener

  • The television allowed people to see the person rather than just hearing them, and cellphones allowed information to be in our pockets and we could communicate with anyone around the world
