US History Chap. 11

South 4 main (Labor Intensive) crops :: Indigo, Tobacco, Cotton, Sugar

Indigo :: Color Dye

Min. Slave Quota :: 300

Why didn’t they escape :: Did not know where to go.

North :: Industrial

South :: Agricultural

11 slave and 11 free then __ :: California

California wanted to be a __ state :: Free

Compromise of 1850 :: Stated that the next state had to be a slave state

Harriet Beecher Stowe :: Wrote Uncle Toms Cabin

UTC Created Pressure :: North is not loving it

The Souths Ultimatum :: If Lincoln won they would secede. Lincoln said they would go to war then.

Significance of Fort Sumter :: 1st Battle of Civil War

Major Robert Anderson :: In charge of Ft. Sumter

P.G.T. Beauregard :: Fired first shots at Sumter, started the war.

Jefferson Davis :: Confederate President

Abraham Lincoln :: Union President

Start of the WAR :: 4:30AM April 12, 1861.

Union Advantages :: Resources, Fighting Power, Factories, Food Production, Railroads, Lincoln

Confederate Advantages :: King Cotton, World Market, Motivated, Homeland

World Market Cotton Buyers :: Great Britain and France

The Union had to ___ the South :: Conquer

First part of the TPP :: Use ships to cut off the South

Second part of the TPP :: Cut South in half by Mississippi River

Third part of TPP :: Capture the Charleston capital

Other name for Three Part Plan :: Anaconda Plan

South Plan Part One :: Invade the North

South Plan Part Two :: Destroy Northern Moral

South Plan Part Three :: Capture D.C.

South Plan Part Four :: Gain European Support. France and Great Britain

South Plan Part Five :: Just cannot lose

Irvin McDowell :: First Commander of the Potomac

Ulysses S. Grant :: Commander of the Potomac West

George McClellan :: Takes over after McDowell

Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson :: Decisive factor at Bull Run

Joseph E. Johnston :: Commander of Southern Forces - Bull Run

FW Pickens :: Governor of South Carolina - Ft Sumter Spit Guy

Battle of Bull Run/Manassas Junction :: 1st Major Battle/Bloodshed

Fort Henry :: First Major win for Union - Western

Fort Donaldson :: Union takes control of major rivers - Tennessee

Tennessee River won in Battle of :: Fort Henry

Cumberland River won in Battle of :: Fort Donaldson

What does U.S. become associated with :: Unconditional Surrender

Antietam was the 1st turning point because :: They forced Robert E. Lee to leave the field. then Lincoln emancipated

Battle of Shiloh/Pittsburgh Landing :: Grant will start to take control of Mississippi

Battle of New Orleans :: Naval battle to take the main shipping port

Battle of Hampton Roads :: Merrimack v. Monitor - first battle of the ironclads

Peninsula Campaign Idea :: Brilliant plan to attack south from the south

Peninsula Campaign Battles :: Battle of Yorktown, Battle of 7 Pines, 7 Days Battle

Antietam/Sharpsburg : Battle to protect Washington D.C.

Robert E. Lee :: Will take over after Johnston

A.P. Hill :: Secondary Command to help Lee

Albert and Sydney Johnston :: Major confederate general killed at Shiloh

James Longstreet :: General who supported Lee in several battles

J.E.B Stuart :: Confederate Calvary general who supported both theaters

William Sherman :: Grants second admiral

David Farragut :: Captures New Orleans

Lou Wallace :: Brought troops to Grant in the West

George Mead :: Takes over for McLellan

Joseph Hooker :: Defeated by stonewall before he was killed

Ambrose Burnside :: Defeated by Lee before heading into Pennsylvanian

John Pope :: Defeated at Battle of Bull Run 2, Never helped McLellan

George Custer :: Famous charge, famous later

Joshua Chamberlain :: Made famous stand at Little Round Top, BAYONETS!

Phillip Sheridian :: Protected Shenandoah Valley

Antietam was turning point because :: Britain and France opted out.

Turning Point of The War :: Antietam

What Item Lured the Confederates to Gettysburg :: Shoes

John Hood :: Famous general for Lee that helped protect Richmond

George Pickett :: Famous Failed RI attack at Gettysburg

John Pemberton :: Commander at Vicksburg

Henry Wirtz :: Commander at Andersonville Prison

Nathan Bedford Forrest :: Leader at Fort Pillow

Last port to fall on the Mississippi :: Port Hudson

Lee’s final loss on union soil :: Battle of Gettysburg

Battle that saves the union at Gettysburg :: Little Round Top

Final battle at Gettysburg (Disaster for Confederates) :: Pickett’s Charge

Union victory here leads to Vicksburg Victory :: Battle of Jackson

Last major stronghold in the West to fall :: Vicksburg

Last battle where Robert E. Lee gives up :: Appotamax Courthouse

Start Time and Date of Civil war :: April 12, 1861 at 4:30am

End date of the Civil War :: April 9, 1865

Geographic feature separating the Eastern and Western Theaters of War :: Appalachian Mountains

Name of the worst confederate POW camp :: Andersonville Prison

Name of the two ironclad ships :: Merrimack and Monitor

New Weapons :: Ironclads, Rifle, Mini ball, Land Mines, Submarines

Name of Northern Democrats who opposed the war :: Copperheads

State where Battle of Shiloh was fought :: Tennessee

What general was fired twice by Lincoln :: McLellan

Union General in Western Theater winning every major battle :: Grant

Quote given by poor confederates about the war :: “A rich mans war but poor mans fight”

What union general planned the peninsula campaign :: McLellan

Sherman’s belief of adding civilians to the war is known as :: Total War

What did William T. Sherman give to Lincoln as a Christmas present :: Savannah, Georgia

Clara Barton set up this organization :: American Red Cross

Three Points to Robert E. Lee’s Surrender :: Paroled Soldiers, Keep weapons and horses, Three Days Rations

Running against Lincoln in election of 1864 :: McLellan and Fremont.

Assassinator of Abe Lincoln :: John Wilkes Booth

Name of play where Lincoln was killed :: Our American Cousin
