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What Happens after Death 🕉️ (Hinduism)
Each person has an atman, and once a person dies, it moves on to another person
What Happens after Death ✡️ (Judaism)
After death, the soul is released to g-d, and if you were good, you would be closer to g-d.
What Happens after Death ✝️ (Christianity)
They believe that death is the beginning, and they will be judged by god by sin and if you were good, you will be with him
What Happens after Death ☸️ (Buddhism)
When you die, your body is done but your consciousness is reincarnated based on how you behaved
What Happens after Death ☪️ (Islam)
They believe that after death you will be questioned, and if you were good you would be sent to somewhere where people live a happy and eternal afterlife. If you were bad, you would be sent to hell and be tormented for your wrongdoings.
What Happens after Death (Sikhism)
After death, your atman (soul) gets passed through Waheguru (god), and what happens with it depends on your karam (soul).
Shahada ☪️
Declaration of Faith
Salah ☪️
Prayer 5 times a day
Sawm ☪️
Zakat ☪️
Hajj ☪️
Pilgrimage to Mecca
Chronological Order of Religions
Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism
Beliefs About God 🕉️ (Hinduism)
God is commonly known as Bhagvan, and he is known as the creator & destructor.
Beliefs About God ✡️ (Judaism)
G-d is the creator and he looks after everyone. There is only one g-d.
Beliefs About God ☸️ (Buddhism)
They don't believe in god, though some Buddhists believe Buddha is god.
Beliefs About God ✝️ (Christianity)
God created the world for a reason, and exists in a trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Beliefs About God ☪️ (Islam)
God is Allah, and he is most kind and merciful, and he is the creator. He has no partners, father or mother. He is absolute. You should have a good relationship with god.
Beliefs About God (Sikhism)
After death, your atman (soul) gets passed through Waheguru (god), and what happens with it depends on your karam (soul).
Khalsa (Sikhism)
The community of the pure
Panj Kakke (Sikhism)
Five Ks to be part of the Khalsa - Kara, Kangha, Kachera, Kirpan, Kesh
Kangha (Sikhism)
Comb used to keep the hair of Sikhs neat and clean
Kachera (Sikhism)
Short Trousers
Kirpan (Sikhism)
Sword, Reminder of the courage of the first five Sikhs (Panj Piare) who were willing to get their heads cut off just for their religion
Steel or Iron Bracelet symbolising unity
Uncut Hair