making or enforcing any laws which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the US
deny any person w/in its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law
deprive any person of life, liberty, or property w/out due process
they can make no law
establishing religion
prohibiting the free exercise of religion
abridging freedom of speech
abridging freedom of press
the right to peaceably assemble
the right to petition the gov
statue must have secular legislative purpose
it is principal or primary effect must be one that advances nor inhibits religion
statue must not foster an excessive entanglement w/ religion
government must be neutral between religious and non-religious institutions that provide eduction or other social services
no taxpayer funds should be given to religious institutions if they might be used to communicate religious doctrine
1947: neutrality
1985: no aid
2017: neutrality
struck down Alabama law requiring each school day to begin with a 1 min period of silence for “meditation or voluntary prayer“
seen as not motivated by a secular (non-religious) purpose
reaffirmed the previous cases
written by Kennedy
the establishment clause says the gov may not compose official prayers to recite as part of a religious program carried on by gov
school created a environment of subtle and indirect coercion (stand respectfully and silently) forcing students to act in ways that establish a state religion
kennedy was a high school football coach, who engaged in prayer w/ # of students during / after school games
school district asked him to stop bc of the establishment clause
kennedy refused and sued for violating his rights under the 1st amendment and civil rights act of 1964
free exercise and free speech clauses protect an individual engaging in a personal religious practice observance from government reprisal
he prayed quietly w/out his students
after the game the Kennedy was not acting as a coach for his players
the county can’t prove that his prayer serves a compelling purpose