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the creation of a new word by using one part of speech without another
the use of many words when you could use few
metaphysical conceit
a far stretched comparison between a spiritual aspect of a person and a physical thing in the world
the use of detailed description of a work of visual arts
a figuratively-phrased compound term that is used in place of a simple single word noun
tenor (metaphor)
the person, place or thing being described
vehicle (metaphor)
represents the tenor
grounds (metaphor)
the relationship between the topic and the vehicle
the use of puns based on various meaning of a word that certain words sound the same
one sense is described in terms of another
a part of something is substituted for a whole or a whole is substituted for the part
transferred epihet
a modifier qualifies a noun other than the person or thing its describing
an unexpected discontinunity in the expression of ideas within a sentence leading to a form of words in which there is logical incoherence of thought
a word located at the end of one clause is repeated at or near the beginning of the following
rearranging normal word order to create a new effect
deliberately broken off sentence and left unfinished
a speech to a person who is not present or to a personified object
a sudden often humorous drop in tone during an anticlimax
reverse order
words that are piled up may be synonymous
more empathic substitution
words repeating at the end
talking about a subject through denying it
gramatically the same in construction
explanation by inserting into a passage
same root
use of repeated conjunctions between words to emphasize
conjunctions are omitted to change tone
a word used successively at the beginning of two or more clauses or sentences and another word or phrase with similar wording is used at the end
using one word to modify two other words in two different ways
decasyllabic / heroic couplet
imabic pentameter lines in rhyming pairs
popular / folk / traditional ballad
a song, transmitted orally which tells a story
ballad stanzas
a quatrain in alt four and three stress lines ; usually only the second and fourth line rhyme
a broadside ballad
printed on one side current issues, well known tune
literary ballad
deliberate imitation of the form, language, and spirit of the traditional ballad
narrative species of folk songs
dramatic, condensed and impersonal
begins with climatic episodes, doesnât have self-reference
stock descriptive phrases
refrain in each stanza
incremental repetition
lyric poem consisting of a single stanza of 14 imabic pentameter lines
italian / petrarchan sonnet
an octave (abba abba) than a sestset (cdcdcd)
shakespearen sonnet
3 quatrains and a couplet (abab cdcd efef gg)
spenserian sonnet
linked quatrain to the next (abab bcbc cdcd ee)
sonnet sequences / cycles
sonnets linked together through description of relationships
octosyllabic couplet stanza
8 syllables usually consisting of four iambic feet
terza rima
composed of tercets which are interlinked (aba bcb cdc)
heroic quatrain
iambic pentameter abab
rime royal
seven lines iambic pentameter ababbcc
ottava rima
8 lines, abab abcc
spenserian stanza
1st 8 lines iambic pentameter, last hexameter
5 tercets, and a quatrain
six six line stanzas in which the end word is repeated
parody, imitates the serious manner
any fairly short poem uttered by a single speaker who expresses a state of mind or a process of perception thought and feeling, first person
dramatic monologue
lyric poem, single person who is not the poet, address other people, controlling the poetâs choice and formulation of what the lyric speaker says is to reveal to the reader in a way that enhances its interest the speakerâs temperament and character
long lyric poem that has a serious subject and treatment, elevated in style, and elaborated in its stanzaic structure
regular / pindaric ode
all the stropes and antistrophes written in one stanza pattern
irregular / cowleyan ode
each stanza to establish its own pattern of varying lengths number of lines and rhyme scheme
encomiastic ode
horatian ode
calm, meditative, colloquial, modelled on roman horace, homostrophic
homostrophic ode
single repeated stanza
alt hexameter and pentameter, subject matter of change and loss
pastoral elegy
poet and the one he mourns
versified expression of grief on the occassion of a particular personâs death
elegy or dirge
after WW1, avantgarde
automatic writing
freed from control by the conscious, purposive mind
free verse
short lines with no real regular metrical form
omniscent point of view
knows everything
intrustive narrator
limited point of view
confined to a single character pov
self-conscious narrator
actually happened