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Title: Round Temple
Location: Forum Boarium, Rome
Time: ca. 100 BCE
Oldest surviving monument
All marble
Corinthian columns
A wealthy individual/ military person has a victory and dictates a building
Title: Temple of Portunus
Location: Forum Boarium, Rome
Time: ca. 100 BCE
Typical construction for the time
Continuous freeze
Ionic columns
Engaged columns
Attacked to the wall
Partial parastyle
Porticus Aemilia
193 BCE
restored in 174 BCE
Didn’t survive well
Assumed for years that this was a large warehouse
found a fragment of the plan of the city of Rome there
An archeologist thinks its not called Aemillia but Navalia
this is now the more favored idea for what this building was
75 BCE
Tabula publicae
Where the public records were kept
Builder, Quintus Lutatius Catulus
The architect, Lucius Cornelius
Groma and the decempeda
Used to measure distances
Land mesurments
founded in 273 BCE
Port town
for wine
Theatre of Pompey
50 BCE
Main building Pompey built
only some sections have been preserved
it’s underneath today’s city
Build with it’s own foundation
not supported by the side of a hill which was normal for that time
Theatre of Marcellus
dedicated 13/11 BCE
It exemplifies the transition from wooden structures to permanent stone architecture in Roman entertainment venues.
Corinthian order
Made from limestone
not polished
Forum of Caesar
46 BC
Caesar used his own money to build this
It was the first addition to the Roman Forum since the establishment of the original Forum
Key features
Temple of Venus Genetrix
Temple of Divine Julius
dedicated 29 BCE
was built in honor of Julius Caesar following his assassination in 44 BC
Arch of Augustus
dedicated in 29 BCE
Know the shape due to the coins from that time
Located right next to the temple of divine Julius
Needs to show everyone that he really is related to Caesar and is justified in what he's doing
Gain trust of the people so he can be the leader
Forum of Augustus
Creating a civic space similar to ceaser
Used marble
Zeus Amon - Zeus connected to Egypt
On wall between columns
Horologium Augusti
10 BCE
Sun dial
functioned as a calendar
Part of the Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Horologium Augusti
Ara Pacis Augustae
Pont du Gard
Near Mines
15 BCE
Possibly most well preserved aqueducts
Combines a bridge and an aqueduct
Made of stone
Has stones coming out of the arch
These were there so wood beams could rest on them while construction of the arch was happening
Was 31 miles/ 50 km long
Grotto of Tiberius
at Sperlonga
early 1st century CE
Tiberius's villa in the country
Had entertainment area
Food, art, music, etc
Statues of the great stories
Ex) The Odyssey scenes
Sebasteion Aphrodisias
42-45 CE
Three-story spaces around the entrance with sculptures on display
Monumental entrance way
Entrance to Venus
Porta Maggiore
completed 52 CE
Two different aqueducts met here and the porta is what supported them
Had rusticated masonry
Used regional limestone
Domus Aurea
64-68 CE
Parts were covered in gold
moving away from right angles
Octagonal Room
artificial grotts
floor rotates due to wheels that are typically found on ships
ball bearings
water also helped it move