*Mammography screening programs have been introduced in the French- and Italian cantons of Switzerland in 1999. Not so in German speaking parts. The below table depicts breast cancer mortality rates in women aged between 50 and 69 years (recommended ages for screening). The periods from 1986 to 1990 and from 2006 to 2010 represent, respectively, the periods before and after the establishment of organized screening programmes in Switzerland (from Vassilakos et al. Swiss Medical Weekly 2014.24;144:w13969).*
**The mortality in the French- and Italian-speaking regions was 80.1 per 100,000 women with an incidence of 229.1 in the period 1986–1990. After the introduction of the screening program, for the period 2006– 2010, the incidence was much higher and the mortality much lower. Can we say that 1) cancer is on the rise; but 2) treatment (and early detection) get better which results in lower mortality?**