4A - Religious Concepts of Predestination, with reference to the teachings of St Augustine and John Calvin

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What is Augustine's doctrine on predestination called?

⇨ Doctrine of Original Sin

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What is Augustine's doctrine grounded in?

⇨ The Fall
⇨ We are "seminally present in the loins of Adam"

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Augustine: What is concupiscence?

⇨ A radical defect of humans, as a direct outcome of original sin, which affected our originally perfect nature

⇨ A turning away from God (spiritual desires) due to a strong desire for earthly pleasures

⇨ Not a sin, it is a deficiency: an inability to choose good/resist earthly desires when in conflict with God's laws

⇨ Yearning for lower appetites in conflict to God-given reason (similar to Mill's higher/lower pleasures)

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Augustine: Why is Jesus not affected by concupiscence?

⇨ Humans inherit concupiscence as they are born out of sexual intercourse, an act of concupiscence

⇨ Jesus ≠ born from sexual intercourse ∴ free of sin

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Augustine: What Bible passage gives credence to the view that we inherit sin from Adam?

⇨ Romans 5:12: "just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, in this way death came to all people because all sinned"

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Augustine: What does 'messa peccati' translate to, and what does it mean?

⇨ 'a lump of sin'

⇨ Humanity is born messa peccati

⇨ "so hopelessly corrupted that we are absolutely incapable of doing anything good by our own forces"

⇨ Humanity's ability to choose freely = infected by sin ∴ incapable of raising itself from spiritual death

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Despite predestination, Augustine believed in 'liberum abitrium'; what does this mean?

⇨ 'free will'

⇨ The power to make choices free from predestination

⇨ Humanity's essential nature is liberum abitrium

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What does 'libertas' mean, and what does Augustine say about it?

⇨ 'liberty'

⇨ Concupiscence overrides liberum arbitrium ∵ people have lost their libertas

⇨ Our free will "has been utterly wasted by sin" - we are unable to refrain from sinning

⇨ Baptism addresses original sin but does not affect concupiscence

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Augustine: How will some people receive salvation?

⇨ Through God's grace

⇨ God did not intend that all humanity remain in this state

⇨ God's grace = love/mercy given to us by God - he desires that we have it, not ∵ we have done anything to deserve it

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Augustine: What are the people called who are chosen to receive salvation?

⇨ The elect/saints

⇨ They freely respond in the right way

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Augustine: What are the people called who are not chosen to receive salvation?

⇨ The reprobates

⇨ Responsible for their sin, and receive God's wrath

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Augustine was aware of the problematic nature of God saving some but not others.
How did he respond to this?

⇨ The human intellect is incapable of understanding the workings of divine salvation

⇨ Grace only leads to a partial restoration of the intellect

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What is Calvin's doctrine on predestination called?

⇨ Doctrine of Election (aka, the Doctrine of the Living Saints)

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What does Calvin's doctrine revolve around?

⇨ The uncompromised sovereignty of God
⇨ God alone decides who is saved

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According to Calvin, what is the only source of knowledge about God?

⇨ Scripture - 'sola scriptura'

⇨ It is the sole infallible rule of faith

⇨ He dismisses all efforts going beyond the scripture as pure speculation

⇨ His reasoning is driven by scripture rather than philosophy

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Give three Bible passages that support Calvin's predestination.

⇨ Ephesians 2:8: "For it is by grace you are saved through [...] the gift of God"

⇨ Romans 8:29: "And those he predestined [...] he also glorified"

⇨ Mark 4:11: "The secret of the Kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those outside, everything is said in parables."

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According to Calvin, owing to the Fall, what has happened to humanity?

⇨ We are "totally depraved"
- Depraved in all areas of the heart, mind and will
- We are unable to respond in faithful obedience to the invitation of God through Jesus
- People cannot choose for themselves to repent and believe

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Calvin taught that God chose two groups for damnation/salvation.
What was Calvin's view later referred to as?

⇨ Double predestination

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Elaborate on Calvin's view of the elect.

⇨ They are chosen by God to have their sins forgiven through Jesus' sacrifice/atonement

⇨ They have done nothing to deserve it: it is a divine mystery as to why some are chosen

⇨ Nobody can know for sure which group they belong to, but it is possible for the elect to guess/be aware of their status
- Most important indicator of being elect = "the calling of God": an inward certainty that God has chosen them for salvation

⇨ They generally show traits of being elect, which reflect their godly status e.g. honest, hard-working

⇨ They can still be sinful, but God predestines them to have faith in Jesus ∴ when they sin, they cannot resist "the calling" to seek forgiveness

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Elaborate on Calvin's view of the reprobates.

⇨ Chosen by God

⇨ Likely to show traits of why they will remain unsaved, e.g. laziness

⇨ At the end of their lives, they will go to hell and there is nothing that can be done about it
- They can still do some acts of moral goodness, but will fall prey to sin

⇨ Predestined not to have faith in Christ ∴ their sins remain with them as they do not seek Jesus' atonement - deaf/blind to message of gospel

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What did Calvin say would inspire wonder/reverence?

⇨ The mystery of which predestined group you belong to

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Explain Calvin's view of limited atonement.

⇨ God made a predestined choice for all people before they were born

⇨ The number of people = fixed by God for eternity and they cannot do anything to change it (Jehovah's Witnesses believe 144,000 will be saved (the number appears 3 times in Revelation))

⇨ Jesus died for the elect only: "This is my blood, which is poured out for many" - not 'all'

⇨ John 15: Jesus said that he had laid down his life for his sheep, which implies that there were people who were not his sheep

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What did McGrath say about Calvin's predestination?

⇨ For Calvin, it was never meant to be a central premise. His later followers centralised it and developed the doctrine of limited atonement

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Calvin: Explain irresistible grace and the perseverance of the elect.

⇨ The elect cannot resist "the calling"

⇨ Those who profess and fall away are deemed not to have a genuine faith ∴ are not part of the elect

⇨ The Holy Spirit regenerates the elect to ensure they continue to love God + keep his commands

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When was the Synod of Dort?
What was it?

⇨ 1618-9
⇨ An international meeting to settle the controversy between Calvinism and Arminianism on the issue of predestination

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What mnemonic can be used to show the five points of Calvin's predestination that his supporters summed up at the Synod of Dort?

- Total depravity
- Unconditional election
- Limited atonement
- Irresistible grace
- Perseverance of the elect

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