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what is classical conditioning learning through
through association
how can we lean association of stimuli
pairing a stimuli with a stimuli response we learn to associate the two stimuli and respond in a similar behaviour
what is the unconditioned stimuli
any stimulus producing a natural response
unconditioned response
a response that occurs naturally without any reflex action
neutral stimulus
an environmental stimulus that does not (without association) produce a response (something we feel neutral too)
conditioned stimulus
stimulus associated with unconditioned stimulus
conditioned response
behaviour shown in response to learned stimulus
what is extinction
the removal of behaviour
example of extinction ( in terms of CC)
conditioned stimuls =sound of a can opening
if this is continually presented without any food being paired
the cat will disassociate the two stimuli
and will not salivate hearing the can open
if a tin is paired with food following extinction what will the cat do ( in terms of association)
teh cat will re associate the tin with the food, this is spontaneous recovery