Age of exploration study guide (copy)

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why people explore

  • find resources

  • make profit

  • expand economy

  • more land to take over / expand territory

  • power

  • fear of the unknown

  • trade

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disruption to trade

  • Europe and Asia disrupted

  • Mongol empire started to decline and lost power to ottoman empire and Ming dynasty

  • vulnerable to attack and more dangerous to travel

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economic impact

  • drove up prices of Asian silk and spice

  • prices went up due to supply and demand

  • Europe saw this as an opportunity, securing supply of trade from Asia, making a fortune

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  • art and science of map making

  • representing a geographical area, usually flat, map or chart

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problems travelling by sea

  • ships were slow, difficult to steer

  • easy to get lost

  • bad weather can end journey

  • prevented Europeans from establishing new trade

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new inventions of sea travel

  • designing ships that are faster and easier to manoeuvre

  • navigational instruments, by Greeks, Arabs, Chinese

  • compass - tells you your direction

  • astrolabe - estimates your location using sun or stars

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new trade routes for wealth

  • increase consumerism

  • accumulation for wealth

  • race for new trade routes

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race to new world

  • Portugal and Spain eager to find new trade routes to east

  • funding large expeditions

  • motivation for wealthy merchants

  • England and France joined the race to the new world

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Portugal exploration

  • silk road brought consumerism, wealth and glory, making Portugal want to find a route and eventually being the first country seeking an alternate route

  • in 1487 - 1498 Bartholomeus Dias and Vassco de Gama rounded the southern tip of Africa, which the ships started arriving in India

  • they didn’t want Europe to follow them so they tried to control eastern sea routes to Asia

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why pope was involved

he created the treaty of Tordesilla, which spilt the world in half (half to Spain and the other to Portugal)

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Christopher colombus


  • 1485 – no one sponsored him because they thought he couldn’t go north because they thought the earth was flat 

  • 1492 – queen Isabella and king Ferdinan of Spain funded his trip, where he thought he was in India, but he was in the Caribbean  

  • 1495 – more trips to the Caribbean  

  • 1506 – he dies thinking he travelled to Asia  

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prince Henry the navigator

  • He funded expeditions to spread Christianity and for Profit in 1400s 

  • didn’t know how to sail, instead built a navigational school

  • he died in 1460 

  • he paved a way for new explorers so when he died people had more Knowledge on exploring 

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Bartholomeu Dias


  • First to sail around the southern tip of Africa, which helped establish Portugal as an imperial power in the 1400s 

  • he was born in 1450 

  • in 1497 king John Chose him to continue exploring of African coast and his goal were to go to India by sea and to find the great Christian ruler who led a kingdom in Africa 

  • his crew were the first to discover the cape of great hope  

  • died in 1500 

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Giovanni Caboto

  • sailed from England to Canada 

  • King of England funded him to find a route to Asia 

  • he made three trips, one in 1496, but there was bad weather, second in 1497, which was successful and claimed the land and the last trip, 5 boats were taken and only one made it 

  • he found cod near newfoundland

  • Paved the way for the British to make colonies in north America  

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Ferdinand Magellan


  • In around 1494, he told the king that there was a westward route to the spice island, which the king made him the Capitan of Spanish and Armada and gave him resources he needed 

  • in 1519, they headed SW but when the weather got bad, the crew members or Spaniards resentment to a Portuguese captain escalate into him causing a mutiny to happen 

  • One of the ships went home but they continued into the pacific 

  • Rest of crew went to the spice islands 

  • one ruler asked for help to attack another ruler, he agreed but died while battling 

  • one of his ships made it around the whole world

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Giovanni Da Verrazanno

  • used to be a pirate for France 

  • served for French king (Francis 1) 

  • When he set off, he had 4 boats but 2 of them ended up sinking 

  • Discovered New York Bay, where he found indigenous boats  

  • He might have been eaten by cannibals  

  • first European to explore Atlantic coast 

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  • ruler that came through bloodline

  • usually a king or queen

  • kingdom

  • for life or until abdication

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monarchs exploration

God, glory, gold

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  • wanted to be the best

  • being the richest

  • having established trade routes by sea that were new

  • first is the best

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  • trading and renaissance = luxury goods

  • increase in price and demand

  • low supply

  • Europe ran out of gold

  • not limited to only gold (other valuable things too)

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  • to spread Christianity to the lands they visit

  • the bible said that people need to spread Christianity

  • Christians were scared how Muslims took over Constantinople so they had more pressure to continue spreading it so they won’t get “taken over”

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  • increasing a countries size by expanding economically or physically

  • can involve expanding a countries reach for resources

  • not taking over, taking resources

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  • extending power and dominion

  • gaining political and economical control of territory and people

  • wanting to take over and have influence over those people

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  • starting colonies

  • placing shelters

  • exploiting their economy

  • full or partial control of another country

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  • something to buy and consume

  • preoccupation of society acquisition of consumer goods

  • supply and demand

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supply, demand, price

  • demand up, price up, supply low

  • trade and renaissance = luxury goods

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  • judging someone based on their culture in comparison to ours

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price of goods along silk road

Arab merchant buys goods from India → sells it to someone in a big trading hub (Constantinople) → Italian merchant buys it and brings it to Venice → Europeans can buy it → price went up x2000 because passed down so much

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