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ignotus, -a, -um
dimitto, dimittere, dimisi, dimissus
to send down
novo, -are, -avi, -atus
To alter, to innovate in
penna, pennae, f.
Feather, wing
coepi, coepisse, coeptus
To begin
sequor, sequi, secutus sum
To follow
clivus, clivi, m.
puto, -are, -avi, -atus
To think
rusticus, -a, -um
Rustic, country
fistula, fistulae, f.
dispar, disparis
paulatim (adv.)
surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectus
To rise, spring up, grow tall
avena, avenae, f.
conpono, conponere, conposui, conpositus
To arrange, order
flecto, flectere, flexi, flexus
To bend, curve
avis, avis f.
periculum, periculi n.
Danger, risk
os, oris n.
Mouth, face
aura, aurae f.
Air, breeze
pluma, plumae f.
Feather, plume
flavus, -a, -um
cera, cerae f.
mollio, mollire, mollivi, mollitus
To soften, to make soft
mirabilis, mirabile
Wonderful, miraculous, marvellous
manus, manus f.
Hand, band (of people)
geminus, -a, -um
Twin, paired
pendo, pendere, pependi, pensus
To suspend, hang down
instruo, instruere, instruxi, instructus
To instruct
natus, nati m.
limes, limitis m.
Track, route
ait (highly irregular verb)
He/she/it says
eo, ire, ivi, itus
To go
aduro, adurere, adussi, adustus
To set afire, scorch
stringo, stringere, strinxi, strictus
To draw together, tighten
ensis, ensis m.
carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptus
To pluck, take, seize
trado, tradere, tradidi, traditus
To deliver, hand over, surrender, give up
umerus, umeri m.
tremo, tremere, tremui, tremitus
To tremble
osculum, osculi, n.
tener, tenera, tenerum
Soft, delicate, tender
proles, prolis f.
Offspring, race
respicio, respicere, respexi, respectus
to look back at, look behind
obstupesco, obstupescere, obstipui
To be amazed, be astonished
fecundus, -a, -um
volatus, volatus m.
ago, agere, egi, actus
To make, act, do, accomplish
iter, itineris n.
Route, journey
vinculum, vinculi n.
quatio, quatere, quassus (no perf. stem)
To beat, shake
lacertus, lacerti m.
careo, carere, carui, caritus
To lack, be without, be separated from (+ abl.)
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus
To attract, acquire, drag, carry off
condo, condere, condidi, conditus
To hide, bury, build, found
tellus, telluris f.
Earth, land
votum, -i, n.
dedication, vow, pledge
Iovis, Iovis, m.
corpus, corporis n
body, corpse
solvo, solvere, solvi, solutus
to fulfill
egredior, egredi, egressus sum
to disembark
contingo, contingere, contigi, contactus
to touch, reach
cresco, crescere, crevi, cretus
to grow
genus, generis n
foedus, -a, -um
shameful, disgusting
destino, -are, -avi, -atus
to determine
pudor, pudoris m
shame, disgrace
caecus, -a, -um
includo, includere, inclusi, inclusus
to shut up
ars, artis f
skill, art, craft, trade
opus, operis n
work, labor, accomplishment, need
turbo, -are, -avi, -atus
to disturb
lumen, luminis n
light, (in poetry) eyes
lapsus, lapsus m
ludo, ludere, lusi, lusus
to play
occurro, occurrere, occurri, occursus
to meet, run into, charge
unda, undae f
wave, billow
incertus, -a, -um
uncertain, doubtful
revertor, reverti, reversus sum
to return
tectum, tecti n
roof, building, shelter
iuvenis, iuvenis m/f
youth, young man/woman
claudo, claudere, clausi, clausus
to shut up
sors, sortis f
ops, opis f
help, aid, strength, resources or wealth (in plural)
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus
invent, discover
rapio, rapere, rapui, raptus
to abduct
comes, comitis m/f
amplexus, amplexus m
sidus, sideris n
star, constellation
frons, frontis f
forehead, brow
consisto, consistere, constiti, constitus
to stand, stop, settle
corona, coronae f
perosus, a, um
exilium, i, n
tango, tangere, tetigii, tactus
to touch
natalis, -e
of one's birth
pelagus, i, m
obstruo, -ere, obstuxi, obstructus
to close off
pateo, patēre, patui
be exposed
āer, āeris, m
air, sky