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Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand
who is assassinated by a Serbian Nationalist Gavrilo Princip
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Where is Francis Ferdinand assassinated?
US, Great Britain, and France
3 countries in the Triple Entente
What is the another country that supported the Triple Entente
Germany, Austria, and Ottoman Turkey
countries in the Central Powers
Isolationist policy
What policy did US maintained to keep its hands off the war in Europe
Fernando Amorsolo
Who drew "Wherever You Go, We Will Follow"
Wherever You Go, We Will Follow
Uncle Sam is taking little Juan. Juan is holding a pole with a flag that is blackened
Flag Law
what law forbids the displaying of flags meant to symbolize an independent Philippines
penalty of death and deprivation of the petition for the writ of habeas corpus
punishments under the Flag law
Gambling the policeman
this political caricature highlights gambling in Manila
The Loyalty of the Filipinos
other title for "Wherever You Go, We Will Follow"
Lording It Over Us
this caricature is about authorizing legislators whether incumbent or retired should bear firearms
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Three concepts written in Lording it Over Us
Fifteen Years of Party Politics
Juan is sitting on the left side while people are giving him gifts. On the right side, the situation has reveresed.
Moros Vs. Christians on the Issue of Independence
In this caricature, the Christians from Luzon and Visayas wants freedom while the Muslims from Mindanao wants to retain the American sovereignty
The Deteriorating Manila
In this caricature, Manila continued to retard into a mud of problems as the reign of government was apprenticed to the Filipinos
Dwight Davis
appointed mayor of Manila
George Butte
In the "The Deteriorating Manila" this vice-governor was having a vacation in Baguio
Colorum Express
In this caricature, 300 colorum taxis are operating in Manila with corruption as the main culprit
Senator Sergio Osmeña and House Speaker Manuel Roxas
these two politicians returned from a successful lobbying mission from the US
Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act
would prescribe a 10 year grace period of limited self-rule before finally giving the Philippines the independence it so coveted
Manuel Quezon
he would be regarded as a political-nobody
Quintin Paredes
Manuel Quezon planed to replace Manuel Roxas as Speaker with his ally
The Politicians Against Each Other
In this caricature, Manuel Quezon urged his allies in the House of Representatives to ratify the Independence Act
Still a Divided Nation
this cartoon was published 3 years after the effectivity of Tydings Mcduffie Law
Tydings Mcduffie Law
This is the independence Act secured by Manuel Quezon
Still a Divided Nation
this caricature was published a day before the commemoration of Rizal's birth
Still a Divided Nation
in this caricature, the tenant is shown holding a sickle, the symbol of the working class used by the communists
Americans Getting More at Our Expense
In this caricature, 2 American companies are earning contracts from the American Colonial Government but which the Filipinos are financing
two large American companies that invested in the Philippines
Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Company
AG&P meaning
Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Company
a construction company who built a new port in Manila, naval station at Sangley, and a marine railway for the Philippine Coastguard
Manila Electric Road Railway and Light Company
MERRLC meaning
Manila Electric Road Railway and Light Company
won contracts to build a tramway and to light the streets of Manila
Manila Electric Road Railway and Light Company
secured a franchise for a 50-year monopoly and a right to fix the electric rates and rail fares for 25 years
Gov. Gen. Francis B. Harrison
he authored the Filipinization policy
Filipino VS. American Teachers in 1915
In this caricature, the discriminating salaries between the Filipino and American teachers are presented
Sen. Camilo Osias
A Filipino teacher who graduated from Columbia University with a monthly income of 90 pesos (1080 pesos anually)
The Tennant-farmers' Burden
In this caricature, the changing economic landscape created burdens for the farmers
Scarce Houses and Skyrocketing Rent
In this caricature, the rented space is becoming sparce and the rent is escalating
12 %
how many percent of the assessed value of the property should be set as it's rent
Director-General of Civil Services
The 12 % of the assessed value of the property as it's rent was recommended by whom
While the Farmers Need Capital, PNB Has No Money
In this caricature, Farmers need capital while PNB had almost gone bankrupt in 1920
land tenure system where the government permits individuals to clear public lands to cultivate them and to own them later
Have a Title, I'll have the Land
In this caricature, homesteading is presented and an individual is looking over the tillers
Too Many Taxes to Pay
In this caricature, here is not just a farmer depicted but Juan de la Cruz, the representation of every Filipino
Filipino vs American Worker in 1928
In this caricature, the gap between the Filipino and American workers had not been narrowed
A Congesting City
In this caricature, Manila was getting crowded with the lack of space for resident and even offices
Deteriorating Health Condition Under the Filipinos
In this caricature, the management of public health began to worsen with the transfer of public health management to the care of Filipino bureaucrats
Akala mo Kung Sino
In this caricature, the individuals who went to Manila for higher education were depicted when they went back to the province
Manila Underwater
In this caricature, the poor public sanitation and overflowing esteros were highlighted. The Americans built canals and drainage system.