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John F. Kennedy
35th president
-only served 3 yrs
National Aeronautics and Space Administration- part of the government responsible for aviation and spaceflight
Dallas, Texas 1963
Place and Year John F. Kennedy was assassinated
Warren Commission
committee that investigated the assassination of President Kennedy
Election of 1964
LBJ beats Senator Goldwater who voted against the civil rights act and was a conservative republican
Public Broadcasting Service ( funded by LBJ)
Richard Nixon
Vice President under Eisenhower and 37th President of the United States
-JFK beat him mainly due to his charisma
Peace Corps
(1961) provided volunteer assistance to developing nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America
Dealey Plaza
exact place JFK was shot
Zapruder Film
the only film of JFK's assasination atken by Abraham Zapruder
Hubert Humphrey
LBJ's vice president
Sesame Street
-Children's Television
-Designed for children from low-income homes ages 3-5
Election of 1960
Kennedy vs. Nixon,
televised- Kennedy won due to charisma
over Nixon (pale and nervous)
Bay of Pigs Invasion
an embarissing attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro that was organized by the US
-made ppl think JFK was too young to be president
Governor Connally
Texas politician that was with JFK in the motorcade when he was shot
Grassy Knoll
area from which alleged 2nd shooter killed JFK,
-conspiracy, no evidence
Barry Goldwater
Republican candidate for President in 1964
-initial leader of the conservative movement
A federal program of health insurance for people 65 +
Televised Debates
changed the way Americans view a presidential nominee
Fidel Castro
Communist dictator of Cuba
Walter Cronkite
-famous newscaster known for his honesty
"most trusted man in america"
JFK funeral
-planned by Jackie Kennedy immediately after assasination
-based off of Lincoln's funeral
Federal program that provides medical benefits for low-income people
Daisy Ad
-TV ad by LBJ
-said Barry Goldwater would start a nuclear war
Jackie Kennedy
JFK's wife and first lady
-redecorated the White House and encouraged the restoration of historic buildings
Cuban Missile Crisis
The 1962 confrontation between US and the Soviet Union over Soviet missiles in Cuba
Lee Harvey Oswald
assassinated JFK
shot and murdered on live TV by Jack Ruby
War on Poverty
set of programs introduced by President Johnson to fight poverty (1960s)
Earl Warren
Chief Justice
-used a loose interpretation to expand rights for African-Americans and others accused of crimes
Great Society
1964, LBJ's policies of fighting poverty and racial injustice
Marilyn Monroe
-infamously sang happy birthday to president
-widely known that JFK and her where having affair
FDR using economic pressure and diplomatic isolation to "quarantine" aggressive nations Italy, Germany, Japan
Jack Ruby
Night club owner who assasinated Lee Harvey Oswald
-said it was revenge for jackie kennedy
Office of Economic Opportunity helped those in poverty, especially in the Appalachians
Head Start
a preschool program for children from low-income families that also provides healthcare, nutrition services, and social services
A prolonged war between non communists and communists (1954-1975)