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Thyroid gland is comprised of:
2 hormones:
T3 & T4 (Amino Acids)
T4 is a:
Weak hormone —> maintains body’s metabolism in a steady state
T3 is a:
POTENT hormone & increases metabolism in the body
From Anterior pituitary
Amnt of hormone in the blood then regulates the release of this hormone
TSH controls:
Rate of the thyroid hormone
Calcitonin is released in response to?
high plasma levels of Ca+, reduced calcium from plasma by depositing into the bones
Serum Free T4 levels (measurement of free-unbound- Thyroxine:
0.7-2.0 ng/dL
Serum T3 Bound & Free Hormone levels:
260-480 pg/dL
Serum T4 Bound & Free Hormone levels:
5.4-11.5 ug/dL
T3 Resin Uptake test is?
Thyroid Testing
Indirect measurement of thyroid hormones for pts that have received iodine for testing or Tx
Causes of hypothyroidism:
Autoimmune disease
Atrophy due to aging
Infiltrative disease: amyloidosis, Scleroderma, Lymphoma
Iodine deficiencies/excess
Meds (lithium)
Radioactive iodine
Therapy/surgery for hyperthyroidism radiation
Thyroid deficiencies can cause:
autoimmune thyroiditis—> Hashimoto Disease (immune system attacks thyroid gland)
Myxedema (severe swelling of the sin and underlying tissue)
Skin becomes waxy consistency
Manifestations of hypothyroidism:
decreased metabolism
Wt gain
Cold intolerance
dry skin
menstral changes
Deepening of voices (some pts)
Medical Management of Hypothyroidism:
Levothyroxine (Synthroid, 74,150mcg per day)
Prevention of cardiac dysfunction: decrease serum cholesterol, monitor and Tx atherosclerosis & CAD
Replacement of thyroid hormone can cause O2 demand but O2 can’t be increased b4 atherosclerosis is fixed
During thyroid replacement if Angina/Arrythmia occurs STOP replacement immediately
Nursing care for Hypothyroidism:
Pt education: lasting affects of analgesics, sedatives and anesthetic agents, taking Synthroid 1st thing in the am w no other meds (1hr b4 other meds)
Monitor liver & renal functions in older adults
excessive synthesis & secretion of hormones
Thyroiditis (inflammation of thyroid)
Graves disease
Thyroid storm:
acute, life threatening condition
Associated w Hyperthyroidism
Multi system involved
Manifestation of hyperthyroidism
rapid pulse
heat intolerance
skin flushed, warm, soft & moist
increased appetite
wt loss
elevated systolic BP
cardiac dysrhythmias
Medical Management of Hyperthyroidism
Radioactive 131I therapy
Surgery; subtotal thyroidectomy
Meds: Antithyroid- Propylthiouracil and methimazole, Na or K iodine solutions, Dexamethasone, Beta Blockers
Nursing Care For hyperthyroidism
Maintaining adequate Cardiac output & normal body temp
Improve nutrition
Which med blocks synthesis of thyroid hormone?
Methimazole- blocks synthesis of thyroid hormone
Manifestations of thyroid cancer:
Less prevalent than other cancers
Lump/swelling in neck
Pain in front of neck, possibly radiating to the ear
change in voice
trouble swallowing
constant cough
Nursing care for thyroid cancer:
Reduce anxiety
educate pt & prepare for surgery
post op: monitor for bleeding, monitor airway & breathing, vitals, pain controls, fluids, keep pt to whispers & limited talking
Caused by overproduction oh parathyroid hormone
characterized by bone decalcification & formation of renal calculi (kidney stones)
majority of ppl diagnosed w disease don’t have symptoms
Parathormone regulates:
calcium & phosphorus balance (lowers phosphorus level)
Increased parathormone elevates blood ca by increasing ca absorption from the kidney, intestine, and bone
Manifestations of hyperparathyroid:
No symptoms possible
muscle weakness
cardiac arrhythmias
High calcium blood levels- monitor for hypercalcemic crisis (serum calcium >13mg/dL)
Medical management for Hyperparathyroid
Surgical removal of abnormal parathyroid tissue
hydration therapy
Nursing care for Hyperparathyroid
Monitor pt for depression & frustration
Educate & prepare pt for surgery
Post op:
monitor for bleeding, airway & breathing
pain controls
Keep pt to whispers & limited talking
Abnormal parathyroid development
destruction of parathyroid glands (surgical removal or autoimmune response)
Vit D deficiency
Decreased intestinal absorption of calcium
decreased reabsorption of calcium from bone through renal tubules
Clinical manifestations of Hypoparathyroidism:
tingling in extremities
stiffness of hands & feet
bronchospasm, laryngeal spasm, Carpopedal spasm
anxiety,irritability, depression
ECG changes
Assessment & Diagnostic for Hypoparathyroidism
Tetany: general muscle hypertonia w tremor & spasmodic/uncoordinated contractions occurring w or w/out efforts to make voluntary movements
Trousseau sign: carpopedal spasm is inducd by occluding the blood flow to the arm for 3mins w BP cuff
Chvostek sign: sharp tapping over facial nerve infront of parotid gland Causes spasm/twitching of the mouth, nose & eye
Medical Tx for Hypoparathyroidism
Goal is to increase Ca+ to 9-19mg/dL
Possible combination Tx of Calcium, Magnesium, and calcitrol
Thiazide Diuretic (help decrease urinary calcium excretion)
Tx for bone loss
Nursing care for Hypoparathyroidism
Educate pt abt dieet & meds, prepare pt for surgery
Reduce anxiety
Post op care:
Monitor for bleeding, airway & breathing
pain control
Calcium Gluconate IV
Addison’s disease is:
Adrenocortical insufficiency
Adrenal suppression by exogenous steroid use
can cause Addisonian crisis
Manifestations of Addison’s disease:
Muscle weakness
GI symptoms
dark pigmentation of skin & mucosa
low glucose & serum sodium
High serum K
emotional lability
Assessment & testing for Addison’s disease:
ACTH stimulation test
ACTH levels will be greatly increased w primary Addison’s
Adrenocortical hormone levels
Medical Management for Addison’s disease:
Combating &/or Tx circulatory crisis:
Low BP, Low Glucose levels
High levels of K
Nursing Management for Addison’s disease":
Assess for fluid imbalance
Assess pt level of stress
monitor BP & HR
do orthostatic BP’s
assess skin often for changes in color
restore fluid balance
improve activity as tolerated