A change in allele frequencies in a population over time
Fossil Record
Preserved markings of past life, usually found in sedimentary rock
Comparative Anatomy
Comparing traits of different species as evidence for evolution
Homologous Structures
Similar traits that are used by separate species that likely share a common ancestor
Analogous Structures
Similar traits in different species that were likely evolved separately
Comparative Embryology
Comparing the pre-born organisms of different species as evidence for evolution
Comparative Biochemistry
Comparing the macromolecules or DNA of different species to see what they have in common as evidence for evolution
Geographic Distribution
Observing the locations of different populations as evidence for evolution
Convergent Evolution
Unrelated species evolve with similar traits
A group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring
Artificial Selection
Selective breeding of organisms for certain traits in the offspring
Natural Selection
Individuals with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce
The number of offspring an individual has
Stabilizing Selection
A pattern of natural selection that eliminates the extremes, assuming the average individual of a population will lead to a higher fitness
Directional Selection
A pattern of natural selection where allele frequencies shift in one direction
Disruptive Selection
A pattern of natural selection where a population is split into two groups and individuals who don’t fit into these groups don’t survive
Sexual Selection
A pattern of natural selection where an individual more attractive to the opposite sex is more likely to reproduce and pass on its genes
Members of a species evolve so much that they are no longer able to produce fertile offspring
Allopatric Speciation
A kind of speciation where a physical barrier divides two populations so they cannot produce fertile offspring
Sympatric Speciation
A kind of speciation where a species evolves into a new species without a physical barrier from members of the previous speceis
Prezygotic Isolation
A type of isolation where gametes from a mother and father can never meet and fuse
Postzygotic Isolation
A type of isolation where a zygote cannot develop normally after two gametes meet
Habitat Isolation
A type of prezygotic barrier where two species live in the same area but not in the same habitat, so they cannot mate
Behavioral Isolation
A type of prezygotic barrier where members of different species have different mating and communication behaviors, so they cannot mate
Temporal Isolation
A type of prezygotic barrier where different species breed at different times, so they cannot mate
Mechanical Isolation
A type of prezygotic barrier where species may be anatomically incompatible with each other, so they cannot mate
Gametic Isolation
A type of prezygotic barrier where even if the gametes meet, they are unable to form a zygote, so they cannot mate successfully
Reduced Hybrid Viability
A type of postzygotic barrier where a zygote is form, but genetic incompatibility of the mother and father causes the zygote’s development to cease
Reduced Hybrid Fertility
A type of postzygotic barrier where even if two different species produce a viable offspring, that offspring cannot produce fertile offspring
Hybrid Breakdown
A type of postzygotic barrier where two species mate and produce viable and fertile hybrids, but the hybrids’ offspring are weak or sterile
Adaptive Radiation
Diversification of a species into a number of different species, usually in a short period of time and following a mass extinction event
A theory that evolution occurs in small, gradual steps over time
Punctuated Equilibrium
A theory that evolution occurs with relatively sudden periods of speciation followed by long periods of stabilty
Precambrian Eon
The period of time when earth and life were created (90% of earth’s history)
Phanerozoic Eon
The period of time including the Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era, and Cenozoic (Current) Era
Paleozoic Era
The period of time when vertebrates, insects, and land plants first appeared. Also includes the Cambrian Explosion
Mesozoic Era
The period of time when dinosaurs, birds, and the first mammals appeared. Also includes the mass extinction of the dinosaurs
Cenozoic Era
The period of time when monkeys, apes, and modern humans appeared. AKA the current era.
The grouping of objects/organisms based on a set of criteria
The science of identifying, naming, and classifying species based on natural relationships.