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Identify a topic
Determine an area of interest or a research question in the research process.
Literature reviews
Conducting reviews to gather existing knowledge about a research topic.
A testable prediction developed during the research process.
Independent variable
A factor that is manipulated in an experiment.
Dependent variable
A factor that is measured in response to changes in the independent variable.
Empirical evidence
Data collected through experiments, surveys, or observations.
Statistical methods
Techniques used to analyze and interpret data.
Ecological validity
The extent to which findings apply to real-world settings.
External validity
The ability to generalize findings to different populations or conditions.
Blind Review
Preventing experimenter bias by keeping analysts unaware of study conditions.
APA format
A style guide for scientific communication including sections like Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion.
Peer-reviewed journals
Academic publications that review submitted articles for quality before publication.
Field Studies
Observing behavior in natural environments without manipulation.
Tools for collecting qualitative and quantitative responses from subjects.
Longitudinal Studies
Research that tracks changes in individuals or groups over time.
Case Studies
In-depth analyses focusing on unique individuals with specific traits.
Experimental methods
Research methods involving direct manipulation of independent variables.
Reaction Time Studies
Research focusing on measuring cognitive processing speed.
Eye Tracking
Technique to analyze gaze patterns and attention using infrared cameras.
A method of recording brain wave activity to study neural processes.
Averages of EEG responses time-locked to specific stimuli.
A technique measuring magnetic fields produced by neural activity.
A structural imaging technique using X-rays to visualize the brain.
Imaging technique tracking metabolic activity using radioactive tracers.
A technique measuring blood oxygen levels to infer brain activity.
A method for mapping white matter pathways in the brain.
Tuskegee Syphilis Study
An unethical study that observed disease progression without providing treatment.
Henrietta Lacks
A case involving the unauthorized use of cells from a woman for research.
Project MKUltra
CIA-funded experiments involving mind control and drug testing.
Nuremberg Code
Established voluntary consent as a requirement for research.
Belmont Report
Defined essential ethical research principles: respect, beneficence, and justice.
Institutional Review Boards (IRB)
Committees ensuring adherence to ethical standards in research.
Boolean Search Methods
Techniques for refining searches using 'AND', 'OR', and 'NOT'.
References that prevent plagiarism and acknowledge sources.
Operational Definitions
Defining abstract concepts through measurable variables.
The entire group of interest in research.
A subset of the population used for research.
A numerical characteristic of a population.
An estimate derived from a sample.
Sampling Error
The differences between population parameters and sample statistics.
Normal Distribution
A symmetrical, bell-shaped curve where data values cluster around the mean.
Nominal Scale
Categorical measurement without inherent order.
Ordinal Scale
An ordered measurement scale without equal intervals.
Interval Scale
Ordered scale with equal spacing but no true zero.
Ratio Scale
Interval scale with a meaningful zero point.
The arithmetic average of a dataset.
The middle value of a dataset, used for skewed distributions.
The most frequently occurring value in a dataset.
A measure indicating the spread of values around the mean.
A statistical test comparing two means to find significant differences.
ANOVA (F-Test)
A statistical test comparing means across multiple groups.
Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient
A measure ranging from -1 to +1 indicating the strength and direction of linear relationships.
Regression Analysis
A method for predicting dependent variables based on independent variables.