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EVERYTHING has a soul
A shrine that was in your house, the religious room
A Roman virtue. A sense if the importance of the matter at hand, responsibility and earnestness
A Roman virtue. Dignity, honor, and self-worth. Required eligible nobles to serve as a judge or an army officer.
Social Mobility in Rome
None. If you are born a patrician, you WILL die a patrician. If you were a plebeian you WILL die a plebeian
Wealthy citizens who sought out by others for help. Their client will support the patron when needed
Goals for Roman Republic
Gov’t in which EVERYONE has a say
Division of power so no group/individual help too much power
Poor class disadvantage:
They have no say in governmnet
4 Steps to Plebeian Equality (Conflict of Orders)
Creation of tribune position
Creation of 12 tables
Position of consul opened to both patricians and plebeians
Tribal assembly gains authority to pass laws without consent of the senate
Plebeians demand…
Once they gain political rights, then they will fight in the military
Creation of Tribune Position
Plebeians went on strike and threatened to stop serving in the military.
The people who ruled Rome prior to the Roman Republic
Roman Legion
Growth and expansion of the Roman empire is going to be on the back of the Roman Legion
Conquered people gave these to the Romans
Battle of the Alia Rvier
Romans lose to Gauls and are driven out
Claudine Forks
Roman legion is trapped in a box canon by Samnites. Instead of killing, they force the Romans to go under the yoke as a sign of submission. They go back after and defeat the Samnites
Big wooden thing used to control oxen to plow fields
Pyrros of Epirus
Initially, he defeats Romans in at least 3 major battles. However, his losses in the 3 battle are so great that eventually he will have to flee and give the land over to the Romans
Pyrrhic Victory
When you win the battle, but you lose so much in the process, that you lose the war
Result of Early Roman Expansion
1) Conquered people paid taxes, supplied soldiers and followed Roman leadership
2) Conquered people kept customs, money, and local gov’t
3) Few groups were offered full citizenship, and the rest, only partial
4) Romans posted a network of soldiers throughout the land
Why were Punic wars fought?
Economics (control of trade routes and money)
Hamilcar Barcas
Father of Hannibal, absolutely hated the Romans, but was the best Carthage general
What did Hannibal receive from home when fighting in Italy?
Hannibal received NO reinforcements or supplies from home during the 15 years of fighting in Italy
Trebbia River
Roman army wakes up with no fire, breakfast, and cold, and marches across the river to fight the Carthaginians. The Carthaginians are prepared and well nourished and obliterates the Roman army. (Hannibal Wins)
Lake Tresimenus
Carthaginians trick the Romans with fire, and sneak throughout the mountains and surprise attack the Romans. (Hannibal wins)
Hannibal weakens him middle, and the Romans attack the middle. Hannibal organizes a horseshoe retreat, surrounding the Romans.
Roman general that does not want to fight the Carthaginians, and end up dying in battle
Roman general that wants to fight the Carthaginians, but ran away when the heavy fighting started
Carthaginian reaction to Cannae
Generals encourage Hannibal to lay siege to Rome, but Hannibal doesn’t, which is probably his biggest mistake
Battle of Zama
Scipio defeats Hannibal because the Romans have adapted to Hannibal’s war tactic.
Terms of Peace Treaty to End Punic War #2
Carthage loses Spain
Destruction of Carthaginian fleet
Carthage pays huge indemnity for 50 years
Ends all speeches with “Carthage must be destroyed”
Roman ancestors, Indo-European tribes related to Dorians that settle in Po River Valley
Greek Culture Introduced…
Greek Religion/Gods
Olives and wine
Beginnings of Rome
Mythological story of Romulus and Remus. Rome started on 7 hills. Perfect example of ““
Central marketplace in the beginnings of Rome
Fathers who had complete control over their family
Roman Families
Farming families were the basis of Roman society, fathers educated their sons (taught them a trade)
Roman (Republic) Religion
Animism, borrowed Greek Gods/Oracles
Why Did People Leave Roman Religion?
Eastern mythical cults offered immortality
Jupiter (Zeus)
God of the sky
Mars (Ares)
Spirit of harvest and warfare
Roman General Culture
Belief in virtues, called virtus/”manliness”. Extreme obedience to the laws
Borrowed Ideas From Various Cultures Such As…
Greek poetry/philosophy, Egyptian calendar, Persian Religion/Cult of Mithra
Farm Slaves in Rome
Soldiers captured became cheap slaves in Rome. As a result, slave labor is used on farms and plantations
Decline of Morality
A large plantation owned by wealthy citizens and run by slaves. The large farms that put small farms out of business
Increase efficient population by increasing the efficient population. (People who can fight in the army and pay taxes)
2 Key Results of the Gracchi brothers
The first to undermine the Roman Republic (by violating election laws by both running for reelection)
Led to the creation of the Dole, or distribution of free grain. The biginning of the “bread” in “bread ad circus”
Marius Key Results
Makes Roman army professional
Armies become more loyal to generals than the state
Becomes consul 7 times
3 Ways Sulla Undermines the Roman Republic
First to use his army for political purposes and marches them into Rome
Names himself dictator for 3 years
Reinstate the power of the Senate, weakening the power of
Roman Clan Names Ended In…
The officer in charge of a century
Roman general who captured the Etruscan stronghold of Veii and bribed the Gauls to leave Rome
Magna Graecia
Another name for Southern Italy during the time of Pyrrhos
“Punic” Comes From…
The Latin word Phoenician (who were the original settlers of Carthage)
The Cause of the Punic Wars Was…
A struggle over Sicily/trade control over the Mediterranean Sea
Terms of Peace Treaty to End Punic War #1
Carthage gives Sicily to Rome
Carthage has to pay a big fine, leading them to hire more soldiers
Rome seizes Sardinia and Corsica leading to war #2
2nd Punic War Causes
Carthage’s revenge
Rome concerned about Carthage’s expansion into Spain
Quintus Fabius Maximus
Roman military leader. Strategy was to follow Hannibal but not engage in direct combat. (Hannibal cannot break Roman spirit)
Results of the Punic Wars
Romans control from Spain to Egypt (+Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica) referred to Mediterranean Sea as “our sea”
Macedonia, Greece and Asia Minor are Roman provinces
Warfare changes. Men didn’t come home, and women couldn’t pay taxes, so they moved to the city. Cities can’t handle increase in populations, apartments (slums) are formed, along with bread and circuses
Macedonian Wars Summed Up
Rome defeats antigonids and gains control of Greece
First Macedonian War
Cause: Philip V allied with Hannibal
Result: Roman navy prevents Philip V from crossing into Italy
Second Macedonian War
Cause: Revenge against Philip
Result: At battle of Cynoscephalae, Romans win and declare Greeks to be free
Third Macedonian War
Cause: Perseus (son of Philip V) allied with Seleucids and attempted to defeat Romans
Result: Perseus is defeated, Romans end direct tax on citizens
Fourth Macedonian War
Cause: Greeks refuse to end aggression towards Romans
Result: Rome controls Greece
Antiokhos III
Defeated by Romans at battle of Magnesia
Antiokhos IV
Son of Antiokhos III, tries to capture Egypt
Pergamon is surrendered to Rome by Attlos II because he didn’t want his brother to take control
Problems That Led to Collapse of Roman Republic (III)
Rise of Unemployment. Thriving slave markets displaces small farmers, free workers, and domestic servants. The unemployed persons drifted to Rome, becoming an economic and political liability because they were Roman citizens and were promise care which included basic human needs
Conservatives, made of the Senate, represent patricians
Liberals, represent the poor
What Are the Gracchi Brothers Most Known For?
Proposing laws to limit how much land one could own, and colinzed other areas to give farms to the landless, winning support of the people but not of the patricians
Gracchi Brothers Proposed Land Reforms to…
Limit size of estates
Redistribute land to the poor
Tiberius Gracchus
Promised citizenship to Italian allies and violating election reforms
Gaius Gracchus
Placed Tiberius’ Reforms into affect, but took it too far and tried to grant citizenship to Italians
Reforms of Julius Caesar
Granted citizenship to provinces
Adopted Julian calendar
Decreased unemployment
Stimulated trade and commerce
Began to rid of the dole
Assassination of Caesar
Assassinated by the Senate who feared losing their power permanently, and because Caesar wanted to be made king
First Triumvirate
Pompey (Spain), Crassus (Syria), Caesar (Gaul). Caesar is there to balance he power of Pompey and Crassus. THIS WAS ILLEGAL
Why is Caesar Loved by the Populares?
He spent money on Gladiatorial games, and holds every position in government that you could, and gets elected to pontifex maximus
“Crossing the Rubicon” Means…
Making a decision you can’t go back on
How is the 2nd Triumvirate Different From the 1st?
It is legal because they are changing the rules.
He names Julius Caesar as a God
Took title of Princeps and Imperator. He does not call himself dictator or king and goes with emperor because he wanted to establish he is a “Permanent leader of the citizens”
Undermines the Roman Republic because he takes all political power
Roman Slaves Were…
All races and genders
Roman nobility, owned land, political/social/economic dominance
Main body of Roman citizens. Can’t marry patricians and cant ever become one, but they can get wealthy and hold government positions