AO5: Critics

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‘un-christian composition‘

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‘un-christian composition‘

What Rigby said Jane Eyre had.

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Transition from childhood to adulthood

What does the red room represent according to Shawalter?

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Angel vs devil, social expectations vs sexual desires

According to Shawalter, Jane is two fold projected onto Helen and Bertha who represent?

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Sexual repression

What Lowood represents according to Shawalter.

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Spiritual equals

What Rochester and Jane can be seen as in the beginning according to Gilbert and Gubar.

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Feminist rage against the patriarchy

According to Gilbert and Gubar, Bertha acts on Jane’s desires and is a symbol of?

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Oppression, starvation, madness and coldness

According to Gilbert and Gubar, the four stages a woman will experience are represented through Jane’s journey.

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Means a life journey, how Jane Eyre can be described.

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