AP World History - 1300s Master Review for AP Test - 23-24

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What was the Black Death?

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What was the Black Death?

A deadly epidemic that spread rapidly throughout Eastern Europe in the 1300s, leading to a massive labor shortage and impacting crop harvests.

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What was the Hundred Years War?

A significant conflict between Britain and France in the 1300s, resulted in France establishing a stronger monarchy and Britain adopting a central-monarchal system.

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Define the Renaissance.

A cultural, artistic, scientific, and religious age in Europe that produced influential figures in various fields during the 14th century.

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Who was Tamerlane? What did he do?

An infamous figure in Indian history known for his brutality, he assassinated the Sultanate of Delhi, causing a power shift in the region.

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What was the Vijayanagar Empire?

A Hindu empire in South India that provided protection against Muslim-sultanate invaders and helped rebuild Hindu society in the 14th century.

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What was the Yuan Dynasty? What did they do?

They conquered and defeated the Ming Dynasty in East Asia, paving the way for their era of development and trade.

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Who was Mansa Musa? What did he do?

A leader under the Mali Empire in Africa who brought improvements to the empire, transforming it into an Islamic center and promoting culture and commerce.

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What was the Kingdom of Kongo?

A significant development in African history, benefiting from the Indian Ocean trade routes during the 14th century.

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Who were the Ottomans? What did they do?

They slowly chipped away at the Byzantine Empire, causing economic and structural challenges for the Byzantines in the 14th century.

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Who were the Ashikaga?

A Japanese clan whose rise marked the beginning of the Muromachi Period, setting the stage for future civil conflicts in Japan.

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