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Underlying assumption of persuasion research (If A changes B will follow)
attitude and behavior
Who completed a meta analysis suggesting there was no or weak correlation between attitude and behavior?
wicker 1971
Cognitions can exist in 3 relations:
irrelevant, consonant, dissonant
Dissonance equation?
importance x # of dissonance cog / importance x # of consonant cog
Dissonance leads to..
uncomfortable psychological tension
Dissonance increases with..
number of importance of dissonance decreases with # importance of constant.
Results in pressure to reduce dissonance by:
_________ cognition
Altering ________ of cognition (also known as ______)
_________ cognitions
adding, importance, trivialization, changing
Dissonance reduction follows the path of…
least resistant
Induced compliance/insufficient justification/over justification effect:
Someone is induced to perform…
a behavior that is inconsistent with their beliefs or attitudes to lower dissonance.
Festinger’s $1 and $20 experiment IV?
Given 1 or 20 dollars to tell the lie also control group does not tell lie
Festinger’s $1 and $20 experiment DV?
how much I enjoyed the experiment
Over justification effect
external rewards erode internal enjoyment of an activity
Intrinsic motivation
enjoyment and personal interest drives activity
Extrinsic motivation
extrinsic rewards or pressures drives activity
Belief disconfirmation
one holds expectation, disconfirmed, dissonance reduction process
Effort justification
great and unpleasant effort to obtain an outcome, the outcome is undesirable, desirability of outcome is exaggerated
Free choice/decisional dissonance (1)
Choice between 2 desirable alternatives,
Free choice/decisional dissonance (2)
positive aspects of the rejected alternative and negative aspects of chosen = dissonance
Free choice/decisional dissonance (3)
Exaggeration of negative aspects of rejected alternative and positives of chosen
Theoretical challenges
impression management theory, self-perception theory and self-justification and self-affirmation theory