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Study of human evolution through fossil records
3 Shared characteristics(Synapomorphies) of great apes
Very flexible elbows and shoulders
Similar postures/positioning
Heel is first to touch ground when walking
Chimpanzees and gorillas have what unique form of locomotion
Knuckle walking
Chimps and gorillas have thin enamel, humans have
Thick enamel
5 unique human characteristics
Relatively hairless
Reduced canines
Bipedal locomotion
Extremely large brains
Hands with very fine muscle control
Modern humans and extinct human ancestor species
Famous early bipedal hominim(3.3 million years old)
Homo erectus
First well established hominin
Java man
Homo erectus fossil that had larger brains Hands and made tools
Homo heidelbergensis
A transitional species between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens
Homo florensis
Very small hominin species(ancient)
Two main models of human migration
Multi regional hypothesis
Out of Africa hypothesis
Multi-regional hypothesis
Homo erectus evolved in Africa and migrated to Eurasia 2, Homo sapiens then evolved independently from these
Multi regional hypothesis is believed to have occurred when
2 million years ago
Out of Africa Hypothesis
Modern humans originated in Africa 200,000 years ago and spread across the globe 100000 years ago
Sexual reproduction is a near universal feature of what
Eukaryotic organisms
2 stages of sexual reproduction
Fusion of haploid gametes to form zygote(fertilization)
Production of haploid gametes
Life originated without what
Sexual reproduction is something that
Sexual reproduction in not what
A biological requirement
Offspring developed from unfertilized eggs
Parthenogenesis allows what
Asexual reproduction to occur in females
4 main costs of sexual reproduction
Cost of meiosis
Cost of males(2 fold cost of sex)
Cost of breaking adapted genetic combinations
Costs associated with mating
Cost of meiosis
Each parent only contributes 50 percent of genetic material(opposed to 100 in asexual)
Const of males(2 fold cost of sex)
Cost of having less number of offspring due to production of males
Cost of breaking adapted genetic combinations
Reproducing sexually may disrupt beneficial genetic combinations
The disruption of beneficial genetic combinations lowers what
The mean fitness of offspring
4 Costs associated with mating
Finding a mate
Energy spent in courtship
Increase risks of predation
Risk of disease transmission/parasitism
First fossilized evidence of sexual reproduction was documented in eukaryotes when
1 to 2 billion years ago
paradox of sex
Sex is widespread in eukaryotes despite overwhelming costs
3 hypotheses for advantage of sex
Lottery hypothesis
Mullets ratchet hypothesis
Red queen hypothesis
Lottery hypothesis
Sexual reproduction allows organisms to produce genetically diverse offspring
Some offspring may survive better due to what
In sexual organisms, offspring are genetically different from parents due to what 2 reasons
Recombination during meiosis
Fusion of gametes from different parents
Prediction of lottery hypothesis
Organisms with sexual reproduction survive better in changing environments
Why is lottery hypothesis not supported by data
Sexual reproduction is most common in stable environments, asexual reproduction is common in unstable environment
Mullets ratchet hypothesis
Sexual reproduction decreases deleterious mutations through recombination
Did empirical data support the ratchet hypothesis
Red Queen Hypothesis
Sexual reproduction allows Coevolving species to maintain dynamic equilibrium
Red queen hypothesis is used to explain how sexual reproduction does what
Increases host resistance to parasites
Sexual reproduction can provide offspring with what
Genetic potential to break equilibrium
Is there a general explanation for the maintenance of sex in all eukaryotes