Destination B2 Unit 12

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Bằng chứng (gồm nhiều evidence, nhiều evidence thành proof) - Information or evidence that shows that something is definitely true.

Example: We were unable to establish proof of her innocence.

<p>Bằng chứng (gồm nhiều evidence, nhiều evidence thành proof) - <em>Information or evidence that shows that something is definitely true.</em></p><p>Example: <em>We were unable to establish proof of her innocence.</em></p>
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Chứng cứ (chỉ chứng cứ đơn lẻ) - Facts, statements, or objects that help to prove whether someone has committed a crime.

Example: The police didn’t have enough evidence to convict him.

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Suspect (v)

nghi ngờ - To believe that something is true.

Example: Police suspected that she had some connection with the robbery.

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Bắt giữ - If the police arrest someone, they take that person to a police station because they believe the person has committed a crime.

Example: He was arrested for possession of illegal drugs.

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Buộc tội - To accuse someone of committing a crime.

Example: The police have charged him with murder.

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nghi phạm - Someone who might have committed a crime.

Example: Have the police interviewed any suspects yet?

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Bị cáo - Someone who is accused of a crime in a court of law.

Example: The accused told the judge that he was not guilty.

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Phán quyết - A choice that you make after you have thought carefully about something.

Example: The committee will make a decision by the end of the week.

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Sự tuyên án - An official judgment made in a court.

Example: The jury took 16 hours to reach a verdict.

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Phạm tội (Commit a crime, Commit suicide/Tự tử) - To do something that is illegal or morally wrong.

Example: The study aims to find out what makes people commit crimes.

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Vi phạm luật (Break the law) - To fail to obey a rule or law.

Example: Students who break these rules will be punished.

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Quy định trong một tổ chức (phạm vi nhỏ) - a statement that explains what you can or cannot do in a particular situation
Eg: You can't do that, it's against the rules!

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Quy định Pháp luật (theo hệ thống, rộng lớn) - the systems of rules that must be obeyed in society
Eg: Falling to declare any extra income is against the law

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Sự công bằng - Treatment of people that is fair and morally right.

Example: Victims are calling for justice.

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Quyền công dân, quyền lợi - Something that you are morally or legally allowed to do or have.

Example: We are fighting for workers' rights.

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Thẩm phán - Someone whose job is to make decisions in a court of law.

Example: The judge sentenced her to ninety days in prison.

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Bồi thẩm đoàn - A group of members of the public who decide whether someone is guilty in a court case.

Example: The jury found him guilty.

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Khởi tố, kiện, Truy tố - To officially accuse someone of a crime and ask a court of law to judge them.

Example: My neighbour is being prosecuted for driving without a valid licence.

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Khủng bố, ngược đãi, hành hạ (vì lý do chủng tộc, tôn giáo, chính trị) - To treat someone very badly because of their race, religion, or political beliefs.

Example: A large number of Catholics were persecuted during the war.

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Hình phạt tử hình - The punishment of legally killing someone who has committed a serious crime.

Example: They still have capital punishment in the USA.

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Hình phạt về thể xác, ngược đãi (đánh) - Punishment that consists of hitting someone.

Example: When I was at school, corporal punishment was common.

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n. Tên cướp - Someone who steals money or property, often by using violence.

Example: Why do they always glamourise bank robbers in movies?

<p>n. Tên cướp - <em>Someone who steals money or property, often by using violence.</em></p><p>Example: <em>Why do they always glamourise bank robbers in movies?</em></p>
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Tên trộm (đột nhập vào nhà ăn trộm một cách bất hợp pháp thường vào buổi đêm) - Someone who enters a building illegally in order to steal things.

Example: Burglars broke into our office last night.

<p>Tên trộm (đột nhập vào nhà ăn trộm một cách bất hợp pháp thường vào buổi đêm) - <em>Someone who enters a building illegally in order to steal things.</em></p><p>Example: <em>Burglars broke into our office last night.</em></p>
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kẻ móc túi (hoạt động vào bất cứ thời điểm nào trong ngày) - Someone who steals something.

Example: How do we know that he’s not a thief?

<p>kẻ móc túi (hoạt động vào bất cứ thời điểm nào trong ngày) - <em>Someone who steals something.</em></p><p>Example: <em>How do we know that he’s not a thief?</em></p>
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Kẻ phá hoại công trình văn hóa, công cộng - Someone who deliberately damages or destroys things, especially public property.

Example: Vandals have broken the public telephone outside our house again.

<p>Kẻ phá hoại công trình văn hóa, công cộng - <em>Someone who deliberately damages or destroys things, especially public property.</em></p><p>Example: <em>Vandals have broken the public telephone outside our house again.</em></p>
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Côn đồ, lưu manh, kẻ gây rối - A noisy, violent person who causes trouble by fighting, damaging property, etc.

Example: Football hooligans caused a lot of damage.

<p>Côn đồ, lưu manh, kẻ gây rối - <em>A noisy, violent person who causes trouble by fighting, damaging property, etc.</em></p><p>Example: <em>Football hooligans caused a lot of damage.</em></p>
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Kết án/sự kết án - A punishment that a judge gives to someone who has committed a crime.

Example: What was the prisoner's sentence?

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Bỏ tù, tống giam - To put someone in prison or to keep them in a place that they cannot escape from.

Example: He had been imprisoned for five years before they managed to prove his innocence.

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Vô tội - Not guilty of a crime or anything bad.

Example: Under the law, everyone is considered innocent until proved guilty.

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Có tội - Someone who is guilty has committed a crime or has done something wrong.

Example: Patrick knew that he was guilty of lying.

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Nhân chứng - Someone who sees a crime, accident, or other event happen.

Example: Witnesses reported hearing two gunshots.

<p>Nhân chứng - Someone who sees a crime, accident, or other event happen.</p><p><em>Example: Witnesses reported hearing two gunshots.</em></p>
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Người ngoài cuộc, người đứng ngoài xem (không liên quan) 0 Someone who sees an event happen, but who is not directly involved in it.

Example: The car crashed into the wall, nearly hitting two bystanders.

<p>Người ngoài cuộc, người đứng ngoài xem (không liên quan) 0 Someone who sees an event happen, but who is not directly involved in it.</p><p><em>Example: The car crashed into the wall, nearly hitting two bystanders.</em></p>
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Luật sư nói chung (Attorney) - Someone whose profession is to provide people with legal advice and services.

Example: Mayer's lawyer spoke to the press today.

<p>Luật sư nói chung (Attorney) - Someone whose profession is to provide people with legal advice and services.</p><p><em>Example: Mayer's lawyer spoke to the press today.</em></p>
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n. Luật sư chuyên tư vấn, hỗ trợ thân chủ trong một lĩnh vực luật cụ thể và không có quyền "cãi" trước tòa - In the UK, a lawyer who gives legal advice, writes legal contracts, and represents people in the lower courts of law.

Example: You'll be hearing from my solicitor.

<p>n. Luật sư chuyên tư vấn, hỗ trợ thân chủ trong một lĩnh vực luật cụ thể và không có quyền "cãi" trước tòa - In the UK, a lawyer who gives legal advice, writes legal contracts, and represents people in the lower courts of law.</p><p><em>Example: You'll be hearing from my solicitor.</em></p>
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luật sư bào chữa (luật sư chuyên tranh luận trước tòa)

<p>luật sư bào chữa (luật sư chuyên tranh luận trước tòa)</p>
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Trợ lý luật sư

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Back down

stop demanding sth, stop saying that you will do sth

EX: It seems as if the man was going to start a fight with the manager, but he eventually backed down.

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Break out

escape (from prison): Trốn tù, vượt ngục - escape (from prison).

EG: Reports are coming in that five prisoners have broken out of Pentonwood Prison.

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Bring in

introduce a new law or system

----> Đưa ra luật mới

Eg: The government are planning to bring in a law banning hunting.

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Chase after

follow sb/sth quickly in order to catch them
---> rượt đuổi
Eg: The shopkeeper ran out of the shop and chased after the shoplifter as he ran down the street.

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Come forward

to offer to give help or information:
----> Đề nghị giúp đỡ

EX: After the police appealed for help from the public, a number of people came forward with useful information.

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Get away with

Trốn khỏi hình phạt - escape punishment for.

Eg: The police said that the thieves would not be allowed to get away with the robbery.

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Go off

Nổ - explode; be fired (for a gun, usually accidentally).

Eg: A bomb went off outside the Syrian embassy in London today, injuring five people.

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Hand in

Nộp, giao - give to a person in authority.

Eg: I took the wallet I had found and handed it in at the police station.

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Hold up

1 - rob while threatening violence
-----> Cướp có vũ trang
2 - delay -----> trì hoãn

1 - Two men held up a security van today and escaped on motorbikes.
2 - I was held up in a traffic jam

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Let off

1 - Give little or no punishment ~with a fine
-----> Trừng phạt nhẹ
2 - make a bomb, etc explode
----> chế tạo bom, nổ

1 - I can't believe that the teachet let Ben off with just a warning.
2 - Be very careful if you're going to let off those fireworks.

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Look into

Điều tra = investigate - investigate.

EG: Police are looking into the theft.

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Make off

escape : Trốn thoát

It seems that the burglar made off without being seen by dressing as a postmen.

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Take down

Ghi lại lời người khác nói - write down what somebody says.

Eg: Could I just take down your details

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Take in

Lừa dối - trick somebody into believing something that is not true.
EG: The man at the door claimed to be a policeman, but the old woman wasn't taken in
- Don't be taken in by their promises.

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On account of

Bởi vì -Because of something.

Eg: We canceled the picnic on account of the rain.

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Take into account

Xem xét vấn đề gì - To consider or include something when making a decision.

EG: You must take into account all the costs involved before starting the project.

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Account for sth

Giải thích cho- To explain the reason for something or the cause of something.

Eg: This theory accounts for the discrepancies in the experimental results.

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Take advantage of

Lợi dụng, tận dụng - To use the strengths or weaknesses of something or someone to gain a benefit, often unfairly.

Eg: He took advantage of the loophole in the law to avoid taxes.

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Have an advantage over

Có lợi thế hơn - To have a favorable position compared to someone or something else.

Eg: Our team has an advantage over the competition because of our advanced training.

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At an advantage

ở một lợi thế -In a position that is better compared to others.

Eg: With his vast experience, he is at an advantage in the job market.

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An/one advantage of

một lợi thế của - A beneficial aspect or feature.

Eg: One advantage of living in the city is the accessibility to various amenities.

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Be to blame for sth/doing

used to say that sb caused sth bad to happen
----> gây ra cái / việc gì
No one can decide who is to blame.
It seems that human error was to blame for the crash

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Get/take the blame for sth/doing

If you take the blame for something, you say that you did it or that it is your fault:
-----> Nhận lỗi về điều gì
EX: If anything goes wrong, I'll take the blame.

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Put the blame on sth/sb

Đổ lỗi/tội cho ~ for sth (vì ... )
Don't put the blame on me for your mistake.

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Blame sth on sb

Đổ lỗi điều gì đó cho ai - To say that someone is responsible for something bad.

Eg: He blamed the failure on lack of support from his colleagues.

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Blame sb for sth/doing

Đổ lỗi ai đó về điều gì đó

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Do/cause damage (to sth):

Làm thiệt hại - To harm or negatively affect something.

Eg: The flood caused serious damage to the houses along the river.

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At fault

Có sai sót, lỗi - Responsible for a bad or undesirable situation.


The driver was at fault for the accident.

Both the fans and the players were at fault.

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Find fault with sth/sb

to criticize someone or something, especially without good reasons:
-----> Kiếm chuyện, tìm thấy lỗi...
- He's always finding fault with my work.
- She always finds fault with her colleagues' work, no matter how well it's done.

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Have the/no intention of doing

Có/không có ý định làm gì - To (not) plan or want to do something.

Eg: I have no intention of quitting my job despite the challenges.

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Make a mistake

Mắc sai lầm - To do something incorrectly.

Eg: He made a mistake on the report that cost the company money.

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A mistake (to do)

Một sai lầm về làm gì đó... - - A bad decision.


It was a mistake for us to come here tonight.

It was a mistake to trust him with the responsibility.

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Mistake sb for sb

Nhầm ai đó với ai đó - To think someone is another person.

Eg: I mistook the new employee for my old friend when I first saw him.

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Do sth by mistake

Tình cờ làm gì, làm ngẫu nhiên - To do something unintentionally.

I sent the email to the wrong person by mistake.

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Necessary for sb to do

Cần thiết cho ai đó làm gì đó - Needed in order to achieve something or for something to happen.

Eg: It’s necessary for you to attend the meeting if you want to stay informed.

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In order

Theo thứ tự - In the correct condition or properly arranged.

Eg: Everything in the kitchen is in order after the cleaning.

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Put sth in order

Đặt theo thứ tự - To organize or arrange something correctly.

Eg: I need to put my documents in order before submitting them.

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In order to do

Để làm gì đó - So as to achieve something.

Eg: She studies hard in order to pass her exams.

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Give an order to sb to do

Ra lệnh cho ai đó làm gì đó - To command someone to do something.

Eg: The manager gave an order to finish the report by Monday.

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Give sb permission to do

Cho phép ai làm gì - To allow someone to do something.

Eg: She gave him permission to leave early.

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Ask sb for permission to do

Xin phép ai để làm gì - To request the right or approval to do something.

Eg: I asked for permission to take a day off.

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Have/ask for/get permission from sb to do

Xin phép làm gì từ ai đó - To obtain or request the right to do something.

Eg: We need to get permission from the city council to start construction.

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Do sth on purpose

Cố ý làm gì - To do something intentionally.

Eg: He spilled the coffee on purpose just to annoy her.

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Purpose of sth

Mục đích của việc gì - The reason for doing something.

Eg: The purpose of the meeting is to discuss future plans.

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Reason why

Lý do tại sao - The cause or explanation of something.

Eg: The reason why he left the company is still unclear.

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Reason for sth

Lý do cho vấn đề gì - A justification or explanation.

Eg: What’s the reason for your absence last week?

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Reason with sb

Cố gắng thuyết phục ai (by explaining why it is a good idea) + TO
The police reasoned with the hijackers to at least let the children go free.

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Have a solution

Có giải pháp

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Find a solution

Tìm giải pháp

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Think of a solution

Nghĩ ra giải pháp

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Work out a solution

Tìm được giải pháp

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Come up with a solution

Suy nghĩ ra được giải pháp
Eg: We need to come up with a solution to this issue before the deadline.

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Figure out a solution

Tìm ra được giải pháp

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Do wrong

Làm điều xấu, điều sai - To act dishonestly or immorally.

Eg: He knew he had done wrong, but he refused to admit it.

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Do the wrong thing

Làm điều sai - To make a poor or unethical choice.

Eg: He did the wrong thing by lying to his boss.

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The wrong thing to do

Đó là điều sai để làm - Something inappropriate or incorrect to do.

Leaving without saying goodbye was the wrong thing to do.

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go wrong

to make a mistake or a bad decision:

If you just follow the signs to the park, you can’t go wrong.

If a situation goes wrong, there are problems or there is a bad result:

I was so worried that something had gone wrong that I called the police.

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The wrong way up

lộn ngược /upside down
The painting was hung the wrong way up.
- You're holding the book the wrong way up.

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Accuse sb of sth/doing

Cáo buộc ai đó tội gì đó

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Arrest sb for sth/doing

Bắt giữ ai đó vì tội gì đó

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Charge sb with sth

xử phạt ai đó vì TỘI gì đó
She is charged with murdering her husband.
The paper charged her with using the company's money for her own purposes.

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Claim to be/do

Đòi hỏi/yêu cầu để làm gì đó - to state something as true, often without evidence or proof, or to assert that you are something or have done something.


Claim to be:He claims to be an expert in digital marketing, but no one has ever seen his work.

Claim to do:The company claims to provide the best customer service, but reviews suggest otherwise.

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Claim that

used when someone states that something is true, often without providing evidence or proof.
Eg; The company claims (that) it is not responsible for the pollution in the river.
- She claims that she saw a UFO last night, but no one else witnessed it.

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Deny sth/doing

Phủ nhận làm gì đó - used when someone states that something is not true or refuses to admit they have done something.

Eg: Deny something:He denied the accusation.

Deny doing:She denied breaking the vase.

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