The two main events, movements, and a cause/effect per century of AP Euro. Also art & political movements!
Circa-1450 Art Movement
The Renaissance
Event in 1492
Columbus voyages to the New World
1400’s Intellectual Movements
Italian Humanism and Christian Humanism
1400’s Theme
Exploration and discovery
Late 1400’s - Early 1500’s Politics
New Monarchs
Cause of events in the 1400’s
The end of the Middle Ages
Effects of events in the 1400’s
the Columbian Exchange
1500’s Politics
Early 1500’s: New Monarchs, then shifted to Politiques
1517 Religious Event
Luther posts his 95 Theses
1500s Religious Movement
The Protestant Reformation
1555 Treaty
The Peace of Augsburg
1548 Edict
The Edict of Nantes
Religious and Political Theme of the 1500’s
Religious tolerance
Causes of events in the 1500’s
The printing press and growth of vernacular literature
Effects of events in the 1500’s
Religious conflicts and absolutism
Politics of the 1600’s (most of Europe)
Politics of the 1600’s (England)
Civil War, Glorious Revolution and a Constitutional Monarchy
1648 Treaty
The Peace of Westphalia (end of the 30 Year’s War)
Religious and Political Movement of the 1600’s
Religious Warfare
Scientific Revelations of the 1600’s
Newtonian Physics and the Heliocentric Theory
Scientific movement during the 1600’s
the Scientific Revolution
Causes for war in 1600’s
the Protestant Reformation and conflict between new Christian sects
Effects of scientific development in the 1600’s
the Industrial Revolution and the Enlightenment
Politics of the 1700’s
Absolutism into Enlightened Absolutism, then experimentation in democracy
Significant Economic System, 1776
Series of advancements throughout the 1700’s
Agricultural Revolution, Cottage Industry, Industrial Revolution
Theme of the 1700’s
Technological advancement and change
Causes of Industry Changes in the 1700’s
The Scientific Revolution and the printing press spreading information
1700’s - Intellectual Changes and what they led to
The Enlightenment, leading to the 1789 French Revolution
1700’s Political Movement
Liberalism and experimentation in democracy
Effect of 1700’s Political Changes
Napoleon Bonaparte
Politics of the 1800’s
Napoleon (took over most of Europe), Empires
1815 Event
The Congress of Vienna, kicks out Napoleon
Theme following the events of 1815
the Age of Conservatism/Metternich
Cause of 1815 Political Movement
Napoleon Bonaparte (cause)
1848 Events
The 1848 Liberal Revolutions fail
1870 Events
Unification of Italy and Germany
Theme of the 1800’s
the isms, especially nationalism
Effects of the 1800’s
Chaos- Imperialism, Nationalism, War (Aggressive Nationalism)
1900’s Politic Systems (in order)
Empire, Democracy-ish, Fascism, Totalitarianism, Communism, Democracy, Democratic Socialism
World War I
Movements following WWI
War, nationalism, inter-war period and age of anxiety, New Physics, Existentialism
Causes of WWI
MAIN-A: Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism, Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
End of WWII and beginning of the Cold War
Movements Following WWII
Decolonization, second wave feminism, and nukes
Effects of the World Wars
Technological Revolution of the 1990’s