What are totipotent cells?
Cells that can develop into any cell type in the body, including the placenta.
Where are totipotent cells found?
In the very early embryo, up to the 8-cell stage
What are pluripotent cells?
Cells that can develop into any of the three primary germ layers.
Where are pluripotent cells found?
In the inner cell mass of the blastocyst.
What are multipotent cells?
Cells that can develop into a limited number of related cell types.
What is the ectoderm?
The outermost germ layer that gives rise to skin, nervous system, and sense organs.
What are unipotent cells?
Cells that can only develop into one specific cell type.
What is the mesoderm?
The middle germ layer that gives rise to muscle, bone, blood, and internal organs.
What is the endoderm?
The innermost germ layer that gives rise to the lining of the digestive system and respiratory system
Which cell type gives rise to the three germ layers?
Pluripotent cells.
What is external fertilization?
Fertilization that occurs outside the body of the female, typically in water.
What are some examples of animals that use external fertilization?
Fish and amphibians
What are the advantages of external fertilization?
It can be efficient in aquatic environments and requires less energy investment per offspring.
What are the disadvantages of external fertilization?
It requires the release of many eggs and sperm, and embryos are vulnerable to predation.
What is internal fertilization?
Fertilization that occurs inside the body of the female.
What are some examples of animals that use internal fertilization?
Mammals, birds, reptiles.
What are the advantages of internal fertilization?
: It offers a protected environment for the embryo and often involves more parental care.
What are the disadvantages of internal fertilization?
It can be more complex and energy-intensive
What is oviparity?
Animals lay eggs.
What is viviparity?
Animals give birth to live young.
What is ovoviviparity?
Animals develop within eggs inside the female's body, but are born live.