Environmental Science
AP Environmental Science
Size (N)
total # of individuals in a given area at a given time
larger size (N)
safer from population decline
number of individuals/area
Higher density
higher competition, possibility for disease outbreak, possibility of depleting food source
how individuals in a population are spaced out compared to each other
random: trees
uniform: territorial animals
clumped: herd/group animals
Sex Ratio
ratio of males to females
closer to 50:50 ideal for breeding
die off or bottleneck effect can lead to to skewed sex ratio (not enough females) limiting pop. growth
factors that influence population growth based on size
competition for habitat
All these things limit population growth based on their size
Density-Independent Factors
factors that influence population growth independence of their size.
natural disasters
hurricane tornado
It doesn’t matter how big or small a pop. is, natural disasters limit them both
Ex. of Density-Dependent Factor
Food is a density dependent factor. (also a limiting resource)
When twice as much food was added to the dish, both species increased carrying capacity by about 2x
Biotic Potential
Max potential growth rate with no limiting resources
May occur initially, but limiting resources (competition, food, disease, predators) slow growth, & eventually limit pop. to carrying capacity (k)
Biotic potential
exponential growth
Logistic growth
initial rapid growth, then limiting factors limit pop. to K