Population Growth and Resource Availability (3.5)

Size (N)

  • total # of individuals  in a given area at a given time
  • larger size (N)
  • safer from population decline


  • number of individuals/area
    • Higher density
    • higher competition, possibility for disease outbreak, possibility of depleting food source


  • how individuals in a population are spaced out compared to each other
    • random: trees
    • uniform: territorial animals
    • clumped: herd/group animals

Sex Ratio

  • ratio of males to females
    • closer to 50:50 ideal for breeding
    • die off or bottleneck effect can lead to to skewed sex ratio (not enough females) limiting pop. growth


  • factors that influence population growth based on size
  • Examples
    • food
    • light
    • competition for habitat
    • water
    • disease
  • All these things limit population growth based on their size

Density-Independent Factors

  • factors that influence population growth independence of their size.
  • examples
    • natural disasters
    • floods
    • hurricane tornado
    • fire
  • It doesn’t matter how big or small a pop. is, natural disasters limit them both

Ex. of Density-Dependent Factor

  • Food is a density dependent factor. (also a limiting resource)

  • When twice as much food was added to the dish, both species increased carrying capacity by about 2x

  • Biotic Potential

  • Max potential growth rate with no limiting resources

  • May occur initially, but limiting resources (competition, food, disease, predators) slow growth, & eventually limit pop. to carrying capacity (k)

Biotic potential

  • exponential growth

Logistic growth

  • initial rapid growth, then limiting factors limit pop. to K

