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to clean up/arrange/organize
barrer el piso
to sweep the floor
cargar el lavaplatos
to load the dishwasher
colgar (ue)
to hang
cortar el césped
to mow the lawn
to take care of
darle de comer
to feed
descargar el lavaplatos
to unload the dishwasher
to weed
encender (ie)
to turn on
fregar (ie)
to scrub
ganar la propina
to earn allowance
hacer la cama
to make the bed
hacer el lavado
to do the wash
hacer las compras
to do the shopping
to clean
pagar las facturas
to pay the bills
pasar la aspiradora
to vacuum
pasar el trapo
to wipe with a rag
to iron
poner la mesa
to set the table
quitar la mesa
to clear the table
quitar el polvo
to dust
regar (ie) las flores
to water the flowers
sacar la basura
to take out the trash
sacudir (el polvo)
to shake off the dust
to mop