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Who was the Aztecs main god?
An eagle on a cactus with a snake in its talons
What did Huitilopotchtli tell the Aztecs to look for?
Northern Mexico
Where did the Aztecs live? (North, south east west)
150 years
How long did the Aztecs travel for when they were looking for their home?
What year did the Aztecs arrive in Mexico?
A swampy island in the middle of a lake
Where was the only place thenAztecs could find their home?
They were considered to be religious areas
What did the Aztecs like so much about mountains?
Protection from invaders and bad weather,
What was some of positives of living in a place surrounded by mountains?
Floods, caused a lack of rain
What was some problems of being surrounded by mountains?
What technology did they build to over come the problem of droughts and not getting enough water to the city?
What technology did they build to overcome the problem of floods?
Bridges the Aztecs built to connect their little island to the surrounding tribes
What is a causeway?
A floating island the Aztecs built around their island to give them more fertile land that was good for planting
What is a chinampa?
An earthy dam
What is a dike?
"objects from the past"
Their God Huitilopotchtli told them to look for an eagle on a cat us and they searched until they did
What belief led the Aztecs to build their home in Tenochtitlan?
Aztecs, Controlled
_______________ believed that the gods _______________ every bit of their life
F, codices used pictures, The Aztecs had no written language
T or F, the Aztecs had a written language in the form of codices
Sacred , solar
What were the Aztecs two kinds of calendars?
Because they believed to keep their gods healthy they needed to be fed blood
Why did the Aztecs believe it was necessary to have human sacrifice?
New fire
What was the ceremony about the sun called?
The centre of the city
Where was the Great temple located
What 2 aspects about themselves were the Aztecs very proud of?
To get foreign goods and goods
Why did the Aztecs trade if they were such good farmers?
The practice of charging another group taxes
An Aztec book that recorded events an information
Calender about the universe
Solar Calender
Calender about the gods
Sacred Calender
Their clothing
What gave a clear idea of what position an Aztec citizen is in?
Groups made up of people from the same family or occupation
What was a calpolli
To create loyal citizens
What was the main goal of Aztec education
Work, Aztec
Slaves had their chance to __________ their way out of slavery so some considered __________ slavery was not as bad as other cultures
By achieving great success on the battlefield, by capturing many sacrificial victims
What was one way an Aztec man could work their way up in society?
Who had to obey the laws
T or F, Aztec society did not have prisons so instead the victims were sentenced to skavery
You have to do community services to help repair the harm done by your crime
What was restorative Justice
Pay the time for your crime, go to jail for a decided time determined by the harshness of your crime
What was retributive justice
The Christian taking back of Spain from the muslims
What was the reconqeusta
The Spanish Inquisition
What happened after the reconqeusta
The king and queen tortured all non Christians that they found in Spain
What was the Spanish inquisition
Become wealthy enough to live in luxury
To be famous
Gain land
Why did the Spanish conquer the Aztecs
Needed to convert them to Christianity
That they are not the only ones attacking the Americas
They said only a few Spanish did bad things so not all Spanish should be responsible
How did the Spanish defend their actions against the aztecs
Religion, desire to expand, desire to trade, social classes
What are some similarities between the Spanish and aztecs
Language and customs, Spanish tech, Aztec human sacrifices
What are some differences between the Spanish and aztecs
Because the Aztecs made them pay tribute
Why did all the surrounding tribes willinglee help the Spanish?
Mandatory military service
Define conscription
Everyone has the oppurtunitys
Gets everyone stronger
Always have a army
What are 3 positives to having mandatory military service?
Some might be disabled
Give someone PTSD
Risking family members when they might not want to
What are 3 negatives to having mandatory military service?
San Francisco
Where is Alcatraz located?
African tribemen
Who won the "most deadliest warrior" episode?
Geography controls everything
What did the Spanish qoute "La geographia manda" mean?
What religion did most Spanish follow
They built many building to give a national identity and many people converted to Muslim faith
What happened when the Muslims attacked and took over?
Where was the first university created?
They lost most of their gold and silver
What happened in Spain in 1492?
Noble, taxes
A ______________ is a person who owned the land and took ____________ from the people who lived on their land
Loyalty. Faith and gold
Military success. Fairness
What aspects of a knight are thought to be as good traits to have
Fiery serpent
What did the Aztecs call a comet?
What were the 2 main classes of people in the Aztec society?
Who is at the top of the Aztec hierarchy
T or F only someone who was born as a noble can be a noble
Being narrowminded
What's Eurocentrism
Someone who is one the inside, could speak many languages
He wanted to be famous and rich
Why did Cortes want Mexico?
War club
Wooden spear
Atlati, spear thrower
What are two Aztec weapons
What are two Spanish weapons
An open feild
Where did the Spanish prefer to fight
What disease killed most the Aztecs?
What year did it start and end?
Sit back and wait and offer Cortes gifts
What did Moctezuma choose to do?
Burn the palace,
Place Moctezuma under house arrest
Forced Moctezuma to make himself a Spanish role
What was one thing the Spanish did when they finally attacked the Aztecs?
The encomienda system
A Spanish system where Spanish settlers are giving land grants when they arrive in a colony
Seigneurial system
What was the encomienda system like?
To show their colonists the Aztecs had no religion, to show power, to be Catholic
Why did the Spanish destroy all Aztec, religious things
Mexico taxes
___________ became independent in 1821 because they didn't want to have to pay __________
What year did the Spanish invade
Horses. Allies
Battle on open ground. Weapons
What strategies helped the Spanish win the war
They were surprised because they had never seen him pay anyone so much respect
What happened when the Aztecs saw Cortes kiss the hems of the robes?
Marry, encomienda
What two policies did Cortes place?
King Carlos, because he thought Cortes was to good
Who took the governship away from Cortes and why?
A Mexican artist who showcased many Mexican times
Who was Frida kahlo