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obscure (adjective)
unclear; clouded; partially hidden; hard to understand
subtle (adjective)
not obvious
discern (verb)
to distinguish one thing from another
hypocritical (adjective)
disdain (noun)
contempt; intense dislike
indifferent (adjective)
not caring one way or the other; lacking a preference, neutral
apathy (noun)
lack of emotion or interest
ambiguous (adjective)
unclear in meaning
impartial (adjective)
unbiased; neutral
objective (adjective)
without bias (as opposed to subjective)
revere (verb)
to worship; to honor (think of a reverend)
discriminate (verb)
to differentiate; to make a clear distinction; to see the difference
denounce (verb)
to speak out against; to condemn
innovate (verb)
to be creative; to introduce something new
relevant (adjective)
important; pertinent
candid (adjective)
honest; frank
abstract (adjective)
theoretical; lacking substance (the opposite of concrete)
temper (verb)
to moderate; to soften
enigma (noun)
inevitable (adjective)
unavoidable; bound to happen
eccentric (adjective)
odd; unusual; quirky
provincial (adjective)
narrow-minded; unsophisticated
futile (adjective)
hopeless; without effect
diverse (adjective)
benevolent (adjective)
kind; good-hearted; generous
pious (adjective)
deeply religious
conciliate (verb)
to soothe; to end a dispute; to reconcile
resignation (noun)
acceptance of the situation (secondary meaning)
resolution (noun)
determination (also, the solution of a problem)
servile (adjective)
overly submissive; cringing; like a servant
acute (adjective)
sharp; intelligent
reticent (adjective)
restrained; uncommunicative
anarchy (noun)
lack of government; chaos
virulent (adjective)
very harmful (like a virus)
scrutinize (verb)
to examine closely
discord (noun)
disagreement (the opposite of concord)
repudiate (verb)
to reject; to deny
diligent (adjective)
hard working
superficial (adjective)
on the surface; shallow
contempt (noun)
reproachful disdain
lucid (adjective)
clear; easy to understand
aesthetic (adjective)
having to do with art or beauty (not to be confused with ascetic)
prodigal (adjective)
extravagant; wasteful
augment (verb)
to add to; to increase; to make bigger
assess (verb)
to estimate the value of; to measure
complacent (adjective)
smug; self-satisfied
eloquent (adjective)
fluent and graceful in speech
guile (noun)
cunning; deceitfulness
trivial (adjective)
squander (verb)
to waste
incessant (adjective)
unceasing; never-ending
laud (verb)
to praise
deter (verb)
to prevent; to stop; to keep from doing something
redundant (adjective)
repetitive; extra; unnecessary
infamous (adjective)
famous in a bad way; famous for being bad
provocative (adjective)
exciting; attracting attention
depravity (noun)
moral corruption
gravity (noun)
seriousness (secondary meaning)
banal (adjective)
common; dull; ordinary
extol (verb)
to praise
euphony (noun)
pleasant sound (the opposite of cacophony)
deride (verb)
to ridicule; to make fun of
insipid (adjective)
bland; boring; stupid
austere (adjective)
severe; without frills
expedite (verb)
to make faster or easier
heresy (noun)
an opinion violently opposed to established beliefs
novel (adjective)
new; unusual
philanthropy (noun)
love of humankind; donation to charity
tentative (adjective)
not final
deference (noun)
a show of respect
vacillate (verb)
to waver between choices
fervor (noun)
dispassionate (adjective)
without passion; objective; neutral
pragmatic (adjective)
rigor (noun)
strength; diligence; throroughness
solemn (adjective)
serious; grave
alleviate (verb)
to lessen something bad
negligence (noun)
conspicuous (adjective)
easily seen; out in the open
advocate (verb)
to speak in favor of; to support
ascetic (adjective)
without luxuries; austere
profound (adjective)
deep; insightful (the opposite of superficial)
dogmatic (adjective)
stubbornly opinionated
condone (verb)
to forgive; to overlook
dissent (noun)
voluntary (adjective)
willing; unforced
didactic (adjective)
instructive; intended to instruct
disparity (noun)
disparage (verb)
to speak badly of
ephemeral (adjective)
short-lived; fleeting; not lasting
comply (verb)
to go along with; to obey
prosaic (adjective)
uninspired; dull; banal
profuse (adjective)
fastidious (adjective)
finicky; overly critical
maudlin (adjective)
sentimental in a weak, silly way
belligerent (adjective)
argumentative; combative
astute (adjective)
perceptive; intelligent
languid (adjective)
slow; tired
censure (verb)
to blame; to criticize (not to be confused with censor)