Scheele et al (2012)- the role of oxytocin in fidelity

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To investigate how oxytocin modulates social distance between men and women.

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the researchers studied 36 hetrosexual men. Some were single men and others in stable monogamous relationships.

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A double blind independent measures design was used. The researcher administered wither oxytocin or a placebo intranasally.

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procedure (task 1)

Stop distance paradigm
Participants were positioned at one end of the room with toes on the mark on the floor, while an attractive female researcher stood on the other side of the room . The participant was then required to slowly move towards the female experimenter and stop at the distance that made him feel slightly uncomfortable. Care was taken to ensure the experimenter didn’t change in appearance over all the trials.

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Procedure task 2

Approach avoidance task
Participants viewed pictutres on a screen with their head positioned on a chin rest while viewing a picture at the distance of 50cm. Pictures were flashed for 2 seconds each
4 pictures were shown in random order: Positive social (attractive women), positive non social (beautiful landscapes), negative social (mutilations), Negative non social (dirt)
All the participants were asked to pull the lever or push the level if they liked or disliked the image (respectively), if they liked they saw they pulled the joystick and the image was enlarged, if they disliked what they say the pushed the lever which then diminished. In this way avoidance and approach was simulated.

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Results+ conclusion (task 1)

The first task showed that oxytocin sttimulated men in monogamous relationships, but not in single ones, tend to keep a greater distance between themselves and the attractive woman. It was concluded that oxytocin caused men in relationships to stay away from attractive women who were not their partners.

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results+ conclusion (task 2)

Results of the second task showed that the only group of pictures affected by oxytocin were the positive social group (attractive women). Specifically the participants who were in a relationship had a slower reaction time (that is pulled the lever more reluctantly) in response to the image,
It was concluded that oxytocin selectively inhibits approach to certain stimuli- attractive women- in men who are in a stable relationship, but not single men

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from the results , it is seen that oxytocin may promote fidelity by selectively influencing men in a relationship to keep a greater distance from unknown attractive women.

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Evaluation (stregnths)

Clear research question and hypothesis
Used a rigourous design with double blind independent measures design
Well established method for measuring social distance (stop distance test)
the studies finding were statistically significant

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Evaluation (limitations)

small sample size (86 participant)
Gender bias- only included heterosexual men
Reductionist approach- did not assess other potential factors that could have influenced social distance, such as personalioty traits or cognitive appraisals.
Setting- lab setting, which may not be representative of real world social interactions.

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Implications for future research

Future research shoul


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