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Price elasticity of supply
Responsiveness of supply to a change in price
Inelastic supply
Change in price results in a proportionately smaller change in the quantity supplied (price inelastic
Elastic supply
Change in price results in a proportionately greater change in the quantity supplied (price elasticity)
Calculating the value of price elasticity of supply
Price elasticity of supply = percentage change in quantity supplied
Percentage change in price
Interpreting the value of price elasticity of supply
PES is less than 1 : supply is inelastic
PES is greater than 1 : supply is elastic
PES = 0 : supply is perfectly inelastic
PES = ♾: supply is perfectly elastic
PES = 1 : supply is unitary elasticity
Perfectly elastic (supply)
Where PES = ♾(producers will supply an infinite amount at the given price)
Perfectly inelastic (supply)
Where PES = 0 ( the quantity supplied is fixed and cannot be adjusted whatever the price)
Unitary elasticity (supply)
Where PES = 1 (a change in price will be matched by an identical change in the quantity supplied)
Price elasticity and the slope of the supply curve
vertical (perfectly inelastic supply curve) which means that a price change will not affect the quantity supplied at all.
Horizontal (perfectly elastic supply curve) which means that producers are prepared to supply any amount at a given price
Straight line supply curve that passes through the origin (price elasticity equal to 1) which mean’s the percentage change in price is always the same as edge percentage change in quantity supplied.
Factors influencing PES
Factors of production
Supply will be elastic if producers have access to the factors of production and if they are mobile.
Supply will be inelastic if such resources are less mobile
Availability of stocks
Supply will be elastic if producers can hold stocks of goods can respond quickly to price change.
Supply will be inelastic where it is impossible or expensive to hold stocks. For example, perishable goods such as fruits and vegetables.
Spare capacity
Supply will be more elastic if producers have spare capacity because with spare capacity, producers are able to sauce more with their resources
Supply will be inelastic if firms are running at full capacity because output cannot be increased at short notice.
Is they are given more time, they can build a bigger factory and buy more machinery
The spies with which producers can react to price change in the market can affect PES.
Supply will be elastic, the more time produces have to react to price change,
Supply will be inelastic, because it is not possible to increase supply quickly due to production limitations.
PES for manufactured and primary products
Goods that can be produced quickly out are likely to have elastic supply because modern manufacture are quite flexible and can adjust production levels at short notice
Primary goods such as agricultural goods can result in supply to be inflation because it takes time for it to grow or find (gold and diamonds) . Production can be expensive and time consuming.