For Professor Garmon's AMST 100 Final. Miscellaneous terms regarding things from the 1800s.
Aristocratic Culture
Defined by patronage, tradition, status, hierarchy, and trust in expertise. Very hierarchical in nature, privileged, and more community focused
Democratic Culture
Defined by equality, social mobility, and individualism. Based on independence, and the idea that you can make it on your own
A great mistake or regret in life, Ben Franklin has 4.
The Erie Canal
363 miles long, connected NYC to the Great Lakes, leads to economic growth and migration
Universal Education
Northern idea in education reform that both boys and girls should be educated in reading, writing, and arithmetic
Tariff of Abominations
Tariff proposed by John C. Calhoun that was ridiculously high (60%), in an attempt to make John Quincy Adams (sitting president) look bad
Yeoman Farmers
Small farmers who did not own slaves, but owned their own land. Embodied ideals of independence and working for themselves
Industrial Revolution
Rise of big business, also had rising living standards and inequality. Farmers lobbied for regulation of industry and keeping businesses small
Brooks v. Sumner (1856)
Preston Brooks fractures Charles Sumner’s skull on the floor of the Senate