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Identify and explain the significance of cultural change and continuity brought about by nomadic empires between 1000 – 1450 c.e. Be specific with your
examples. (Pt 1)
Nomadic empires like the Mongols revitalized trade on the Silk Road by encouraging the exchange of technology, science, and art. For example, the Mongols encouraged paper-making and administration from China to the Middle East and Europe while also maintaining their pastoralistic lifestyles.
Identify and explain how the Mongol Empire supported the technological
transfers that took place from 1000 to 1450 c.e. Be specific with your examples
(what was traded, to whom, and from whom).
Mongol invaders learned about gunpowder for Chinese militia and incorporated gunpwdr into it, spreading from China throughout Eurasia.
Identify and explain how architecture in sub-Saharan Africa prior to 1500
reflected political, economic, or cultural forces of that time and place. Be specific
with your examples.
Ghana’s capital and principal trading site was Koumbi-Saleh, which was a flourishing site of stone with mosques and Muslim scholars. This reflects the cultural forces of the Trans-Saharan camel caravans that brought Islam to West Africa.
Identify and explain how religious conversion to Islam and Christianity affected
sub-Saharan Africa prior to 1500. Be specific with your examples.
Conversion to Islam in West Africa led to greater integration with the trans-Saharan trade network, for example in the Mali Empire, where Islam shaped governance and education. Christianity in Ethiopia reinforced the political authority of the monarchy and contributed to a unique Christian identity in the Horn of Africa.
Compare and contrast how states in Western Europe consolidated power. Use
specific examples with one similarity and one difference (you may use different
states for your comparison and contrast).
Both England and France consolidated power through centralization. Still, while England relied on a strong legal system (e.g., Magna Carta), France achieved centralization through royal control of land and military force. A commonality was the growing authority of monarchs over local nobles.
Compare and contrast how the Byzantine Empire maintained political power
with that of the Holy Roman Empire.
Byz: Relied on the theme system which kept a centralized rule
HRE: Relied on the Feudal system which essentially was more of a decentralized rule because of the constant power struggle between dukes and popes.
Evaluate the role of religion and society in the Inca state. Be specific.
Religion legitimized the Inca’s divine status since they believed that the ruler was a descendant of the sun god and looked at him as a god-king.
Evaluate the role of religion and society in the Aztec state. Be specific.
The role of religion was essential in the Aztec society. They believed performing rituals especially human sacrifices was crucial to maintaining cosmic order. The government of the Aztec society was also deeply rooted in religion where sacrifices in Temple Mayor showed the connection between political power and religious practices.
Explain an effect of the Black Death on Afro-Eurasia. Be specific.
killed 25-30 million people in Europe
caused a reduction in workers and workers demanded more pay
Explain an effect of Marco Polo or Ibn Battuta’s travels. Be specific.
Marco Polo’s stories of his travels from Asia sparked Europeans’ interest in the East. Ibn Battuta with his legal expertise advised Muslim rulers helped promote Islamic rule and actively shaped politics in regions like Southeast Asia.
Identify and explain how Europeans were able to use knowledge of wind
patterns to expand overseas.
The Portuguese mariners used the strategy, of volta do mar, which allowed them to safely, fast, and reliably, travel to the East, South, and eventually, the Indian Ocean instead of going against the trade winds.
Identify and explain the significance of importing one native American plant or
animal to Afro-Eurasia in the Columbian Exchange.
The introduction of Maize (corn) to Afro-Eurasia led to an increase in population due to its calorie-rich value. Maize also led to agricultural surplus because of its ability to grow in different soils and climates.
Identify and explain the significance of importing one native Afro-Eurasian plant
or animal to the Americas in the Columbian Exchange.
Meat-yielding animals like horses created an increased supply of food and animal energy (Transportation, warfare).