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independent group design
manipulated independent variable; random assignment to create equivalent groups
matched group design
manipulated independent variable, matching to produce equivalent groups
ex post facto designs
Subject variable as an independent variable, Deliberate attempts to select participants to reduce nonequivalence
repeated measures design
stroop; used reverse counterbalancing, manipulated independent variable, all subjects participate in all levels of the independent variable
using two levels of independent variable
ability to discover nonlinear effects, ability to rule out alternative explanations
when to use bar graph
independent group design; categorical or discrete data
when to use line graph
nonlinear results; continuous data
ebbinghaus memory research
The Forgetting Curve: Memory declines rapidly at first, then levels off over time, demonstrating a nonlinear effect best illustrated using a line graph rather than a bar graph.
within-subjects, multi-level design
t-test for independent samples
independent group design, nonequivalent groups design
t-test for dependent samples
matched groups design, repeated measures design
multiple t-tests
don’t use, increase chance of type 1 error
one-way anova for repeated measures
multilevel matched group designs, multilevel repeated measures
one-factor anova
multilevel independent groups, multilevel ex post facto designs
post hoc test
help to identify which specific group means differ from each other.