Hormones theory

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what are hormones

Chemical messengers that affect behaviour.

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How are hormones different from neurotransmitters

Unlike neurotransmitters hormones are not released by the terminal buttons of a neuron, but instead secreted by glands in the endocrine system.
They are also released into the blood stream wheras neurotransmission is communication along nerve cells. The implication of this is that hormones can reach places that the nervous systemdoesn’t cover because the network of blood vessels is more elaborate.
The nervous system regulates relatively rapid processes (movement, emotion, descisions, and so on) Hormones can regulate/ control behaviour that is long term such as growth, metabolism, digestions and reproduction.
The degree of neural regulation is higher than over hormonal regulation (for example; you can emotions to an extent, whereas your control over growth is negligible)

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The nervous and endocrine system are

interdependent. The 2 systems interact and to some extent can influence one another. Also, some chemicals may be both neurotransmitters and hormones, for example, adrenaline.

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Glands in the endocrine system

the endocrine system contains many glands responsible for the secretion of hormones like the adrenal glands, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal glands, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, ovaries, pancreas and testes. (Oxytocin is produced in the hypothalamus and is secreted into the bloodstream by the posterior pituitary gland)

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Hormones can only produce reactions in what cells

Hormones can only produce reactions in certain cells known as target cells- that have an appropriate receptor site for that hormone.
When the hormone binds to the target cell it wither increases or decreases the function.

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hormone examples

oxytocin, cortisol, noradrenaline, testosterone, estrogen, adrenaline, insulin etc

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what is oxytocin produced by

produced by the hypothalamus and released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland.

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what does oxytocin play a role in

sexual reproduction, child birth, and social bonding.

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what is oxytocin also known as

the love hormone, bonding hormine and cuddling chemical

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examples of oxytocin release

during breast feeding oxytocin is released into the blood stream and this creates a strong bond between mother and son. It is also released during kissing and hugging.

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introduction paragraphs - birth (from ppt)- oxytocin

It has been long known that oxytocin hormone is released during labor and facilitates birth., breastfeeding and initiation of maternal behaviour. Researchers have also investigated the role of oxytocin in pair bonding and social behaviour such as trust.

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introduction paragraphs - trust (from ppt)- oxytocin

trust is an important social tool that allows humans to form meaningful productive and proffesional relationships at a personal and proffesional level. However bonds of trust are fragile. They can be broken by a single betrayal, affair or gossip.

trust is also important in professional relationships or buisness. Researchers such as Baumgarter are interested in how it may influence economics.

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