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Dispositional attributions
are internal, for ex: a person’s intelligence, attitude, or personality
Situational attributions
are external , environmental factors that impact an individual, such as the weather, or world events
Attribution Theory
explains how people interpret and explain the causes of behaviors, this theory helps us recognize our own thought processes, highlights the important of internal and external factors, and also shed light on our own bias
Self-serving bias
When we succeed we attribute that success to our internal factors and when we fail we attribute our failure to external factors
Actor-observer Bias
When we use situational attribution to explain our own actions but use dispositional attribution to explain someone else’s actions
Fundamental Attribution Error
the tendency to overemphasize internal factors when judging other’s behaviors, while underestimating the importance of situational factors
Explanatory Style
the way an individual explains or rationalizes different events or situations in life
Optimistic Explanatory Style
Tends to explain bad events as temporary problems, putting the blame or focus on external factors that are outside of an individual’s control, so situational attributions
Pessimistic Explanatory Style
Tends to explain bad events as something that is more permanent, putting the blame on internal factors that end up impacting the individual, so dispositional attributes
Locus of control
is about who or what an individual believes has power over the events in their life
External Locus of control
Feel like outside factors, or situational factors are what determine the outcome of different events in their lives
Internal Locus of control
when an individual believes their actions directly affect what happens to them
Person Perception
is all about how an individual forms impressions of other people and sometimes even themselves
Mere exposure effect
When an individual is repeatedly exposed to stimulus resulting in the individual to like the stimulus more and more overtime
Self-fulfilling prophecy
when a person’s expectations influence their behavior in a way that causes those expectations to come true
Social comparison
Constantly evaluate ourselves by comparing our circumstances, skills, abilities, and internal characteristics to other people
Upward social comparison
when an individual compares themselves to someone they believe is better off
Downward social comparison
when an individual compares themselves to someone they believe are worse off
Relative Deprivation
the feeling that an individual is missing out on resources, opportunities, or are generally worse off then others
Reference group
the people you are comparing yourself to