evelyn- 235, margo- 140, mackenize- 175, nidhi-215, bailey- 134
renaissance (14th-17th century)
scientific revolution (1500-1700)
end of serdom
end of slave trade
poor people still have terrible conditions in cities
revolutions throughtout the world bc ppl questioning things
further weakend the influence of organized religon
more religous tolerance (no mroe catholic v protestant fighting)
called for more secular views
idea that people were bo inhertenyl good and that people were a blank slate at birth
believed in a socail contract or the idea that the government has to serve the people in order to continue existings
wrote wealth of nations
said that economy should be laissez-faire or that the gov should not regulate the economy
attacked the roman catholic church and french monarchy
argued for individual freedom and attacked any institution hat approved of intolerant or oppressive polices
said that people allowed the government to exist to protect private property
government should carry out the gerneral will of the people
wrote vindiction of the rights of women
one fo the major voices of the first feminist movement
agued that women shuld recieve same education as men to prepare women to participate in political and professional society
lack of representation (bourguesie upset)
lack of food (peasants upset)
high taxes (both upset)
1st estate- clergy
2nd estate- aristocracy/nobility
3rd estate- everyone else, bourgeosie, artisans, merchants, peasants, 99% of the population
very stupid
could barely speak french
didnt care for ruling
just wanted to play
terrible at ruling
easy to influence
married to marie antonettie
Louis’ wife
just wanted his love
so out of touch with society
never said the cake thing
make the committe of public safety to keep the people safe
made a secret police so anyone who sai anything about the governement was reported and killed, couldnt trust anyone
tried to make a whole new calendar completely removed from the church so people are more loyal to the government, doesnt work
reign of terror
part of the coup d’etat
crowns himself emperor of france (church less power)
everyone lets him bc so desperate for stability
whites (abt 40,000)
gen de couler (abt 28,000)
slaves (abt 500,000)
led the slave revolution
basically in charge
didnt declare independence so they dont have to deal with napoleon