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Process of finding and collecting folklore as it is performed.
The assumption of responsibility for a demonstration of communicative competence in front of an audience.
The environment in which folklore is performed.
Components of Context
Types of Context
Induced Natural
Natural Context
Determined by the performers
Induced Context
Determined by the collectors.
Induced Natural Context
The collector’s attempt to reproduce the natural context.
Differences that occur between folkloric practices because of the need for new creative acts.
No required to meet a set of expectations regarding decorum. Not set in stone. Not controlled by an institution.
Like or related to folklore.
Like or related to the study of folklore.
Native Category
A label or class devised by the performers. AKA emic.
Academic Category
A label or class devised by outsiders, collectors.
Fine Art
Not folklore.
Has an original from which copies draw authenticity.
A category formulated by looking large number of members or potential members of a class and arriving at a set of criteria that categorize that category.
A category formulated by starting with a general premise and eliminating those members that don’t fit the preconceived definition.
A fictional, prose narrative transmitted in oral tradition.
Fairy Tale
A fictional narrative based on or resembling a folktale structure, theme or character.
Recurring structural element of a narrative that persists in tradition and is distributed across international boundaries.
Tale Type
Recurring set of motifs that constitutes a developed and self sufficient plot.
A narrative or kernel of a narrative set in recent past, the truth of which is subject to debate.
A sacred narrative set in primordial past featuring gods and monsters that recounts the origin of the cosmos and humanity’s place in it.
The entire body of myths told by a group of people.
Folk Belief
Conscious or unconscious assumptions related to cause and effect held informally by members of a folk group.
A behaviour or object thought to deter bad luck and evil.
A sense of what is beautiful, taste.
Folk Music
Songs originating and perpetuated in oral tradition that are performed a capella or with acoustic instruments, generally reflecting a rural or local way of life.
An intentionally humorous statement consisting of a set-up that creates an expectation in the audience’s mind and a punchline that undermines that expectation in an appropriately incongruous way.
Appropriate Incongruity
The perception of a relationship between categories ghat would ordinarily be regarded as unrelated.
Street Jokes
Intentionally humorous statements, circulating informally, that has no known origin.
An adjective describing knowledge and performances meant only for members of a specific folk group.
The job accomplished by or consequence of the performance of folklore.
Intentionally or unconsciously
The explicit and literal meaning of a word - what you would find in a dictionary.
The set of associations, feelings and implications evoked by a word or text that goes beyond its denotation.
Determined by personal experience
Essential Properties
Those aspects of a class/definition that are necessary for you to consider as a member of that category
Accidental Properties
Those aspects of a class/ definition that are possibly present but could be absent without reclassifying it.
A song performed to help someone fall asleep.
A short, indirect reference to another work.
The process of translating a work of art from one medium to another.
A retelling of a traditional story that features a protagonist or other character s or other characters from a current story.
A pastiche narrative that employs a fictional genre in characters from another genre are aware that they are dealing with elements of the fictional genre.
Performance Representation
The depictions of characters in the act of performing oral tradition.
Vernacular Web
Internet sites produced by local groups or individuals who are operating outside institutional control but employ institutional forces to create discourse that is participatory and commonly accessible.
Group of digital items sharing common characteristics of content, form, and/or stance, which were created with awareness of each other and were imitated and/or transformed.
Non standardized tradition with variation therefore folklore
Information memes convey about their own communication , or how the sender/creator positions themselves in relation to the communication itself and its receiver.
A verbal sequence that serves as a phrasal template in which some words of a phrase are replaced by different words during memetic transmission.
Folk Ideas
Traditional notions that a group of people have about he nature of humanity, the world, and of human life in the world.
The Mandela Effect
The realization that one’s memory does not match documented history and that others share that same alternate memory.
The attribution of memory slippage to an external force other than the human brain- often to the collision of multiple realities.
Twin Laws
Any new performance is always conserved. If always conservative it must always be innovative.
Anything that comes back from the dead
An investigation into and report on the basic elements of a subject of study