Industrial Fishing Techniques
Bottom trawling
A fishing method that involves dragging a large net along the sea floor, capturing a wide variety of marine life, often leading to habitat destruction and significant bycatch.
Long-line fishing
Fishing line with many hooks extending for long distances and allowed to drift. Leads to catching of many non target species (bycatch), ghost fishing (continues to catch even when untended)
Drift Nets/Gill Nets
Large nets stretching for miles and set out and allowed to drift (towed not credited). Consequences: Mesh size selectively depletes certain size/age class, catches many non target species (bycatch), ghost fishing (continues to catch in untended nets)
Purse Seines
A fishing method using large wall-like nets that encircle schools of fish, often used for catching tuna and sardines. This technique can lead to significant bycatch and depletion of target species.
A technology used in fishing to locate schools of fish underwater by emitting sound waves and analyzing the returning echoes. This method can lead to overfishing and disruption of marine ecosystems.It allows fishers to efficiently find and target fish populations, but can result in unsustainable fishing practices.