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When was the Revolution in thought?
is an economic policy…Wealth is power, key towealth is export more than import European countries competed for world power and needed colonies to provide necessary raw materials.
The Navigation Acts
acts of Parliament intended to promote the self-sufficiency of the British Empire by restricting colonial trade to England and decreasing dependence on foreign imported goods.
What led to The American Revolution?
-Early settlers disliked England
-America’s isolation and distance
-Weakened England’s authority
-Produced rugged and independent people
-Allowed Colonies to govern themselves
(made their own laws and taxes)
-Produced a new civilization and culture
What was the Battle of Lexington and Concord?
Massachusetts colonists defied British authority, outnumbered and outfought the Redcoats, and embarked on a lengthy war to earn their independence. American victory.
What was the colonies rule in British mercantalism?
provide raw materials (so mother country does not have to import from other nations) and markets for exports Favorable balance of trade for England. Americans helped British maintain naval supremacy by providing ships, ships’ stores, sailors, trade (enumerated commodities)Americans discouraged from buying these goods from othercountries
How did mercantalist polcies influence the Navigation Acts?
Goods bound for colonies had to go to England first for duties Colonists also not allowed to manufacture certain products to not compete with British
How well were the Navigation Acts implemented?
It was difficult for Great Britain to enforce these laws because of the distance. Colonists broke the law and smuggled and traded with other countries.
What were the perks of mercantalism?
VA/MD tobacco farmers guaranteed monopoly on English market. -Rights of Englishmen, but some self-government, no taxes to support army/navy to protect them.
-Until 1763, Navigation Laws were not a burden because laxly enforced (salutary neglect) Merchants disregarded or evaded restrictions, some got rich by smuggling (e.g. John Hancock) ———Average American better offeconomically than average English
What were the disadvantages of Mercantalism?
-stifiled econonmic initatives due to lack of freedom(strong central governments enforced mercantalism)
-South favored due to tobacco, sugar, and rice
-Parliament set up Board of Trade with Admiralty Courts. Took away the right of trial by jurry and were considered guilty until proven innocent.
Why did colonists hate mercantalism?
Most important, mercantilism was insulting: colonies felt they were beingmilked like cows, kept in economic adolescence.
What did the French do in 1608?
Colony established at Quebec by Samuel de Champlain
How were relations between the French and the Hurons?
-Friendly relations with Hurons
-French joined Hurons in battle against Iroquois Federation, who in future hampered French settlement/allies of British
Was New France democratic?
No, they were under direct rule of the king.
What major conflicts happened from 1688-1763?
4 world wars with England, France, Spain, all involving American colonists
What were the first two wars?
King William’s War and Queen Anne’s War: French, Indians, later Spain vs. England (colonials, no reg. troops on either side)
What treaty was passed in 1713 and what does it mean?
-Treaty of Utrecht showed English victory
-England given Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Hudson Bay
-Then there was a generatino oof peace, followed by statuotory neglect.
What war happened in 1739?
-War of Jenkins’s Ear, England vs. Spain
-Fought in Caribbean, Georgia
What were some more empire clashes?
Merged into larger King George’s War (Austrian Succession)
France allied with Spain
New England colonials capture Louisbourg fort
1748: Peace treaty gives Louisbourg back to French
Colonials mad at Old World diplomats
Waht caused the 7 years war?
Both parties fought for control of North America
What were some more causes of the French Indian War?
English-French rivalry worldwide would erupt into a world war.War begins over land disputes in the Ohio Valley England and the 13 Colonies fight together to defend their empire. British want part of fur trade and the 2 river openings into North America Against the French, Indian allies and Spanish George Washington starts this war
What event will Washington cause that will cause the French Indian war?
Along the way, Washington builds Fort Necessity. The fort falls to the French in a skirmish
What was the Albany plan and why was it contentious?
The Albany Plan of Union was a rejected plan to create a unified government for the Thirteen Colonies at the Albany Congress on July 10, 1754 in Albany, New York. The plan was suggested by Benjamin Franklin, then a senior leader and a delegate from Pennsylvania. -too much indepdent for America, to little control form the british
How did the British decide to elimiante French precense in North America?
Gen. Edward Braddock --> evict theFrench from the OH Valley & Canada (Newfoundland & Nova Scotia) Attacks OH Valley, Mohawk Valley, & Acadia.
Killed 10 mi. from Ft. Duquesneby 1500 French and Indian forces.
Only British Success --> expelled France from Louisiana.
What was in the Treaty of Paris 1763?
England gains French land from Canada to Florida and Appalachians to the Mississippi River. England gains Florida fromSpain.
What was Pontiac’s rebellion?
Colonists moved into this new territory causing Indian attacks on their settlements. Great Britain would prohibit the Colonists from moving westward.
What was the Proclamation of 1763?
British land policy to temporarily keep the colonists out of Indian land until treaties could be negotiated with theNative Americans.