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Behaviour is determined by unconscious mental conflict - psychic determinism
Tripartite structure of personality- Id, super ego & ego
When the ego becomes overwhelmed by conflict between id & superego, it uses defence mechanisms
Importance of childhood experiences & childhood development through 5 psychosexual stages
Iceberg analogy
What you’re aware of here and now
What you can recall with a little effort
Part of mind that we’re unaware of
9/10 of mind
Content can’t be accessed
Requires great effort to be uncovered eg therapy
Freudian slips
Unintentional errors regarded as revealing unconscious feelings
ID (pleasure principle)
Present at birth
Instructive part of personality
“I want that”
Wants to be satisfied & won’t tolerate delay or denial of its wishes
Superego (morality principle)
Develops at age 5
“You can’t have that”
Conscience given by parents, rules etc
Sense of right & wrong, morals
Reward with pride or punish with guilt
Ego (reality principle)
Develops age 2
Balances demands of id & restraints of superego
Rational part of personality
Thinks logically
Defence mechanisms
Unconscious strategies used by the ego when the id & superego are in disagreement
Protects a person from anxiety
Prevents painful unconscious thoughts & memories from becoming conscious
Making yourself believe something won’t happen when in fact it will
When you transfer your feelings onto something less threatening eg slamming door
Pushing bad experiences into the unconscious so you no longer think about it
Oral stage
Develops 0-18 months through weaning
Focus of pleasure is centred around mouth - nourishment & comfort
ID in control so baby is demanding
Fixation - smoker, talking too much, nail biter, sarcastic personality
Anal stage
Develops 18-36 months through toilet training
Focus of pleasure is on the anus
Can determine child’s future relationship with authority
Ego has developed
Fixation - early/harsh potty training can lead to anal-retentive personality - perfectionist, hates mess
Phallic stage
Develops 3-6 years through oedipus/electra complex
Focus of pleasure is in genital area
Child learns morality & their gender
Identifies with same sex parent & takes on their values
Superego & conscience developed
Latent stage
Develops 6 years-puberty
Libido is dormant
Sexual impulses repressed & redirected towards school, friends etc
Genital stage
Develops puberty +
Time of adolescent sexual experimentation
Sexual impulses directed to heterosexual pleasure
Oedipus complex
Boy wishes to have sex with his mother & kill his father as he is his love rival
Boy becomes afraid & thinks the father knows
Boy suffers castration anxiety
Boy ends up solving the problem & identifying with the farther
Electra complex
Girl hates her mother & displays obsessive attention to father
Girl discovers she doesn’t have a penis & gets penis envy & resents her mother for this
Little Hans case study
Had a fear of horses
Freud explain phobia resulting from oedipus complex & ego’s use of displacement
His castration anxiety had displaced onto horses
Strengths AO3
P - practical real life applications
E - Freud developed psychoanalytic therapy using techniques like free association & dream analysis
T - applied in real world to benefit society & economic benefits
Limitations AO3
P - psychic determinism
E - Freud believed all behaviour was due to unconscious mental processes & unconscious conflict between id & superego
T - ignoring free will has societal implications & affects justice system
P - abstract concepts that are untestable & lack empirical evidence
E - unconscious mind & defence mechanisms can’t be used/observed
T - unfalsifiable theories so unscientific
P - relies on evidence from case studies & dream analysis/free association
E - case study of Little Hans
T - case studies are unique studies of an individual or small group so aren’t representative & generalisable