Unit 3
explains someones behavior by crediting either the situation or the persons stable, enduring traits
Intelligence, personality, attutiude
Group pressure, soical norms, weather, luck
Fundamental Attribution Error
the tendency people have to overemphasize personal characteristics and ignore situational factors in judging others' behavior.
Actor-Observer Bias
The tendency for those acting in a situation to attribute their behavior to external causes, but for observers to attribute others behaviors to internal causes.
Self serving Bias
tendency to attribute positive outcomes to internal factors.(Personal qualities) and negative outcomes to external factors (situational influence)
“it’s all my fault”
Fixed mindset
“ I did the best I could, and i’ll do better next time”
growth mindset
caused by something that’s in the person (personality) *individual blame
caused by something outside of the person (situational)*blame environmental factors
relative deprivation
Perception that we are worth soft relative to those we compare to ourselves
social comparison
comparing ourselves to others, we judge whether we’re succeeding or feeling. When we succeeded or still, the seam rises, when we come up short, our self-esteem plummets
generalized beliefs about the group
implicit bias
Unconscious attitudes or stereotypes affect our understanding, actions and decisions
just – world phenomenon
World is fair, people get they deserve
in group bias
favors our own group over others
inherent superiority of one’s own ethnic group or culture
Out-group Homogeneity
Members of our group are more similar to each other than they really are
Belief perseverance
happens when someone continues to believe something, even if all evidence points to the contrary
conformation bias
people only research for info that will back up a belief they already have, and will actively avoid Seeking out and thought that opposes their ideas
Halo - effect
tendency ascribe positive attributes to people with one outstanding attribute (attractiveness) these people therefore carry more influence
foot the door technique
start small, go big.
door in the face technique
Go big and unreasonable. Then go to what you want.
An expectation about a social position, defining how those in the position should be behave
role theory
Roles we take on in society, dictate our behavior, which tend to influence our attitude
Central route to persuasion
When interested peoples Thinking is influenced by consider considering evidence in argument(stats)
Peripheral route to persuasion
When people influence by incidental cues, such as speakers attractiveness(ads with heartfelt imagery)
cognitive dissonance
When beliefs and action misalign
Informational, social influence
influence resulting frown, a person’s willingness to accept others opinion about reality
normative social influence
influence resulting from a person’s desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval
Complying with a wish or command
Who was stanley milgram
he invented shock experiment
what percentage of people went all the way up to 450 volts
Social Facilitation
improved performance in the presence of others (simple, well known task) worsens with difficult task
Social loafing
tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pulling their efforts towards attaining a common goal, then when individually accountable
Loss of self-awareness and self strain occurring in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity
Group Polarization
When a group makes a more extreme decision than it’s individual members would have made affect on their own
Group think
desire for Harmony and comformity in a group resulting in irrational decision-making
Social Trap
Doing what’s best for you but it often leads to a bad outcome for the group
Superordinate goals
goals that are worth completing, but required to or more social group
Industrial/organizational psychology
employee, selection, and assignment, training and development, workplace motivation, and job satisfaction -HR
Physical, emotional, mental exhaustion caused by prolonged and excessive stress, often from overworking or lack of support
Collectivist cultures
ValuingThe needs of a group or community over individual
individualistic culture
stressing the needs of individual over needs of the group as a whole
Places value on the cultural and ethnic groups, maintenance of their unique identities, beliefs, and practice
Selfless concerned for the well-being of others, even at a personal cost
social exchange
willing to help and thought that they will get a reward greater in return
Social responsibility norm
Obligation to whether those who are dependent or in need without expecting anything in return
norms of reciprocity
Expectations that people will respond to each other and kind fostering cooperation
Bystander effect
As numbers of individuals increase, the personal responsibility that an individual bystander feel
Diffusion of responsibility
phenomenon where individuals feel less personal accountability when others are present, leading to a decrease in the likelihood of action