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Human Genome Project

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Human Genome Project

A collaborative effort to map the human genome involving thousands of scientists globally between 1990 and 2003, identifying approximately 20,500 genes and their locations.

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Genetic Disorders

Diseases caused by genes and alleles, allowing for quick identification and specific treatments tailored to the genetic cause.

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The genetic makeup an organism inherits from its parents, determining traits and the genetic sequence in terms of alleles present.

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The observable physical characteristics of an organism influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.

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Cell division resulting in two daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell, crucial for growth and tissue repair.

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Cell division for sexual reproduction producing four genetically unique daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

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The passing of genetic information from parent to offspring, determining traits like physical characteristics, behaviors, and diseases.

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Punnett Squares

Diagrams predicting offspring phenotypes based on parental alleles, crucial for monohybrid inheritance and probability calculations.

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Both alleles of a gene are expressed equally in the phenotype, with neither allele being recessive, seen in blood groups like AB.

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Family Pedigrees

Illustrations showing inheritance patterns within families, useful for understanding genetic disorders and predicting probabilities of offspring inheriting diseases.

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Sexual Reproduction

Reproduction method in humans and mosquitoes involving genetic material mixing, leading to genetically diverse offspring.

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Asexual Reproduction

Reproduction method in fungi, plants like strawberries and daffodils, involving only one parent and producing genetically identical offspring.

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Advantages of Sexual Reproduction

Benefits include variation in offspring, survival advantages through natural selection, and selective breeding for desired characteristics.

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Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction

Challenges include resource cost, fewer offspring due to complexity, dependency on mating, and difficulties in finding a mate.

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Advantages of Asexual Reproduction

Pros include requiring only one parent, quicker process through mitosis, and producing genetically identical offspring with rapid advantageous traits.

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Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction

Cons involve lack of variation, offspring not well-suited to changing environments, and risk of overpopulation due to efficiency.

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