Attempt to contact every individual in the entire population.
A specific experimental condition applied to the units/subjects
Systematically favors certain outcomes
Voluntary Response
Consists of people who choose themselves by responding. Tend to be biased because only those with strong opinions respond.
The experimental variables in an experiment
Two variables are confounded when their effects on a response variable cannot be distinguished from each other. This happens with experiments
Observational Study
Individuals are observed but researchers do not attempt to influence participants' responses
Some treatment is imposed on (that is, do something to) individuals in order to observe their responses
The entire group of individuals that we want information about
A part of the population that we actually examine in order to gather information
Experimental Units
The individuals on which the experiment is done. When humans are involved they are referred to as "participants" or "subjects"
Placebo Effect
A response, usually favorable, to a "dummy" treatment
A "dummy" treatment
Double-Blind Experiment
Neither the participants nor those who measure the response variable(s) know which treatment a subject receives
Some members of the population cannot be chosen in a sample
Response Bias
A systematic pattern of inaccurate answers in a survey
Simple Random Sample (SRS)
A sample of size n is chosen in such a way that every group of n individuals in the population has an equal chance to be selected as the sample
Stratified Random Sample
Start by classifying the population into heterogeneous groups, called strata. Then choose a separate SRS in each stratum and combine these SRSs to form the sample
Cluster Sample
Start by classifying the population into homogeneous groups called clusters, then choose an SRS of the clusters. All individuals in the chosen clusters are the sample
The term for the experimental units that are the sample of individuals to which treatments are applied
Convenience Sample
Choosing individuals who are easiest to reach
An individual chosen for the sample cannot be contacted or refuses to participate
Statistically Significant
An observed effect so large that it would rarely occur by chance (threshold 5%).
A group of experimental units that are known before the experiment to be similar in some way that is expected to affect the response to the treatments.
Matched Pairs
A randomized blocked experiment in which each block consists of a matching pair of similar experimental units. Chance is used to determine which pair gets each treatment. In some cases, a matched pairs design can also be an experiment where a single unit receives both treatments, the order of which is assigned randomly.
systematic sampling
a system for selecting a setup(select every 10th person)
sample survey
a study that collects data from a sample that is chosen to represent a specific population
environment the same for all experiental units
more than 1 exp unit/subject in each treatment group
experimental units or subjects randomly assigned to treatment groups
used to help account for confounding variables; effects of variables offset each other
compare treatment groups after- a design that compares 2+ treatments
control group
used to provide a baseline for comparison of the effects of other treatments
confounding variables
“things” going on in background that may impact outcomes; so need random assignment
the different values of a factor
single-blind experiment
when either the subjects don’t know which treatment they will have or the people who interactcompletely randomized design with them and measure their response don’t know which subjects are receiving which treatment
completely randomized design
the experimental units are assigned to the treatments completely by chance
groups don’t have to be same size
blockrandomized blockdesign
a group of experimental units that are known before the experiment to be similar in some way that is expected to affect the response to the treatments
randomized block design
the random assignment of experimental units to treatments is carried out separately within each block
accounts for variation
subjects split into blocks
a group of experimental units that are known before the experiment to be similar in some way that is expected to affect the response to the treatments
randomized block design
the random assignment of experimental units to treatments is carried out separately within each block
matched pairs design
a common experimental design for comparing two treatments that uses blocks of size 2
2 very similar experimental units are paired and the 2 treatments are randomly assigned within each pair
each experimental unit receives both treatments in a random order
sampling variability
the fact that different random samples of the same size from the same population produce different estimates
sampling variability and sample size
larger random samples tend to produce estimates that are closer to the true population value than smaller random samples. estimates from larger samples are more precise
statistically significant
when the observed results of a study are too unusual to be explained by chance alone; unlikely to have happened by chance